It is....I have been preparing myself, like all hardcore fans should be.
But we'll have to see, cause it might not be too over the top rough.
I mean, the woman talent in pornos is the most important thing. They have their own rules on what least that's my understanding.
I kinda am glad it's a "reality porn". But actually, I could go either way, especially these days.
I mean, being a fan for all these years...and being the randy, but courteous, fan I am...I am going to love it.
Granted, I think she could've stayed and done the glamour thing till the cows came home, cause she is that unique. I will embrace this. I have wished for this (be careful, I know). I mean, I fantasize about making love to her, and to finally see her perform the's what I live for.
I mean, I have to wish she did this for good enough reasons.....but, I just will not know. I can just assume that she knows what she's doing. And I will whole heartily accept it, as I am one of those guy who prefers a little edge.
I just hope that Justice Young gives her a good, clean,
I hope there is no regrets with her. She has such a group of loving fans that wants nothing but to see her be happy. Even if she did turn from us....she left a lasting impression with us.
So I will embrace this.........bring it on!
It's weird though....kinda beyond weird.....really weird actually. I'm kinda glad to see her name, as I was putting my reputation as one of the biggest Priya fans on the line.
It's just weird. You guys agree I'm sure?