Well boyos...Christmas_Ape took one for the team.

I tried to use some super sleuthing skills. I done and went out and got me a copy of Muff Bumpers 5, thinking that maybe there's a slight chance that there might be a Busty Loads trailer on it.


it's not. :(

Even if I did have the money to blow for much non-Priya stuff I don't think I would have went that far :1orglaugh, but thanks for taking one for Team Priya.

Nah, you do it. I'm scared. What if it's really a 20 stone male fork lift truck operative with a moustache called Mary?

I would be scared to. By default unless I have outside confirmation or some very good reason to believe a page is real I assume it's fake.
my first post about priya after reading all of this and researching this movie idea. how can it be a myth or a fake if a studio confirmed doing a shoot with her as talked about on another adult forum? so with that being said the discussion should be more about how and what took place in the scene with justice young. and i cant wait to see it!
Even if I did have the money to blow for much non-Priya stuff I don't think I would have went that far :1orglaugh, but thanks for taking one for Team Priya.

Thanks. You know, I weighed it out, the prospect of getting that trailer was too much. It's not really the money though, what it sucks is now I'm stuck with a g/g dvd, full of white women, that even I don't know!!

my first post about priya after reading all of this and researching this movie idea. how can it be a myth or a fake if a studio confirmed doing a shoot with her as talked about on another adult forum? so with that being said the discussion should be more about how and what took place in the scene with justice young. and i cant wait to see it!

Yeah I hear ya brother, the smart shall inherit the Earth! And hell yeah....they can't pump that DVD out soon enough! The waiting though....it's tough!
what it sucks is now I'm stuck with a g/g dvd, full of white women I don't know!!

You better be careful or you'll ruin your reputation if people see you with that. :D
(BTW...Did that have any previews at all)

Ahh,...The Power of Priya, she can even make people buy things that might not even have her in it. I hope she appreciates your dedication.
You better be careful or you'll ruin your reputation if people see you with that. :D
(BTW...Did that have any previews at all)

LOL That is so true. Maybe there's a "porn for tots" drive going on somewhere for me to donate it?

And yeah, there were three trailers. I don't think any of them were from Voodoo House....I didn't really pay too much attention as I didn't see what I was looking for.

Well, back to the waiting game!
Guess what fellas? It looks like it IS Priya in the movie Busty Loads!!!!!!! I don't know if it's a fuck up or not, but they have her name spelled "Pyria Rai". Still no images of the front and back cover yet. Looks like this may be the confirmation we were looking for.

:sing: Power to the people, that's what I say, freedom of the sooooul!!!! Pass it along, pass it along, to the young...and oooold!!
:sing: Power to the people, that's what I say, freedom of the sooooul!!!! Pass it along, pass it along, to the young...and oooold!!

Doesn't it feel good to finally know? Now all we have to do is wait for the DVD to come out. I don't know how I'm gonna handle it. It's gonna be rough!
not so sure but somebody contacted that production company website asking when the trailers will come out about couple weeks ago which was said to come out next day and a bit later one of the trailers came out and a week later contacted again and the latest trailer came out soon after. I don't know if it will do anything but if contacted about the trailer they may be pushed to release soon perhaps within the day or next.
It's gonna be rough!

It is....I have been preparing myself, like all hardcore fans should be.
But we'll have to see, cause it might not be too over the top rough.

I mean, the woman talent in pornos is the most important thing. They have their own rules on what happens....at least that's my understanding.

I kinda am glad it's a "reality porn". But actually, I could go either way, especially these days.
I mean, being a fan for all these years...and being the randy, but courteous, fan I am...I am going to love it.
Granted, I think she could've stayed and done the glamour thing till the cows came home, cause she is that unique. I will embrace this. I have wished for this (be careful, I know). I mean, I fantasize about making love to her, and to finally see her perform the act....it's what I live for.

I mean, I have to wish she did this for good enough reasons.....but, I just will not know. I can just assume that she knows what she's doing. And I will whole heartily accept it, as I am one of those guy who prefers a little edge.

I just hope that Justice Young gives her a good, clean, rogering.
I hope there is no regrets with her. She has such a group of loving fans that wants nothing but to see her be happy. Even if she did turn from us....she left a lasting impression with us.
So I will embrace this.........bring it on!

It's weird though....kinda beyond weird.....really weird actually. I'm kinda glad to see her name, as I was putting my reputation as one of the biggest Priya fans on the line.

It's just weird. You guys agree I'm sure?
I kinda am glad it's a "reality porn". But actually, I could go either way, especially these days.
I mean, being a fan for all these years...and being the randy, but courteous, fan I am...I am going to love it.
Granted, I think she could've stayed and done the glamour thing till the cows came home, cause she is that unique. I will embrace this. I have wished for this (be careful, I know). I mean, I fantasize about making love to her, and to finally see her perform the act....it's what I live for.

I mean, I have to wish she did this for good enough reasons.....but, I just will not know. I can just assume that she knows what she's doing. And I will whole heartily accept it, as I am one of those guy who prefers a little edge.

I just hope that Justice Young gives her a good, clean, rogering.
I hope there is no regrets with her. She has such a group of loving fans that wants nothing but to see her be happy. Even if she did turn from us....she left a lasting impression with us.
So I will embrace this.........bring it on!

It's weird though....kinda beyond weird.....really weird actually. I'm kinda glad to see her name, as I was putting my reputation as one of the biggest Priya fans on the line.

It's just weird. You guys agree I'm sure?

I had hoped that I would never see Priya do hardcore, but I've learned to embrace it also. I just hope that this first scene (and any scenes after) show Priya for the beautiful, sexy, exotic woman that she is. I hope that it's not degrading to her in any way. I absolutely adore Priya and I would hate to see her image ruined by doing hardcore. I'm not sure what to expect, but I hope that it shows her off the way that she deserves to be shown off.

And yeah, it will be kinda weird.

instead of having her in some random porno movie, they should dedicate a movie to her. she isn't just any pornstar

How amazing would that be? A whole movie dedicated to the sexiest woman alive! I'd probably have a heart attack.