I regret to inform everyone that Swizzler has passed on. That month long period of time without any new pics of Priya simply did him in. He died peacefully in front of his computer looking at old pics of his favorite girl. He had one hand down his pants and in the other hand he had a beer. Those were his two favorite things,
Priya Rai and beer. I think he would definitely have approved of Priya's new boobies. However, I don't think he would have approved of Priya doing hardcore stuff. But, in Swizzler's eyes Priya could do no wrong. RIP, Swizzler.
As for me, I'll be taking over where Swizzler left off. When it comes to Priya's new boobies, I LOVE EM!!!!!!!!! When it comes to Priya doing hardcore, I'm not quite sure how I feel about it just yet. I just hope that seeing her do hardcore doesn't ruin my image of her. As long as she's happy and this is really what she wants to do with her life, I'm happy too. I hope that she hasn't been talked into doing something that she really doesn't want to do.
Because, think about it. First, there aren't many Indian women that look like Priya (there aren't many women period that look like Priya). Second, there aren't many Indian women doing hardcore. You take those two things and people see nothing but dollar signs when they look at Priya. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that this all turns out good for Priya. Because for me also,
She was a no-show, she canceled like the night before. They had some other girl fill in.
The site sucks. :thumbsdown: Too many white women. Don't get me wrong, but I like some spice in my online life, ie
Priya Rai. :thumbsup:
I joined that freakin site just so I could see my girl do her thing. I'd just love to hear what her voice sounds like. I'm sure it's just as sexy as the rest of her. Damn I hope they get her back soon! And yeah, that site does pretty much suck. :lame: