Prince: "The internet is dead"


Here Zombie, Zombie, Zombie...
He's always been a freak and no longer relevant. Maybe he's using this as a buffer before coming out of the closet.


Lol, internet stunt - I'm sure everyone thinks he's dead or washed up right now.

He could be right in the future, but saying it's dead right now means something new would of replaced it. I don't see anything that can over take the internet at this current time. We would have to create a whole new system and it would be some form of crystal intelligence like that of SCI-FI. The internet works fine for now anyways.

Sounds like he wants control of the internet.
Oh come off it people and read between the lines. He obviously wants Itunes, Youtube, and any other hosting site to pay him for his music. Last I checked, that was the general idea. Duh!
Prince: "The internet is dead".

Me: "Well, try unplugging it, wait a minute, then plug it back in."

But seriously, he's not the genius people want to believe him to be. Although I'll allow that he is actually a good guitarist. It's too bad he doesn't concentrate on that instead of his pretentious primadonna Little Richard wannabe act. And his fanbase today is pretty much based off of his popularity in the 80's, and because of his 'strangeness' over the years.
My opinion, of course.


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Bronze Member
He just played a fantastic concert at the Waldbühne in Berlin. A gorgeous mix of a lot of his classic and some other legendary trax.

He told the security to take away the barriers between the vip section and the cheaper places area, and he played like the genius he is

Since he joined the Jehova's Witnesses, he is gone a bit overboard, and he told interbiewers about those omnious chemtrails etc that are surely fact

As ong as he puts out music the quality he does and performs like he and maybe only he can. I do not care what he says on other topics.

He is one of the greatest musical minds of our age.


Oh come off it people and read between the lines. He obviously wants Itunes, Youtube, and any other hosting site to pay him for his music. Last I checked, that was the general idea. Duh!

He's in the wrong business now. The days are changing.

They need new business models.

mrt - anyone could do that when they were famous, but that doesn't mean your not washed up. He's probably mad because he's starting to realize it. Every washed up artist starts making really dumb decisions and try to get their names back on the boards no matter how they can.

Lady Gaga is an expert at this and probably won't ever leave.

Washed up doesn't mean your not producing good music. Washed up means your not as famous anymore and not producing mainstream hits anymore. He barely breaks mainstream and has gone under it appears. Good music tends to come from smaller areas anyways.
He's in the wrong business now. The days are changing.

They need new business models.

mrt - anyone could do that when they were famous, but that doesn't mean your not washed up. He's probably mad because he's starting to realize it. Every washed up artist starts making really dumb decisions and try to get their names back on the boards no matter how they can.

Lady Gaga is an expert at this and probably won't ever leave.

Washed up doesn't mean your not producing good music. Washed up means your not as famous anymore and not producing mainstream hits anymore. He barely breaks mainstream and has gone under it appears. Good music tends to come from smaller areas anyways.
Well, I have a different definition of washed up to you!