1. If she's unfaithful, I don't have to pay alimony.
2. If I'm unfaithful, I will have to pay alimony.
3. Whatever each one brought into the marriage, gets to keep if the marriage is over.
4. Anything acquired by both people during the marriage will be divided equally.
5. She keeps the spoiled brats, I keep the well behaved kids :tongue:
1. If she's unfaithful, I don't have to pay alimony.
2. If I'm unfaithful, I will have to pay alimony.
3. Whatever each one brought into the marriage, gets to keep if the marriage is over.
4. Anything acquired by both people during the marriage will be divided equally.
5. She keeps the spoiled brats, I keep the well behaved kids :tongue:
I'd never do a prenup. Sorry, but trust is earned, and I hope to be a good enough judge of character to avoid issues down the road. I know people grow apart, and not all marriages work. That's where the trust comes in.
/\ that thinking is asinine.
yeah, lets look at celebrities for real life marriage rates. sometimes you people kill me.
the fact of the matter is, people don't marry for the right reasons and marry without actually knowing the person they are marrying. too rushed, too stupid. also, everyone's too pussy to work out relationship problems with each other before crying for divorce. in short: people are idiots.
starting off by believing that marriage is disposable leaves you doomed from the start.