Economic ruin and societal collapse will result in the Third World War--the haves versus the have-nots. Most industrialized nations will be forced to side with the haves for economic reasons, while socialist and "rogue" nations will side with the have-nots. After the dust settles, all order and comfort will be gone for a rebuilding phase after neither side is a clear winner. Banks will cease to exist, replaced by a bartering system. People will be on their own to store what little they have in safety. Police and public service will be replaced by paid mercenary groups. There will be no organized education at any level. Books and media will be controlled by whatever leaders have the biggest shares. Employment will depend on one's closeness to these leaders and what small wages earned will be a result of production only. Eventually these monied leaders will acquiesce in providing some form of infrastructure--roads, hospitals, the beginnings of a basic education--from fear of another war. As some circles of society will gradually improve, leaders will begin to form governments around them, headed by stalwarts apart from but sympathetic to the leaders' causes. This idea will spread slowly until most sectors of society are afforded a standard basis of life and a few scattered rights. Economically the societies will fall into three sectors: the wealthy, the middle class, and the poor. Various surviving peoples worldwide will follow this type of system.