Predict the Future

Oprah, working along with Jenny Craig, will sponsor a trip to Australia for every obese person in the world, causing the Earth's crust to shift... bringing forth a new ice age.

dick van cock

Closed Account
An archaeological society from the University of Arkhangelsk will excavate the FreeOnes search button. Carbon analysis will proof that it dates from around 2003 B.C. but researchers are baffled that it shows no signs of usage whatsoever...
I see..'s coming to me..

Dick Van Cock actually posts a thread. Yes, starts an actual topic! And thankfully its not just another boring daily news story.


The secret ingredient? MY BALLS
In the year 2019, Jeff Mahoney, a 36 year old telemarketer, becomes the first person to actually "eat shit and die", after an angry house owner suggested that he do so.
In my life-time
Lunar habitation
Commercial space flight
Mars landing, possibly others as well.
Israel will nuke the Middle East
Cold War II with Russia
New Orleans and possibly NYC will be underwater
Atlanta will become a desert
Mexico 51st State
Hillary will be the first female president both elected and assassinated
A remake of The Godfather
A new disease that makes HIV look like chicken pox
A tall, muscular man from an island nation with hair like a lion's mane will change the world. He will become the ruler of a third-world country and invite the leaders of Babylon to help his country rise economically and socially. Once he has gained enough financial power he will buy six nuclear missiles. The charismatic leader will be the first to attack the major powers of the world. he will have the warheads launched from other countries to mask his involvement in creating a new world. The change may not come completely during his lifetime but in his death he will have the peace in knowing that he did more than talking about change he made a change on a global scale.:yinyang:
I don't think the world will end on the Mayan date of end times on Dec 21, 2012. I wouldn't worry about that date.

coolbeers, I predict the world wil end in about 1800 years from now.

In the near future I predict a new world order of one world currency and one world government. Currently there are plans for a North America Union including USA, Canada and Mexico with one currency Amero.

The EU is one example of the current one government and one currency new world order already in effect.

Beware of the new biochip that will be impanted in your hand for identification and transaction purposes.
I predict I will win the lottery soon...I will spend my money "buying" 3 pornstars--hottie busty ones--and I will start a sex website where I will bang all three of them. Everyone here will become my customers. My money and porn empire will grow. I will buy a 1974 Big Pimpy purple Cadillac and drive it around, laughing at everyone I see....
We will learn that the reality we are living in is false. Every one of us has had our brains hooked up the Freeones database all this time, each horny though we have transferring power to it.
In the future, after no athletic records are broken for 3600 years, performance enhancing drugs are allowed. A few years later the Kentucky Darby is won by a woman in high heels.


Didnt nastradomus say the world was going to end on 2012 just right around the corner. I think i saw something on the history channel
Didnt nastradomus say the world was going to end on 2012 just right around the corner. I think i saw something on the history channel

No he predicted that I will take a huge dump and clog up the toilet.
The one prediction ...

I die of a heart attack while making love to my wife.
I'm only into certainties. ;)