I think the OP was trying to express in general, that the unborn child does not have a choice that their parent(s) are in porn and the potential parent(s) should consider if such a lifestyle is in the best interest for the child. Much like an unborn child would not have the choice to be born to a: drug user, alcoholic, smoker, domestic violence situation, prostitution, escort, stripper, poverty, wealth, unloving couple, single parent mother, same sex marriage, workaholic, abusive individuals, criminals, or a parent who is coming themselves from such or similar environments and thus had been possibly adversely affected themselves, etc., to name a mere few possibilities. I think thusly the OP was expressing the unfortunate nature when such things are present and the probable increase in statistically negative adverse effects for the child coming into such a situation. Of course not all these possible scenarios are on the same level or even interchangeable but the concept is the same. That is, that even two loving people in a stable situation with solid values and open views are up against a challenge to raise a child, especially in todays world. Its not an easy task or responsibility for anyone, no matter the situation. A child is a precious thing, one that is molded by many factors, such as their environment, the parent(s) ability to properly love, provide for, raise and teach them, etc. Even without any threatening or openly negative factors it can be a challenge all on its own, for anyone. I think the OP was indicating that however given that fact, by introducing a child into a situation beyond the normal already tough scenario of just coming into the world, its unfortunate when people willingly bring a child into a less than desirable situation, that can provide further obstacles to an already difficult task and journey. Is it to say it cant be done successfully, no, but does it increase the probability for adverse effects, probably so. Are there successful examples of children coming from all these and other situations, absolutely. Any person whom is considering bringing a child into the world, should take pause and make sure their own choices are gonna give that child the best possible chance at the best possible life they can offer. The child has no choice until long after they already pass the formidable years of development, so its up to the parent(s) to make the proper choices for them. These choices good or bad will have an impact on the child who will one day become a grown up, whom will have to make similar choices themselves and deal with the conditions and impact of the environment in which they existed. Either directly or subconsciously many things impact individuals either at the present time of the event or years down the road, given that children are sponges to the things around them it can be understood that any of these negative aspects of their developmental environment will statistically increase the possibility of negative adverse effects. Does the absence of these perceived negatives provide a guarantee, no, but statistically would it increase the positive probability, yes. Can the parent(s) themselves make choices and introduce things to compensate and successfully achieve raising a child given such circumstances, yes. Can a child, without assistance from the parent(s), themselves overcome and develop into a successful adult, regardless of the environment and conditions in which they where brought into the world and grew up in, yes. Regardless of the situation, environment, surroundings, we can all make choices both for ourselves and those around us. Choices which can both benefit as well as negatively impact ourselves and those close to us. I think the OP was just wanting people to consider and perhaps weigh these choices and give consideration as it relates to having children.
At least thats how I understood the underlying nature of this topic.