Political Strategy 101 Did McCain Blew it?

Georges...you are upsetting the Obamessiah devotees with this specific information...they don't wanna hear it.
The Promised One has arrived, don'tcha know?:bowdown:

People need to know who really Barack Obama is. He is a friend of a former terrorist group founder and he belang to the Weathermen terrorist group and he is a friend of one of the most extreme PLO militant, Khalidi. His Religion Wahabi is not very tolerant towards other religions. Do people in the USA really want a president that is affiliated with terrorists, radical islamist and anti americanism??? :nono: I guess not.
here is something interesting about Obama:
There's another controversy brewing similar to the Rev. Wright controversy.


"During the time (1999 to 2002) that Obama was a director, the Woods Fund made generous contributions to an Arab group founded by Columbia University professor Rashid Khalidi, a supporter of the PLO while it was labeled by the U.S. State Department as a terror group, and another host of an Obama fundraiser. The group in question, the Arab American Action Network, subscribes to the idea that the establishment of the state of Israel is a Nakba, a catastrophe."

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OvdAWJ3tyR0&feature=related anti semitic obama
Let's not forget Obama's terrorist connections with William Ayers and sympathy for the PLO and for Luis Farrakhan.

Hmmmm.... They'll have to draw a stronger connection than that to convince me. The statement in the video " Obama on Ayers: "...respectable..." and "...mainstream..." Quoting two individual words by Obama! Are they freakin kidding me? For all I know Obama could've said "Ayers had on a respectable suit and fell in the main stream". The creator of these videos has obviously been taking lessons from Michael Moore. We need a full quote for this not to be blatant propaganda. We at least need to have something substantial to evaluate.

So far this is right up there with the BS claim that McCain believes $5M is middle class. Any idiot who wants to take this out of context without any respect for the original quote or the original video can do that as well.

I don't think pro-choice people believe that a fetus that is "imperfect" should be aborted.
You are right. Many don't. but some do.
From his earlier quote it did appear as if No_Man thought this way.
(His choice of name creates an ironic contradiction ;) )
And even those people who don't believe this "should" happen, may be acting / voting in such a way that it "can" happen, leading in some cases for people like silent_blue or meesterperfect's loved one not to be allowed to live.

I think they just believe that a woman should have the right to make the decision for herself about whether or not she chooses to go through 9 months of pregnancy and then raise a child. Perfect or not.

Again you are probably right. This is important.
Yet even many people who support a woman's ability to terminate a pregnancy do not see it as balanced and humane to extend this procedure to the entire 9 months.
Those people apparently take issue with the fact that Obama believes (and actively voted) that a child can be born alive and viable and terminated by being stabbed in the base of his/her skull at such a late stage in his/her development. (partial birth abortion)

Perhaps it's not entirely fair to characterize all such people as right-wing religious nuts (not saying you did this) or that this is a "non-issue" and voters should just "ignore it" and "move-on". IMHO I think it is fair for this issue to be included in the discussion of a president's morals and judgment regardless of any single individual's personal views on the subject.

To be fair she has some experience. Palin when from the mayor of a town of 9,000 to two years as governor of Alaska, a state that has fewer citizens than Cincinnati, Ohio ...

C'mon. Is that fair? Alaska has about the same number of people as Delaware. Who's from Delaware? Oh.. That's right, Democratic VP candidate Joe Biden. Didn't hear people highlighting the relevance of his small state. Besides her experience is executive experience, unlike Biden.

Isn't Biden too old (yeah right), will he be too old in 4 years? ;) Isn't he a Washington insider? ;) Wasn't Obama's lack of Washington experience supposed to be an advantage because he's running on the strength of his values and ideas?
Double standard?

Some of the things McCain most likely admires about Sarah Palin:
* She has a history of fighting wasteful spending and high taxes
* She followed through on her campaign promises to reduce her own salary, and to reduce property taxes by 40%
* She resigned in protest from position as Ethics Commissioner of the Alaska Oil and Gas Conservation Commission over the "lack of ethics" of fellow Alaskan Republican leaders and was a whistleblower on the convicted commisioners
* She fought Ted Stevens on his $398 million "pork" bridge to nowhere

Many people praise Obama's Democratic Nomination acceptance speech. Some have even said it is the best political speech ever. Sometimes, I wonder, did people really listen to it? Didn't he talk about rising above partisan politics of the past? Aren't we "together under the same proud flag...not ... a Red America or a Blue America (but) the United States of America?" Should this be reduced to merely high flying rhetoric?
Shouldn't his supporters be more respectful of Sarah Palin's accomplishments? Her integrity to do what is right? - for all Americans, not just those in her own political party?
To his credit Obama himself hasn't yet attacked Sarah Palin's credentials or experience.

Does Obama have a history of reaching across the aisle? (he has voted with his own party 98% of the time -CNN) Whose interests will he have in mind when he "goes through the federal budget line by line" given that he has a history of accepting $300 million in pork earmarks (USAToday)
to slip in funding for his pet projects back home in Chicago.
Obama is now calling for transparency on earmarks (as McCain* has done for years) which is good, but what does Obama's actual track record show? It is one thing to say you can reach across the aisle to bring Democrats and Republicans together, it is one thing to say you will fight corruption and bureaucracy in government - It is quite another to have actually done it.

*McCain is one of five senators to reject earmarks entirely

Who is this georges?

This thread is about McCain VP pick, georges, go fxxk yourself, fxxk you, georges !

Go to hell, georges ! racist georges, stupid georges !
McCain's VP pick changed the entire game in next 60 days !

I don't want to hear any negative comments about Obama, fxxking georges, I want to hear the energy policy of Sarah McCain !
Does anybody here think him passing up Colin Powell was a big mistake? Thinking back, Powell was by far the most logical pick he could have possibly made. I assume Powell didn't want the job...:dunno:
McCain's VP pick changed the entire game in next 60 days !

I don't want to hear any negative comments about Obama, fxxking georges, I want to hear the energy policy of Sarah McCain !

Neither do I want hear negative comments about Mc Cain but any candidate in a presidential race should be able to handle harsh criticism.
Calling me names won't help.
People need to know who really Barack Obama is. He is a friend of a former terrorist group founder and he belang to the Weathermen terrorist group and he is a friend of one of the most extreme PLO militant, Khalidi. His Religion Wahabi is not very tolerant towards other religions. Do people in the USA really want a president that is affiliated with terrorists, radical islamist and anti americanism??? :nono: I guess not.

No haven't you heard? He was only 8 years old when this scumbag bombed our capital, and he didn't hear any of Wright's racist remarks and besides Wright performed his marriage ceremony.

PLEASE It really surprises me that nobody can see this guy for what he really is.

What exactly does it take?
Hey look Georges. I can do this too.

Hey everybody! Look at these videos about John McCain. They PROVE he's a douchebag. I mean, they ARE youtube videos. What more do you idiots want?

^this one really shows you how much of a jackass he is

Why can't you Obama haters come up with a better argument? Because your current strategy is counter-productive. Everytime you bring up bullshit like Reverend Wright or Bill Ayers you make intelligent people that see through your bullshit want to vote for Obama even more.
Hey look Georges. I can do this too.

Hey everybody! Look at these videos about John McCain. They PROVE he's a douchebag. I mean, they ARE youtube videos. What more do you idiots want?

^this one really shows you how much of a jackass he is

Why can't you Obama haters come up with a better argument? Because your current strategy is counter-productive. Everytime you bring up bullshit like Reverend Wright or Bill Ayers you make intelligent people that see through your bullshit want to vote for Obama even more.

Good Washington Post article today: http://www.realclearpolitics.com/articles/2008/08/obama_the_mysterious_s.html I say give him another 6 in the Senate before we start sucking him off. :2 cents:
Do we really want this woman as VP considering that John McCain is older than the state of Alaska.


The secret ingredient? MY BALLS
Wow! That's amazing. An article by Charles Krauthammer, who is generally described as a conservative or neoconservative, that trashes Obama.

He's also a supporter of torture and a regular commentator on Fox News.

So not exactly an unbiased source of opinion.

From what I've read of your posts in this thread, the same could be said about you. :2 cents:

Bottom line, nobody knows anything about politics and how to run this country. We're all right and we're all wrong. We only know what the media tells us, so in a sense, all of our thoughts and opinions on "public matters" are completely biased because we only hear one side of the story 99.99999% of the time.
Do we really want this woman as VP considering that John McCain is older than the state of Alaska.

Yesterday I thought maybe this was a smart tactical move on his part.But the more I hear about her and think about it the less I think that and it's for exactly the reason you allude to.She may well be president if McCain was to be elected and that is scary I think.And I know many think since Obama has little experience he is no different but I would point out a major difference.Obama went through the primarys and convinced enough people he was prepared and got over 18 million votes.This woman only needed one vote (McCains) to be on the ticket.They have a big job ahead of themselves I think convincing a majority she is ready to be possibly so close to being President.
She has no experience. Absolutely none.

Mayor of some little village doesnt count. He only met her ONCE before. Women who voted FOR Hillary absolutely wont vote for McCain because her beliefs are the exact opposite of Palin's. This will push away EVERY woman who votes middle-to-democrat side. Hell, some of the middle might just change their minds if they actually HAVE a mind capable of opinions....

I agree 100% with this post (#57, I can't quote the whole thing).

I also got a chuckle out of YMIHERE's posts.

I lost substantial respect for McCain with this pick.
From what I've read of your posts in this thread, the same could be said about you. :2 cents:

Bottom line, nobody knows anything about politics and how to run this country. We're all right and we're all wrong. We only know what the media tells us, so in a sense, all of our thoughts and opinions on "public matters" are completely biased because we only hear one side of the story 99.99999% of the time.

Your kinda right. And your kinda wrong. We obviously can't know everything, however, people can form educated and accurate opinions on certain issues. Take economics for example. A couple college level economics courses can teach a person about things like regressive and progressive taxation, market forms, imperfect and perfect competition, etc. And from that knowledge, a person can study each candidates economic policies and decide for themselves which is better for them and the country. Without the media having any effect on the formation of that opinion.
Wow! That's amazing. An article by Charles Krauthammer, who is generally described as a conservative or neoconservative, that trashes Obama.

He's also a supporter of torture and a regular commentator on Fox News.

So not exactly an unbiased source of opinion.

I know. I just post links like that to piss people off here. ;) But he does have some points, and he isn't snide about his article, unlike some of the nasty stuff I see from the really really left side of affairs. I always get a kick out of him when he is on Fox. It looks like he's always just a second away from having a seizure...:D