Political Strategy 101 Did McCain Blew it?


Moderator \ Jannie
Staff member
But I guess people like you and Obama would prefer she left the newborn baby in a utilty closet to die slowly.

Is that your final answer?



I'm sorry, but the correct answer is:


(You think he'll be mad at that post? I was hoping the family feud vibe wasnt so bad. heh heh)


Approved Content Owner
Approved Content Owner
Who cares. She's hot. He's old. Good chance for a hot President. Hot chicks get what they want...

Peace in the Middle East?
A good economy?
Better education for the children?

A hot chick can get that!


Moderator \ Jannie
Staff member
Who cares. She's hot. He's old. Good chance for a hot President. Hot chicks get what they want...

Peace in the Middle East?
A good economy?
Better education for the children?

A hot chick can get that!

Sadly true. Hotties get it all without even asking. I swear if Palin knows how to give that puppy dog look.. we're all doomed.

Doomed to masturbate endlessly and hand over not just our tax dollars, but our entire paychecks. DAMN YOU HOTTIE! ::scrapes at my eyes::


Closed Account

That is just screaming My 1st Sex Teacher vid.

btw, I finally got to watch some of the Democratic convention. I watched Obama's speech, and wow! Truly inspiring.
Interesting when the McCain camp is all about inexperience with Obama and he selects a one term Governor of Alaska with no U.S. government experience.
Interesting when the McCain camp is all about inexperience with Obama and he selects a one term Governor of Alaska with no U.S. government experience.

Thats because McCain now realizes the experience issue is not going to get him anywhere.As was proven in the democratic primary change is more important than experience to voters this time.But there is plenty for the dems to go after her on, on just the issues.Very pro-life ,accepts climate change is real but wants to drill in Anwar anyway.Bottom line as Obama in his speech said about McCain ,more of the same that the republicans have been advocating for years.The only change she represents at all is being a woman ,her policys are the same old republican stuff.
Is there anything recommending her besides her age, gender, and looks? There must be a thousand more qualified and competent candidates. Isn't this precisely the kind of identity politics the Republicans are usually railing against?
Thats because McCain now realizes the experience issue is not going to get him anywhere.As was proven in the democratic primary change is more important than experience to voters this time.But there is plenty for the dems to go after her on, on just the issues.Very pro-life ,accepts climate change is real but wants to drill in Anwar anyway.Bottom line as Obama in his speech said about McCain ,more of the same that the republicans have been advocating for years.The only change she represents at all is being a woman ,her policys are the same old republican stuff.

Amen :1orglaugh brother!

Well she is everything he wants in a VP to sway the Evangelistic vote and Republican Neo-cons. One nice thing on her, she surely wont be a Cheney, forbid they get into office. I see her being a future Quayle.

I guess mission accomplished...

The Obama camp will have a field day with this one. Axlerod is sharpening his sticks right now.
The ultra-conservative base is going to love this. Right-wing evangelical voters generally only care about one issue: abortion. And who does McCain pick? A woman who is so Pro-Life that she knowingly gave birth to a baby with Down Syndrome.

I don't have a problem with that at all. Sometimes the (ultra) left are really the ones who come off as Nazis. Yeah, they'll label you racist, call you bigoted and intollerant but their true colors show if you just see them for who they are. :2 cents: ;)

Fabulous Obama speech hahaha :laugh: It was a somewhat copy pasted speach of MLK speech.

It wasn't anything special at all.
Is there anything recommending her besides her age, gender, and looks? There must be a thousand more qualified and competent candidates. Isn't this precisely the kind of identity politics the Republicans are usually railing against?

Great Avatar! D-E-V-O...

He had a thousand better picks for VP. I am glad he made that blunder of a choice. Nothing against her, I am sure she is a smart and well versed lady, but nada in real politics or the U.S. government meat grinder.

Funny, but for a Republican's they love less governement. Alaska leads the country in U.S. government spending per person. The Republicans abhor government spending unless it is in their district.

Also I am sure she worked allot with the "Bridge to nowhere and mister earmark" Senator Ted Stevens who is under investigation for bribes.
Funny, but for a Republican's they love less governement. Alaska leads the country in U.S. government spending per person. The Republicans abhor government spending unless it is in their district.


Maybe it's because there's only like 5 people up there: http://www.50states.com/alaska.htm

I have no idea why he picked this chick, but I think his fate is sealed. IMO she is a bad pick for him, but what'do I care, I think McCain is a bad candidate anyway. :)


It's good to be the king...
This US election is going to be verrry interesting...

(at least more interesting than ours will be...:()
Picking this broad to be his running mate is a clear publicity stunt. She's a woman, she's hot, she had a kid with down syndrome and she supports teaching the make-believe science of creationism to children in public schools.

Someone has already said it, but I'll say it again, the ignorant right-wing religious fanatics are gonna eat this shit up.

McCain didn't blow it. He gave his campaign a much needed shot in the arm.

Republican voters aren't going to worry about the fact that she's an inexperienced unknown with a bullshit journalism degree. They're only gonna see that pretty face.

This is a good pick. It kinda kills that "more of the same" label that the Obama camp slapped on McCain this past week. It's a shameless publicity stunt, and is totally designed to shorten the "bounce" that the Obama campaign got from last nights speech, but that is precisely why it is a good pick.
This is the best choice the pubs have made since Harriet Myers. Is Dan Quayle advising McCain or is just channeling Bush and hiring party hacks over competence. :confused:
Young - CHECK

Female - CHECK

A mother (of five) - CHECK

An outsider - CHECK

Hunts and shoots - CHECK

Against abortion and same-sex marriage - CHECK

Has mixed-race credentials (her husband is Yup-ik Eskimo) - CHECK

She is less a running mate, more a collection of polling qualities.

The idea, naturally, is that she'll appeal to all those women who wanted Hillary Clinton, that she answers the Democrat's "change" agenda because of the reforms she's enacted in Alaska as governer

Yet the most unappetising thing about her is that she shores up McCain's appeal to the religious right, because of her anti-abortion stance and belief in creationism, and to its most reactionary supporters. "See, we're not sexist or racist," it telegraphs - "we have a WOMAN VP candidate who has an ethnic husband. See. See!"
I'm not going to vote for Obama (or McCain for that matter), but I can't help but think his pick just reeks of the "We're Getting Desperate and Trying to Pick up the Hillary Women" strategy. Also for as much time as McCain has tried to claim he was above what he is doing now, he seems to be running some of the dumbest campaign commercials I have ever seen, and that‘s saying something. Any moral high ground he ever had by trying to be above that is pretty much forever throw away. It's like when the chips got down he turned as bad as all the rest of his colleges, and can play politics with the best of them. Of course I started disliking him way back when Bush was trying to get elected and McCain started to go around and shill for him then.