Pattycake / Patty Cake

Ditto. She seems to be doing less barefoot these days, hope she changes that.
I think there are a lot of members that might feel the same way as well. I think that asking questions like that, however, is always going to be a disappointing exercise. Patty cake does what she wants, when she wants and there's no pleading that will get her to change -- why should she, it is a winning formula for her and her (somewhat) sycophantic following. Best to keep your distance and check in now-and-then to see if anythings changed. In terms of the plastic dildos, etc., I chalk it up to the fact that it is just easier for her to control the results that way, I dunno. :dunno:

Mr. Daystar

In a bell tower, watching you through cross hairs.
WTF! Must be a sink hole in this thread.....
i love patty , i have been a long time subscriber , she is beautiful woman . my heart isnt in it no more , it was fun , i just bored now

My suggestion is to take 6 months off, then recheck her site ... you might have a different POV after some forced denial. I've always looked at membership on her site a a long-term investment. Cheers :)