Paris "Prison Break" Hilton


Prison Pen Pals...sign up and write Paris a letter!

45 days...Paris is in for a real treat!


Hiliary 2020
Paris Who?........joking but really wish I wasn't.
Whats the deal with her mother asking for the judges autograph? Was that like a thank you?
Jeez, she's the one who created that monster, seems kinda ironic.
As she's hauled off to jail there needs to be a huge group of people around her to give her a big Nelson Muntz style "Ha ha" in unison.
She going to prison. I've seen what happens to women in prison. I've watched movies on Cinemax and also porno movies. The women in prison have sex with each other and sometimes with the male prison guards (who have big dicks).:banana:
I know its awful but i love it when rich fuckers get there comeuppance :)

Why do i feel like that?:dunno:


It's good to be the king...
From the BBC:

"If Ms Hilton does not report to jail on 5 June she will face 90 days behind bars."

Oh dear.
Too bad.
Never mind......:D


Closed Account
I am a firm believer that nobody is above the law. Her lawyer had the nerve to say she only got time because of who she is. :dunno: Anyone see the irony, she says she didn't know a suspended license meant she couldn't drive. lmao So either she is just plain stupid, or she thought the word suspened didn't apply to her because of who she is. Either way she deserves the 45 days for the repeated infractions or just being duh! Take your pick. I feel they are one in the same. I wouldn't care if she were my Aunt Fanny down the street, she broke the law.

Just my :2 cents:.

Poor girl. I blame the media. This another story they are blowing out of proportion. Oh yeah, this is also a sweeps week. Looks like the media got what the media wanted.
Re: hi!

She's not stupid. She's gotten off all this time assuming everyone else is stupid and it worked until now.

Poor girl. Hey maybe I can borrow her car while she's away? :)


It's not like she'll do any "hard time", so to speak. She's going to some cushy suburban jail, where she'll probably have her own cell and pretty much everything she wants delivered to the cell.


Trust me, there is no cushy jail.
They smell bad all the time, the food is mind-numbingly awful, and the people are less than scintillating company.
And that's what a "pleasant" jail is like...when they are the ugly green/grey flaking paint, stained toilet, crowded, failed-career-guard jails, 2 days is a hell not soon forgotten; Paris will have to deal with a bit more reality than her show with Nicole Ritchie.
And for 45 days she won't get sent to a prison like Martha S., where at least it's set up for long stays.
Yessir, Paris is about to get a loud smelly wake-up call!

That's hot..........:flame: