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Our greatest hour!!

As oppose to reading threads of, who has to best tits or who do you whack off to the most. I like to read threads that are interesting and make people think.

So i pose you a question, as we say goodbye to one year and celebrate another, i ask what has been are greatest hour, and what has been are worst hour in the history of time???

For example, are darkest hour may be the sinking of the titanic - A ship that in it's day was thought of as the best ever crafted, but yet in the hands of men was vulnerable and weak, in my opinion, the reason so many people died that day was because of human error, not enough lifeboats, only filling the lifeboats with half the amount of people they could take etc.

Whereas are greatest hour could be for example the fall of the berlin wall, displaying unity and peace by a country formerly separated.

Anyways it would be interesting to hear your thoughts!!!

Will E Worm

Re: Are greatest hour!!

For example, are darkest hour may be the sinking of the titanic - A ship that in it's day was thought of as the best ever crafted, but yet in the hands of men was vulnerable and weak, in my opinion, the reason so many people died that day was because of human error, not enough lifeboats, only filling the lifeboats with half the amount of people they could take etc.

They are now saying the Titanic had a design flaw. I'm not sure if this will be on the History channel soon or not.

Some of the darker days were the attack on Pearl Harbor and 9/11.

It doesn't make sense to attack a country that attacks back and as fast as the U.S. does.

Pearl Harbor was a small dent compared to what America did after the attack.

Same thing with 9/11.
Re: Are greatest hour!!

Darkest hour would be splitting of the atom so we could make atomic bombs.
Finest hour would be man stepping on the moon.
Re: Are greatest hour!!

Darkest Hour, Allowing Hitler to get as far as he did, and ignoring the death camps
Finest Hour, Beating him
Re: Are greatest hour!!

Our greatest hour was when eons ago we figured out we could use our intelligence, our upright walking ability, and our greater dexterity our hands had over other animals to develop tools to manipulate the environment and advance as a species. Or darkest hour was when we figured out we could use those things to better kill each other and exploit our environment for selfish reasons to the detriment of all.

The tree of knowledge has always been a powerful yet mixed thing. It always has been. It always will be. Its use will only be constrained by the good and evil that's in the hearts of humanity.
Re: Are greatest hour!!

For example, are darkest hour may be the sinking of the titanic - A ship that in it's day was thought of as the best ever crafted, but yet in the hands of men was vulnerable and weak, in my opinion, the reason so many people died that day was because of human error, not enough lifeboats, only filling the lifeboats with half the amount of people they could take etc.

They are now saying the Titanic had a design flaw. I'm not sure if this will be on the History channel soon or not.

It did have a design flaw, as did it's sister ships. It even has a name...humans.

Yes we was the design flaw. The Titanic's was the man who didn't see the great big iceberg, the one who didn't steer away from it. Then you get the rich not going to cram into boats when the ship was sinking and so on.

Now the Britanica looks like all the doors that should have been shut to make it water tight was all left open. It took this ship just three quarters of a hour to sink. Where as it took the Titanic over three hours. All the three ships that was built to be unsinkable sank. All three sank because of humans more than any other reason.
Re: Are greatest hour!!

Do you, perhaps, mean "our" greatest hour? :rolleyes:
Re: Are greatest hour!!

It doesn't make sense to attack a country that attacks back and as fast as the U.S. does.

Hey there Will E.
Once they decided on war, Pearl Harbor actually made total sense from the Japanese perspective. Their only real hope was to throw a massive knockdown punch at the outset. Had our aircraft carriers not been at sea that would have been accomplished. As it turned out their success was still such that what with becoming involved in a two front war, with an agreement the european theater would be given priority, it took 9 months to mount our first offensive in the Pacific - 9 longs months during which the Japanese expanded and strengthened their hold on the region, a hold the allies would pay dearly to break.

Finest hour would be man stepping on the moon.

Good call, Friday. If not the finest, it's definitely right up there :thumbsup:

dick van cock

Closed Account
Re: Are greatest hour!!

Finest hour:

ca. 1452: Johannes Gutenberg invents movable type, thus paving the way for the literacy of the laymen. As a result, the Roman Catholic Church's monopoly on scriptures, texts and their interpretation crumbles.

Power to the people!

Darkest hour:

14th century B.C. Pharao Akhenaten becomes founder of the first monotheistic religion.
Re: Are greatest hour!!

Finest hour: ca. 1452: Johannes Gutenberg invents movable type, thus paving the way for the literacy of the laymen. As a result, the Roman Catholic Church's monopoly on scriptures, texts and their interpretation crumbles.

I was expecting you to say the Queen's Christmas speech.
Apparently it didn't end up being all you'd hoped for...
Bummer :(

[size=-1](good choices, dvc!)[/size]
Re: Are greatest hour!!

I wish I could say I had a greatest hour, but I've never been able to beat the 20 minute mark.

Will E Worm

Re: Are greatest hour!!

Hey there Will E.
Once they decided on war, Pearl Harbor actually made total sense from the Japanese perspective. Their only real hope was to throw a massive knockdown punch at the outset. Had our aircraft carriers not been at sea that would have been accomplished. As it turned out their success was still such that what with becoming involved in a two front war, with an agreement the european theater would be given priority, it took 9 months to mount our first offensive in the Pacific - 9 longs months during which the Japanese expanded and strengthened their hold on the region, a hold the allies would pay dearly to break.

The following day, President Franklin Delano Roosevelt declared Dec. 7, 1941, "a date which will live in infamy."

The attack effectively drew the United States into World War II. At 6:09 a.m. on December 7, 1941

Although Pearl Harbor was a strategic victory for the Japanese Empire, Admiral Isoroku Yamamoto told a fellow officer, "I fear all we have achieved today is awaken a sleeping giant." The following years would prove this statement to be correct.

Nuclear attacks during World War II against the Empire of Japan by the United States of America at the order of U.S. President Harry S. Truman. After six months of intense firebombing of 67 other Japanese cities, the nuclear weapon "Little Boy" was dropped on the city of Hiroshima on August 6, 1945, followed on August 9, 1945 by the detonation of the "Fat Man" nuclear bomb over Nagasaki. These are to date the only attacks with nuclear weapons in the history of warfare.


Postal Paranoiac
Re: Are greatest hour!!

Greatest hour: Winning WWII
Darkest hour: Winning WWII

If you need elaboration, PM me.
Re: Are greatest hour!!

Greatest hour: When the wheel was invented.

Darkest hour: When religion was invented. Unfortunately (and conversely fortunately) there will always be people who are very persuasive.
Re: Are greatest hour!!

Darkest hour: The rise of religion (agree with Dean Wormer).

Greatest hour: The beginning of the Renaissance / The rise of science.
Darkest hour: Wow there is so many but Dean Wormer has hit the nail on the head with Religion

Greatest hour: From an Englishman's point of view was the Battle of Britain which saw the RAF defeat the Luftwaffe and gain air superiority which allowed the UK & USA to fly from Britain to Bomb the Nazi Regime
Darkest hour: First ever episode of Big Brother

Greatest hour: When Becks busted my lip with her unmentionables