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One Porn Star's Political Opinions...

Yes we know about Reagan and his spending. And is why I didn't grade him as high as others did in the presidential grading poll. Reagan never once had a republican controlled congress either. You are citing government affairs? Here's the deal, I can name things that I disagree on with presidents that I voted for. name something that you disagree with Obama on.

Our military was in tatters and was a huge part of the debt he ran up. And it was the greatest expansion. Reagan enjoyed a 3 percent GDP with 24 percent employment growth. Clinton had a 2.2 with 22 percent employment growth.


New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
Yes we know about Reagan and his spending. And is why I didn't grade him as high as others did in the presidential grading poll. Reagan never once had a republican controlled congress either. You are citing government affairs? Here's the deal, I can name things that I disagree on with presidents that I voted for. name something that you disagree with Obama on.

Gun control legislation. Immigration. Public Option. There's three. Reagan wouldn't win a primary these days, let alone be considered conservative. I notice you breezed by some items on my list.

Our military was in tatters and was a huge part of the debt he ran up. And it was the greatest expansion. Reagan enjoyed a 3 percent GDP with 24 percent employment growth. Clinton had a 2.2 with 22 percent employment growth.

Look at job creation. Clinton wipes the floor with Reagan, and if Reagan hadn't been a big-government expander, the numbers would have been even more skewed in Clinton's favor. Supply-side, trickle-down, voodoo economics don't work. The last three Republican administrations prove it.
So we have established that you love Reagan awesome , since he was an anti-conservative and all. The amnesty that you mention was part of the Simpson/Mazzoli bill in which Reagan was promised that the borders would be closed it never happened.. The same thing goes for the Reagan tax increases the dems promised to cut spending and they never did. As I said in the previous post, Reagan never enjoyed a republican congress NOT ONCE yet he got things done. Bill Clinton was swept into office much like Obama with democrat allies in congress. It wasn't until the revolution of 94 that Clinton had to make concessions with Gingrich et al. And every time Obama gets into trouble he raises the ghost of Ronald Reagan. This revisionists history on Reagan has been going on for some time now. Quit reading websites and look at his legacy on your own.
As for Clinton's job numbers Reagan created private sector jobs. Take away Clinton's government created jobs and Reagan pummels him.


New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
So we have established that you love Reagan awesome , since he was an anti-conservative and all. The amnesty that you mention was part of the Simpson/Mazzoli bill in which Reagan was promised that the borders would be closed it never happened.. The same thing goes for the Reagan tax increases the dems promised to cut spending and they never did. As I said in the previous post, Reagan never enjoyed a republican congress NOT ONCE yet he got things done. Bill Clinton was swept into office much like Obama with democrat allies in congress. It wasn't until the revolution of 94 that Clinton had to make concessions with Gingrich et al. And every time Obama gets into trouble he raises the ghost of Ronald Reagan. This revisionists history on Reagan has been going on for some time now. Quit reading websites and look at his legacy on your own.

You remember how you basically accused Mariah of being a left-wing apologist? Perhaps you know this from experience on the other side of the political spectrum. And I think she meant "truther", not birther above.
It is amazing how many things that she posts is almost verbatim of left leaning sites. (yes I read them) She started this thread with the false premise that she was once a republican and because GWB did such an abysmal job as president that it made her a left wing Obama drone. the fact is that GWB will get the blame for the state of the economy when he left office. But the economy was chugging along pretty well from 2001-2007 which coincidentally democrats took control of congress. Then she starts with the bullshit of Bush caused the housing crash. Anyone that is even halfway informed and doesn't regurgitate left wing drivel understands that the specter of the housing bubble burst started well before his presidency he just had the bad fortune of it crashing down on his watch. But I am sure she appreciates you trying to come to her rescue and clarifying her posts for her.


New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
It is amazing how many things that she posts is almost verbatim of left leaning sites. (yes I read them) She started this thread with the false premise that she was once a republican and because GWB did such an abysmal job as president that it made her a left wing Obama drone. the fact is that GWB will get the blame for the state of the economy when he left office. But the economy was chugging along pretty well from 2001-2007 which coincidentally democrats took control of congress. Then she starts with the bullshit of Bush caused the housing crash. Anyone that is even halfway informed and doesn't regurgitate left wing drivel understands that the specter of the housing bubble burst started well before his presidency he just had the bad fortune of it crashing down on his watch. But I am sure she appreciates you trying to come to her rescue and clarifying her posts for her.

I wouldn't assume to rescue her or clarify for her. I just noticed she wanted to know how she was a birther when you clearly had accused her of being a truther. Eh, it's a wash as far as I'm concerned because it takes right-wing drivel to combat left-wing drivel. As much as the two parties want to bitch, point fingers, and blame the other guys this shit didn't happen in vacuum and as long as we play the blame game the divide will widen. You're seeing this shit play out in congress with all of these recent manufactured scandals. The partisan bickering isn't isolated to the FreeOnes porn politics board. I don't think it's helpful to call people "drones", but hey, it helps to foster a sense of superiority so I guess it's fair game.
I have a 4:30 flight that stops in London on my way to Frankfurt. I am extremely wound up this morning because I hate transatlantic flights. I'll probably start drinking just enough that I can still board the flight. Then pass out.


New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
I have a 4:30 flight that stops in London on my way to Frankfurt. I am extremely wound up this morning because I hate transatlantic flights. I'll probably start drinking just enough that I can still board the flight. Then pass out.

You've got more balls than I do. I've never been on an airplane and have no plans on changing that.
You've got more balls than I do. I've never been on an airplane and have no plans on changing that.

I hate flying too. This is embarrassing but a few years ago I went to Greece. I hate flying so much that I thought it was a good idea to get stinking drunk before the flight. They stopped me at JFK and made me get a hotel room and I had to wait until the next day to catch a flight.


I have a 4:30 flight that stops in London on my way to Frankfurt. I am extremely wound up this morning because I hate transatlantic flights. I'll probably start drinking just enough that I can still board the flight. Then pass out.

Have a safe flight and a productive trip. :hatsoff:

I always drink heavily when I fly too.


New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
I hate flying too. This is embarrassing but a few years ago I went to Greece. I hate flying so much that I thought it was a good idea to get stinking drunk before the flight. They stopped me at JFK and made me get a hotel room and I had to wait until the next day to catch a flight.

Yeah, see, to hell with that. If I can't get there by car or boat I'll stay out in the woods. My brother flies back and forth from Guam several times a year. Since you're about to embark on a flight I'll refrain from using the analogy I made for him, suffice it to say there's a whole lot of ocean between Guam and California. And like Mayhem said, have a safe flight!
Yeah, see, to hell with that. If I can't get there by car or boat I'll stay out in the woods. My brother flies back and forth from Guam several times a year. Since you're about to embark on a flight I'll refrain from using the analogy I made for him, suffice it to say there's a whole lot of ocean between Guam and California. And like Mayhem said, have a safe flight!
Thanks x



Official Checked Star Member
I flew 89286 miles in 2011 and 87001 in 2012 I practically lived on an airplane or an airport.

I did mean truther, sorry.

and let's not forget that Reagan raised taxes to pay for a lot of his spending it has been said many times by many that Reagan couldn't get nominated in today's republican world. these people who are running are zealots. one sided only.

I'd like you to tell me one of your original ideas since you say I don't have any. I read BOTH sides and have thoughts that follow issues NOT party lines, unlike you. You have laid blame to everyone BUT the right on issues, other than to say GWB disappointed you. Yet you still defend him and deny that much of the blame CLEARLY due him.

Reagan stepped into a mess and did what he needed to do which was drop taxes from the top earners paying 70% to 28% to stimulate investment AND he spent a shit ton of money. He also filibustered the largest tax increase in history then went on to raise taxes including the highway revenue tax which more than doubled gasoline tax from 4% to 9% as well as implemented the first tobacco tax in 1985. He also raised the capital gains tax and corporate tax rates, all being extremely anti-current day republican ideals!!! and how about the Tax Equity and Fiscal Responsibility Act of 1982 which was the largest tax increase of his presidency.

I like Reagan. He did a lot to build the confidence in our country by the people living here. He did what needed to be done. A lot of people got very rich during his 8 years, but let's not forget the market crash in 87. Let's not forget the beginning of outsourcing and the beginning of the end of the middle class. industry was offered tariff exemption for producing goods outside the US which created a boom for US jobs being sent to 3rd world countries. As mentioned we had the trading arms to terrorist deal which he admitted to which I respect. But we also had the Contra issue which was a disgrace to the US. We used CIA planes to import cocaine to the US which was overseen by Ollie North, who somehow has a job on Fox and a solid fan base of Republicans, even though he accepted a lifetime ban from 2 central American countries in order to avoid prosecution for drug smuggling. This was done to fund the Contras against the USSR backed Sandinistas. When congress denied Reagan the money to fund them, he found another way which was to allow them to traffic cocaine with the protection of the US government. It's all been proven beyond doubt and has been reported on by DEA agents and there is even photo and video of North standing by while CIA planes are loaded with crates of cocaine being flown to LA. Call me a wingnut but that is FACT.

Reagan had his good sides, but he was also very slippery and did some shitty things.

Oh, and smear Clinton all you want, but when he left office he handed Billy Bob Dipshit a balance sheet with a surplus. so you can shit on me for changing my mind but after 8 years of that idiot and his spending and the current debt HE accumulated, I am entitled to be put off by "conservatives" as you call them


Official Checked Star Member
I'm quoting left leaning rhetoric yet the shit YOU post is an echo of Hannity and Rush or that loony Anne Coulter. they all say they were disappointed by GWB also but then defend him every chance they get. they all see nothing but party, never issues. they sacrifice people to stay true to the party who has veered further and further to the right and away from the vast majority of Americans. That's not me. I will quote and repeat every chance I get before I'll do that.
I flew 89286 miles in 2011 and 87001 in 2012 I practically lived on an airplane or an airport.

I did mean truther, sorry.

and let's not forget that Reagan raised taxes to pay for a lot of his spending it has been said many times by many that Reagan couldn't get nominated in today's republican world. these people who are running are zealots. one sided only.

I'd like you to tell me one of your original ideas since you say I don't have any. I read BOTH sides and have thoughts that follow issues NOT party lines, unlike you. You have laid blame to everyone BUT the right on issues, other than to say GWB disappointed you. Yet you still defend him and deny that much of the blame CLEARLY due him.

Reagan stepped into a mess and did what he needed to do which was drop taxes from the top earners paying 70% to 28% to stimulate investment AND he spent a shit ton of money. He also filibustered the largest tax increase in history then went on to raise taxes including the highway revenue tax which more than doubled gasoline tax from 4% to 9% as well as implemented the first tobacco tax in 1985. He also raised the capital gains tax and corporate tax rates, all being extremely anti-current day republican ideals!!! and how about the Tax Equity and Fiscal Responsibility Act of 1982 which was the largest tax increase of his presidency.

I like Reagan. He did a lot to build the confidence in our country by the people living here. He did what needed to be done. A lot of people got very rich during his 8 years, but let's not forget the market crash in 87. Let's not forget the beginning of outsourcing and the beginning of the end of the middle class. industry was offered tariff exemption for producing goods outside the US which created a boom for US jobs being sent to 3rd world countries. As mentioned we had the trading arms to terrorist deal which he admitted to which I respect. But we also had the Contra issue which was a disgrace to the US. We used CIA planes to import cocaine to the US which was overseen by Ollie North, who somehow has a job on Fox and a solid fan base of Republicans, even though he accepted a lifetime ban from 2 central American countries in order to avoid prosecution for drug smuggling. This was done to fund the Contras against the USSR backed Sandinistas. When congress denied Reagan the money to fund them, he found another way which was to allow them to traffic cocaine with the protection of the US government. It's all been proven beyond doubt and has been reported on by DEA agents and there is even photo and video of North standing by while CIA planes are loaded with crates of cocaine being flown to LA. Call me a wingnut but that is FACT.

Reagan had his good sides, but he was also very slippery and did some shitty things.

Oh, and smear Clinton all you want, but when he left office he handed Billy Bob Dipshit a balance sheet with a surplus. so you can shit on me for changing my mind but after 8 years of that idiot and his spending and the current debt HE accumulated, I am entitled to be put off by "conservatives" as you call them

I defend Bush only in the instances where get the blame for things that were not his fault. Every post you make here is going back to Bush like he was in a back room devising ways to ruin the housing market and the economy. And if you really had any understanding of Reagan's legacy you would know that he had to make concessions with the democrat controlled congress. he was quite good at it. He had Tip O'Neill eating out of his hand most of the time.

I haven't smeared Clinton, in fact I gave him marks almost as good as Reagan on another thread that were almost equal to Reagan in his handling of the economy. The difference being is that Clinton did play a role in the housing market crash. And as for the surplus that didn't happen until republicans controlled congress. And no president would have stopped the market crash after 911. The wars ate up the surplus but at the time the American people were behind him and he used his political capital to fight those wars.
I'm quoting left leaning rhetoric yet the shit YOU post is an echo of Hannity and Rush or that loony Anne Coulter. they all say they were disappointed by GWB also but then defend him every chance they get. they all see nothing but party, never issues. they sacrifice people to stay true to the party who has veered further and further to the right and away from the vast majority of Americans. That's not me. I will quote and repeat every chance I get before I'll do that.

I haven't watched Sean Hannity in over a year. Nor Fox News for that matter. Yes I agree with Rush on many many issues but I do not get a chance to listen to his show. It comes on at a very inconvenient time for me to listen to. Limbaugh articulates the conservative viewpoint better than anyone since William F. Buckley. The pundit that I like the most is George Will.
and let's not forget that Reagan raised taxes to pay for a lot of his spending it has been said many times by many that Reagan couldn't get nominated in today's republican world. these people who are running are zealots. one sided only.

Obfuscation is your strong suit.


Official Checked Star Member
Rush is a fucking blow hard hypocrite who uses propaganda as his base. I used to listen to his show and got sick of his rhetoric of always saying "I'm always right!"

I slam Bush because you keep questioning why I switched sides on so many issues. I also am pointing out the fucking DISASTER Obama inherited because of Bush. Rush and Hannity are the same person, one just fatter than the other. It's like Rush has a parrot who repeats everything he says. it's sickening.

Yes Reagan made concessions...something that the current right refuses to do! that stupid Grover Nordquist pledge is the perfect example. The absolute refusal to do what is needed at ANY cost should tell you that they don't give a fuck about most of us. And no Bush didn't sit in strategy sessions to destroy the economy. He just did things without considering their impact. He said it himself when he said he did what he thought was right, not what was popular. Well guess what Jethro, you were hired to do what the fuck is popular. even though he wasn't voted in by the popular vote so maybe that's why he didn't give a fuck about the economy or the constitution. And you keep citing the "2 wars we were fighting" you mean the 2 wars Bush NEVER paid for and was dumped on Obama??? Or the 2 wars, which one was sold to us by a good man in Colin Powell based entirely on bullshit???

Why don't you ask Colin Powell why HE changed sides? his switching sides was far more dramatic than mine. He was a staunch republican. he resigned because he was used and lied to and he saw the fraud being committed and the disregard for the loss of human lives it caused.

Fact is Bush, Cheney, Condoleeza Rice, Rumsfeld should all be in jail. there's where my being a judas to your precious party went south