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One Porn Star's Political Opinions...


Official Checked Star Member
I know that being in the industry I have been in for over 14 years I should certainly be a liberal, but I'm not. I also know that if it were up to the right, this site and all others like it wouldn't exist, which to me is insanity.

I am a registered Republican and have been for over 10 years. As I have gotten older I have evolved my thinking in several ways. One is about health care. Here's why:

A few years ago I got a knock on my door, and when I opened it there was an older woman with her 3 daughters. They were my neighbors and I recognized them. They told me they were raising money for another neighbor girl who was 11 years old and who's father had lost him job, therefore his insurance and could no longer afford her asthma medication. I also have asthma but not on the level this girl had, which was severe and she had to have a breathing machine every day etc. 6 months later I found out that little girl had died which was heartbreaking. I have had asthma attacks and the terror you have when you cannot breath and it feels like there is 1,000 pounds on your chest is something only someone who has experienced it could understand. To think that this little girl died going through this is unimaginable. Florida has very strict and harsh social service programs that her father didn't qualify for because he was being paid unemployment, (a whopping $252 a week!)

To hear Republicans say that their tax dollars shouldn't be used for poor people's medicine but building hospitals in Iraq with those same dollars is fine, makes me fucking SICK to say it mildly.

The same people who proclaim to be Christians and want America to return to it's moral values of the 1950's yet think that providing medicine for the poor are the biggest fucking hypocrites on the planet.

Another issue I have with the right, (I'll get to the left in a minute!) that business is the answer and that government should allow business to police itself. That is a fucking joke. Look at the Enron's of the world. Look at the banks and then look at the credit card companies. Bush 2 signed the bankruptcy reform act which was written by guess who? The lobby firm that represents MBNA bank, one of the largest holders of credit card dead in the WORLD! you would think that would be a conflict of interest wouldn't ya? Bush 2 also de-funded the department of justice financial crimes division by 92% what does that mean you ask? Well, it means that there is no money to prosecute companies who break the law, and those companies with gigantic teams of high price firms representing them are up against a broke public defender's office and can lawyer the government to death for decades. In other words, they have free reign to rape and pillage 401k plans, retirements, pensions etc with zero ramifications.

Here is another delightful Bush 2 moment where the lying sack of shit laughs off the idea of nation building (Hannity and Rush fans don't watch because it might burn your ears to see this actually being said!)

Here are some FACTS that are overlooked by the talking heads on the right who proclaim the 1950s America to be where we need to return:

1952 tax rates were in the 70 percentile for top earners - today it's 35%. I pay my taxes and will pay more if asked. I agree we need to verify where it's being spent, but that again is another role for government.
in 1952 the government regulated far more things than they do today. Such as:
business. if you were to have shipped jobs overseas or outsourced manufacturing in 1952 you wouldnt stay in business because you would be taxed to death for it.
the price of milk. the price of travel. the price of utilities. the price of health care. the price of gasoline. the price of groceries. the price of housing. the price of automobiles.

let's not forget the rights of women, blacks, gays, the handicapped.

With all of this government in our lives in the 1950s, it was a thriving economic time in American history. The middle class was strong and was a consuming machine. People with every day jobs like teachers and bus drivers could pay their bills, save for their kids college and their daughter's weddings and their wives could stay at home and raise their children AND they took a vacation every year. All with such a big government oversight which the right claims is killing us today, even though when you compare government's reach today to 1952 it is minuscule to say the least.

My issues with the left:
Soft on crime. How could anyone EVER stand up for the rights of pedophiles and rapists and be concerned for their rights and civil liberties is beyond me. How could anyone fight for prisoner's rights to use the internet and have cable TV and give them conjugal visits? The left loses me over this issue alone. I also think that allowing illegal immigrants to have a driver's license is insane. That would be like me stealing a car, and then being permitted to register it in my name. "Hey, it's already stolen so might as well just let her keep it right?" if you sneak into this country that is breaking a federal law, and therefore you should be arrested, and taken back to wherever it was you came from ILLEGALLY!! not be given rights and protections and privileges!!!!!! But immigration is a double edge sword that cannot be blamed on the left entirely. Who hires the majority of the illegals? Corporations do and they are without question right based entities.

I also don't care for the imbalance of the minority privilege in this country. I dont think that because you are of a certain color you should be given additional rights and privileges that others are not. That is racist and unfair.

I also HATE the Jesse Jackson's and Sharpton's of the world, which are very left, yet fly in private planes and live off of the plight of the poor. That is very republican in nature!

So go ahead, rebuttal me on this stuff but if you read this there are VERY few opinions here. I have presented FACTS that are proven FACTS so you can be in denial but then you are just another part of the problem. People see party over reality which is what I HATE the most about politics. It's like we are too egotistical to admit the other side is relevant. Some of us are sick of it and cannot believe the disservice that the right is doing by misleading and misinforming its people simply to gain ground in a losing fight. That is another FACT people. if the right doesn't wake the fuck up it's going to continue to become less and less relevant.

I agree with smaller government but not at the expense of more than 90% of the people who would suffer from it. It is not a government of the people for the people as it claims, it has gotten further and further from the average citizen, which is why the tides are turning and the right is losing its place election after election.


Except for immigration, we see pretty much eye to eye. I would also like to say, thanx for stopping by and I sincerely hope that this isn't the last this section sees of you and other women. We pretty much have the white man demographic covered here, and we could use other opinions.


Official Checked Star Member
so you think the borders should be open to anyone who comes over? or that those who came here illegally should just be given a free get out of jail pass? there are entire towns in Texas and Arizona that are literally and entirely bankrupt due to the illegal population that consumes their social programs to the point of decimation.

if you want to live and work here that's fine, apply for a temporary visa and go through the legal channels to become a citizen. learn to speak english and stop fucking send 80% of your paycheck back to mexico tax free.

go to a california prison and look at the 70% mexican population. most of them gang members. furthermore, i'd bet that more than 80% of their parents came here illegally.


New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
I can't fault anything you've posted and I appreciate true Republicans. The Tea Party extremists are killing the GOP.


Official Checked Star Member
well to be fair, the religious republicans and the ones who refuse to compromise and adjust their thinking to the times are killing the republicans. the tea party started as a solid idea, but got whored by companies and opportunists and had people like Michelle Bachman and Sarah Palin and Santorum join up which ruined the concept.

It's been said many times, but Ronald Reagan would never get nominated by today's Republicans, he raised taxes 17 times and the Grover Nordquist retards would never allow him a minute to speak


There are no simple answers to the immigration issue. I just choose to feel compassion to those who are trying to make a better life for themselves than they can in whatever shithole they come from.

The majority of immigrants in California are NOT gang members. Give me a break.

I lived in central Washington for a few years. The entire regional economy would collapse if it wasn't for the immigrant population. There are two sides to the money issue.


Official Checked Star Member
did you read what I wrote?

Here ya go...read it slooooooooooowly if you need to so that you get it this time ;)

"go to a california prison and look at the 70% mexican population. most of them gang members. furthermore, i'd bet that more than 80% of their parents came here illegally."

nothing wrong with compassion, but the law is clear. if you come here illegally, you are ILLEGAL!!!!!!!!! you dont have a right to privileges like a driver's licence.

I dont dispute the importance of the immigrants in the work place. however, if they did it legally they wouldnt have to work for shitty wages.
Sometimes it takes years of being spoon fed an ideology before you start to question your beliefs. Sounds like you are a Libertarian whereas I am becoming more of a conservative Libertarian. It pains me that a Libertarian candidate doesn't have a real shot at the presidency. There is a certain degree of fence straddling that Libertarians must take on issues that just doesn't fly with partisan dems and repubs. It's frustrating. I have to take issue a bit with your feelings on healthcare. We simply cannot afford to pay for it. And if you do the numbers, the analogy of fighting wars does not begin to compare to the real costs of insuring everyone in this country. It's never going to be a perfect system but there is nothing wrong with striving for perfection. An example is my father served as a Marine and all of his healthcare was provided by the V.A. even within that system people fall through the cracks and they reject care for certain conditions.


Official Checked Star Member
dude you are soooooooooooo misinformed on this issue.

we could absolutely pay for health care for everyone. we already pay HUGE $$$ for emergency room (super high rates!) walk ins for common colds and child birth. that would go away instantly.

for one, you require businesses to cover their employees.

secondly, by offering coverage you eliminate price gouging by hospitals who charge one price for cash, and 5 times as much to insurance companies.

the 2 wars we are in today have already cost more than $4 TRILLION dollars!!!!!!! The only way it would cost more to cover poor people is if we permitted the UNREGULATED insurance and pharmaceutical industries to stay in the mix who will gauge the prices even more than they do now. Nixon was the first to take away health care regulations allowing Kaiser Permanente to be the first for-profit health care company in the US. now 272 of the fortune 500 companies are insurance and pharmaceutical companies. and when anything is for profit we know their recipe: provide less service for more profit.

we were never asked to pay for those 2 wars were we? NOPE! we have rebuilt the power grid in Iraq and built schools and hospitals and roads, yet a child with asthma can't get her medicine? fuck THAT shit.

I am a libertarian for sure!


did you read what I wrote?

Here ya go...read it slooooooooooowly if you need to so that you get it this time ;)

"go to a california prison and look at the 70% mexican population. most of them gang members. furthermore, i'd bet that more than 80% of their parents came here illegally."

nothing wrong with compassion, but the law is clear. if you come here illegally, you are ILLEGAL!!!!!!!!! you dont have a right to privileges like a driver's licence.

I dont dispute the importance of the immigrants in the work place. however, if they did it legally they wouldnt have to work for shitty wages.

You post this shit at 6 in the morning and you expect me to actually read it? You do realize that discussions like this is why God invented afternoons?

I understand what you're saaaayyyyyiiing, so relax. We have enough politicians spurting blood from their ears over this. I get that illegal immigrants are ILLEGAL. I also understand the human dynamic that if your kids are starving and there's no clean water where you live, you're going to go find a place where things are better. I understand that if I was some war torn, crime infested, impoverished rats nest, I wouldn't let a line on a map stop me, and neither would you.

What's the answer? Beats me. But there isn't enough law enforcement and not near enough busses to clear them all out. So, we deal with it.


Official Checked Star Member
another issue with the right is their complete denial of climate change.

They refuse to acknowledge scientific facts:

how do you deny an issue when there are plants growing 1000 miles further north than any time in history? how do you refute the water tables? how do you refute that there are only 27 glaciers left in Glacier National Park and there will be ZERO by the year 2020?

I just do not understand this line of thought. They deny we are over-fishing the waters yet there are no fucking Cod left in Cape Cod? what's next? no Maine lobsters left in Maine? there is a mass of floating trash in the pacific the size of Texas, but that's okay and not a threat to the environment right?

When Bush #2 took office there were 27,000 Oil Well inspectors who had to inspect wells on a regular schedule. by the end of his presidency there were under 100!!!!!!!!!! so by the time the BP spill happened, only 1 in 6 oil wells was being inspected annually, when they were required to be inspected every 90 days!!!!!! (again, the inspection regulations were established by none other than Ronald Reagan)

So the absolute denial by the right that there is an environmental problem is sickening to me.


another issue with the right is their complete denial of climate change.

They refuse to acknowledge scientific facts:

how do you deny an issue when there are plants growing 1000 miles further north than any time in history? how do you refute the water tables? how do you refute that there are only 27 glaciers left in Glacier National Park and there will be ZERO by the year 2020?

I just do not understand this line of thought. They deny we are over-fishing the waters yet there are no fucking Cod left in Cape Cod? what's next? no Maine lobsters left in Maine? there is a mass of floating trash in the pacific the size of Texas, but that's okay and not a threat to the environment right?

When Bush #2 took office there were 27,000 Oil Well inspectors who had to inspect wells on a regular schedule. by the end of his presidency there were under 100!!!!!!!!!! so by the time the BP spill happened, only 1 in 6 oil wells was being inspected annually, when they were required to be inspected every 90 days!!!!!! (again, the inspection regulations were established by none other than Ronald Reagan)

So the absolute denial by the right that there is an environmental problem is sickening to me.

On this, we are in absolute agreement.


Official Checked Star Member
You clearly did NOT read what I wrote because You Mis-quoted me. You can't come at me about what time of day it is when it is YOU who is in a political thread on a porn site my friend. :)

God is an entirely other issue we can address if you'd like. Another right wing fight is against science. why? science might one day prove beyond a doubt (more than it already has) that God and religion are a complete sham. so when people like Rick Santorum says science shouldn't be taught with state money, there's a very good reason it scares him so much. he might have to think for himself and take responsibility for his life rather than using God as an excuse for everything.


Staff member
Very good job Mariah. :thumbsup: There are a lot of things on which I agree with you
We can debate the "Bush Lied" he is a war criminal stuff until the cows come home but I wanted to touch on something you said that is a bit misleading. And because bankruptcy is something that I deal with quite often.

MBNA (now owned by BoA) were involved in the structuring and wording of the 2005 BAPCPA because consumer credit card debt is the biggest reason that people file for personal bankruptcy. And like it or not, banks ARE in the business of making money. When they hold the majority of consumer debt of course they are going to seek legislation that helps them recover the money they have loaned. Basically they were looking to increase the amount of payments to them by 75-100 million a year just to stay afloat. That averaged out to be 100-150 dollars a month that they wanted the petitioner to pay.

Part of the problem is that banks extended way too much credit during the 90's and when bankruptcy filings started to increase they sought some relief from the government. They are to blame for their errors but it does not mean that they should be left holding the bag because of irresponsible use of credit. The main problem I had with the BAPCPA was that it eliminated the possibility that student loans could be discharged in bankruptcy court.A student loan can be discharged if you show an undue hardship that repaying the loans would cause to your family and put you in a continuous cycle of poverty. it is a very small hoop to jump through. The burden shifted from the creditor's "proof of claim" to the debtor having to prove that they could not pay the debt. That brings more expense on the petitioner and is why attorney fees for filing bankruptcies have increased in the past few years.

The government claimed that it had positive results but what is not taken into consideration is the waiting period before you can file again.There were so many bankruptcies filed in the 90's and early 2000's That automatically causes the number of people who file to drop. It did however, help to curb serial filers.

I guess your whole point of bringing this up in your post was to demonstrate how evil the GWB administration were to be in bed with the banking industry but something had to be done and who better to lobby for changes than the industry that was hurt the most.


Proud member of FreeOnes Hall Of Fame. Retired to
Welcome Mariahxxx. Jump in with both feet and enjoy the fun. There's lots to talk about on these political threads. You're going to find some well thought out opinions and some 3 word taking points from both sides mixed into the conversations. Don't get yourself fired up with the bullshitters. Take a breath and let you facts be your salvation. There is a lot to be learned here. Opened minds allow your mind to open up too. We are going to enjoy your fire but we have plenty of fire to share too.

For those of you on the left or right, visit Mariahxxx on her cooking thread on the talk board. Both sides of the aisle eat and she has her own twist to make food even better.


Proud member of FreeOnes Hall Of Fame. Retired to
Welcome Mariahxxx. Jump in with both feet and enjoy the fun. There's lots to talk about on these political threads. You're going to find some well thought out opinions and some 3 word taking points from both sides mixed into the conversations. Don't get yourself fired up with the bullshitters. Take a breath and let you facts be your salvation. There is a lot to be learned here. Opened minds allow your mind to open up too. We are going to enjoy your fire but we have plenty of fire to share too.

For those of you on the left or right, visit Mariahxxx on her cooking thread on the talk board. Both sides of the aisle eat and she has her own twist to make food even better.


Fucking double post. I just wanted to add the link to her food thread.