Once again, Big Brother fucks things up!

Hollywood joins the fray:
Hollywood threatens Obama over SOPA

Thousands leave GoDaddy over registrar's support for SOPA

Thousands of website domains were transferred on Thursday from the Internet’s top registrar Go Daddy as part of a colossal campaign against the service for its support of the Stop Online Piracy Act.

With managing close to 50 million domain names, Go Daddy is the largest registrar on the web and has customers across the globe. Thousands of clients stateside cancelled their accounts with the company this week, however, after Go Daddy originally voiced its support for the Stop Online Piracy Act, or SOPA. Should the legislation pass, US Congress will enforce penalties on websites that share unauthorized content and will begin government sanctioned censorship on the World Wide Web.

The Internet community at large in America has voiced opposition to the act, as have Web giants Google, Wikipedia and AOL, among others.
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