Official Rep Collectors Congratulations Thread

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CONGRATULATIONS to all that have went past their Rep Milestones lately...
TallCowboy, Nightcrawler, Jod0565, Montrealman, analfan, Poggy1, CivicKiller80, Seraphim, Icerfan, Jacksson77, Calm, cost, Pitino, D-Rock, JCMSVOBODA, Irony, Pussy-DickDenice, Darkman, AFA, Rastagir, Comanduc, Gordar, Aegis, MATUTE, Undertaker, Stefro, Anker89, analfanette, JCM, Iluvbgtits, holdol, Bunker and georges!

And special thanks to all that have repped Me so that now I am over 5000 Rep Stones!

Freeones Members Rock!

The Satyr Icon
Congratulations AND thanks alot to ALL members


Retired Moderator
I am very glad to congratulate:

Jod0565 (special congratulations on 15,000+!!!), Montrealman, Analfan, Poggy1, Seraphim, Matute, DrDeath67, CivicKiller80, TallCowboy, Icerfan, Jacksson77, Georges, Calm, Cost, KungFuDude, Pitino, D-Rock, Nightcrawler, Irony, Pussy/DickDenice, Holdol, Dohcvtec, Darkman, AFA, 9inch, Rastagir, TheSatyrIcon, Black Star, Comanduc, Gordar, Aegis, Undertaker, Stefro, Anker89, KittyKat, RogueWolf, Degenerate Jeb, Analfanette, Pussypoppa, Iluvbgtits, Bunker

and all board members on their rep points! :wave2: :thumbsup: :glugglug:

Thank you very much for the rep I’ve received (my special thanks to Pussypoppa for bumping me over 9,500 and to Seraphim, who has bumped me over 9,600 – although he has just known I dislike latex!) :hatsoff:


Member, you member...
Congratulations to to D-rock on 8800, AnalFan on 11200, KFD on 9900, Poggy1 on 10600, Seraphim on 12000, Agggelos on 5800, Aces&Jacks on 5600, Calm on 9200, LeafMan on 2000, Rastagir on 5900, jdb67 on 4800, IcerFan on 9800, Civic on 10600, KittyKat on 4800, AFA on 6800!!!

Thank you all for the congrats!


Member, you member...
Congratulations IcerFan and KungFuDude on the 10 Thousand well deserved Gems!!!


Member, you member...
I have great news - I just bumped JCMSVOBODA over the 10 Grand mark!!!!!

Congratulations to Holdol on 7800!!!
Congrats to om3ga on 8000...D-rock on 9000...Holdol on 7800...icerfan and Kung Fu Dude on 10,000.... SeraphiM on 12000..and to those i forgot
I would like to take this time to congratulate the following members on their rep achievments: Jod, Montrealman, Analfan, Poggy1, Seraphim, Matute, DrDeath67, CivicKiller80, TallCowboy, Icerfan, Jacksson77, Georges, Calm, Cost, KungFuDude, Pitino, D-Rock, Irony, Pussy/DickDenice, Holdol, Dohcvtec, Darkman, AFA, 9inch, Rastagir, TheSatyrIcon, Black Star, Comanduc, Gordar, Aegis, Undertaker, Stefro, Anker89, KittyKat, RogueWolf, Degenerate Jeb, Analfanette, Pussypoppa, Iluvbgtits, and Bunker. Special thanks to JCM, becuase I reproduced his list. I would also like to thank those of you who have given me rep and congratulated me on my achievments!
congrats to analfan, analfanette, holdol, dohcvtec, poggy1, icerfan, jod565 and the satyricon with their new rep level and who were given points by me
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