Official 2008 NFL Thread

Your 2008 Sleeper?

  • Atlanta Falcons

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Cinncinati Bengals

    Votes: 3 10.7%
  • Buffalo Bills

    Votes: 1 3.6%
  • Arizona Cardinals

    Votes: 5 17.9%
  • St. Louis Rams

    Votes: 1 3.6%
  • Oakland Raiders

    Votes: 5 17.9%
  • KC Chiefs

    Votes: 3 10.7%
  • Miami Dolphins

    Votes: 2 7.1%
  • Carolina Panthers

    Votes: 7 25.0%
  • SF 49'ers

    Votes: 1 3.6%

  • Total voters


The Second-Hottest Man in my Mother's Basement
I'm calling it for the Bills, solely because they're playing a couple games in Toronto this year, and I have tickets, and I don't want to travel halfway across Canada to see a shitty team.

No matter what, I do not want to see the Patriots make it to the Superbowl AGAIN. I hate dynasties.
Jacksonville’s biggest problem above all others is that they have to play in the same conference that Indy and the Patriots are in. They have been a good team the past few years, although it would be nice if they can get their quarterback situation straitened out for once.


Tig Ol' Bitty Expert
Fortunately there is approximately about a .0000000000000000001% Chance of Green Bay ever trading Favre to Chicago. (knock on wood)
True......besides I'd much rather see him go to the Vikes,but its not like thats going to happen either
yeah farve wont go to chicago. the nfc south is now more intresting with shockey joining the saints,i guess the saints are going for the old idea of score alot and hope the defense can prevent just enough to win



Tig Ol' Bitty Expert
yeah farve wont go to chicago. the nfc south is now more intresting with shockey joining the saints,i guess the saints are going for the old idea of score alot and hope the defense can prevent just enough to win

yeah,especially Jason David
To be honest I think the Bears would like to have Favre, and so would most of the fans. (Even if Chicago fans will never openly admit it.) Even at this point he is significantly better than either Rexy or Neckbeard. :1orglaugh It's just that Green Bay will never trade somebody like that to a divisional foe, especially the Bears, and probably wouldn't even want to trade within the conference.
By neckbeard I think you must mean Orton, why do they call him that?

It's sort of a pet name some people have for him on some Football forums I have read though. I think it's because while he sports a beard he also seems to have an abnormally hairy neck that he doesn't shave while he has it.
I told you all Brett Favre was a dumass who has conned the entire NFL. Take a look at what this yokel did..:rolleyes::1orglaugh

"Brett Favre might want to invest in his own cell phone


It's not as poetically idiotic as Chris Henry getting arrested while wearing his own jersey, but this one's in the same neighborhood.

Remember those tampering charges that the Packers filed against the Vikings? And remember how I thought it would be difficult for the Packers to prove that Favre had made inappropriate contact with the Vikings?

Well, that assumed that Brett Favre wasn't using a Packers-issued cell phone to make those calls to the Vikings. As it turns out, Favre may have done exactly that.

From the Minneapolis Star-Tribune:

...Bob McGinn of the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel had an interesting bit of information in a piece he wrote about the quarterback today.

McGinn writes that a source said Favre had continued to use a Packers-issued cell phone and that when the team checked the phone records it found “repeated calls to coach Brad Childress and offensive coordinator Darrell Bevell.”

The possibility of Favre having used a phone issued by the Packers had been speculated on last week after the Associated Press reported that Green Bay informed the NFL it felt “an investigation of the phone records would show more than ‘normal contact’ between the Vikings and Favre, even before he formally asked for his release to play for another team.”

In fairness to Favre, it should be mentioned that any phone calls he made to the Vikings were made in a gunslinging fashion, and through the entire conversation, he looked like a kid out there, just having fun.

Say this turns out to be true, and tampering by the Vikings can be proved. And say that the Packers do what they're expected to do, and block Favre from playing for the Vikings. Favre could end up costing the Vikings draft picks and fines while never playing a down for them, while also putting the Packers in this miserable position.

Give him a couple more weeks, and he might just find a way to tear down the entire NFC North."

The dumbass strikes again

Bears and Vikings Fans...stay away from this clown!:cool::2 cents:
In fairness to Favre, it should be mentioned that any phone calls he made to the Vikings were made in a gunslinging fashion, and through the entire conversation, he looked like a kid out there, just having fun.

At least you didn't mention how his gunslinging ways got some of his calls intercepted. ;)


Closed Account
I don't think there will be many surprises this year. I expect the Colts, Pats, and Chargers to be dominant in the AFC. In the NFC nobody will stop Dallas. Let's go Pats!!!:thumbsup:
look the packers will not let farve play in the nfc so if i'm an afc team say the ravens after preseasons week 3 and nobody looks good at qb then i ask about farve. farve is going to have to deal with the fact that the packers really want aaron rodgers to be thier qb now
