Obamas latest speech.


Hiliary 2020
Obama to honor Height as godmother of civil rights

This guy is just too racial for my comfort.

Ok, so the lady marched with MLB jr.
Thats great.
How many people had actually heard of her up until now?

So Obama's gonna give the eulogy and once again remind everybody that he is not the President, but that he is the Black President.

Again, talkin about something that only existed in some southern states in the USA almost 50 years ago, segregation in public places.
with the same old theme, we were victims we were victims.

It does no good. It was a long time ago.
It just disturbs me that this guy always has to talk about race, black and white.

Whats really in his head?
Didn't Bush, Clinton, Bush, Reagan, etc attend similar events that pertained to the Civil Rights movement?

Edit: Plus I haven't heard him address race much (granted I haven't paid much attention to politics lately) but the African American community think he isn't helping them out much while conservatives are saying he's being "too white". No president ever can truly win with the public


Three lullabies in an ancient tongue
She marched with Major League Baseball, Jr? Wow....I didn't even know that it existed! :1orglaugh

Seriously though, as DJ said, wouldn't Bush or Clinton or Reagan or whoever do the same thing? If they didn't, they'd be lambasted for snubbing African-Americans and for being "racist".

Sounds to me like you're the one hung up on race. Obama is the president. Some like him, some don't and some don't care but the fact that he may be black or white or somewhere in the middle doesn't matter to me nor should it matter to anyone.


Hiliary 2020
I'm not hung up on race. I just want americans to be americans and to proceed forward.
Its just every time i read the news theres always a racial story.
If its not some isolated recent incident they bring up the past.

People can deny it, but this Prez is always making it perfectly clear that he is black.
I'm tired of it.

So our busy Prez is gonna give the eulogy.
Thats a pretty big thing.
Why? Was this woman that important?
She marched and protested 50 years ago.

Its just more pandering and a tool to keep the racial divide in the USA
That gets them the votes.

Whatever, either you see it or you don't


Three lullabies in an ancient tongue
I'm not hung up on race. I just want americans to be americans and to proceed forward.
Its just every time i read the news theres always a racial story.

So that's a singularly Obama phenomenon? He was asked to give the eulogy and the media makes a racial issue about it. What if Ms. Height had been white? Would it still be a racial issue in your eyes? :rolleyes:

So our busy Prez is gonna give the eulogy.
Thats a pretty big thing.
Why? Was this woman that important?
She marched and protested 50 years ago.

I sense your sarcasm but the fact is that she was an important figure in the history of the civil rights movement. Just because you don't know anything about her doesn't mean she was insignificant. Learn about her here:


Its just more pandering and a tool to keep the racial divide in the USA
That gets them the votes.

So was Bush pandering for votes when she was awarded the Congressional Gold Medal back in 2004? Was he using her as a tool to keep the racial divide in the USA?


Or, perhaps is the fact that Bush happens to be white and Obama is of mixed race the thing that makes it pandering and racial from your viewpoint? What would it represent if Obama were a white man or Bush were a black man?

That's why I say you appear to be the one hung up on race. The sword has to cut both ways for your argument to hold water, MP.

Whatever, either you see it or you don't

I'm not hung up on race. I just want americans to be americans and to proceed forward.
Its just every time i read the news theres always a racial story.
If its not some isolated recent incident they bring up the past.

People can deny it, but this Prez is always making it perfectly clear that he is black.
I'm tired of it.

So our busy Prez is gonna give the eulogy.
Thats a pretty big thing.
Why? Was this woman that important?
She marched and protested 50 years ago.

Its just more pandering and a tool to keep the racial divide in the USA
That gets them the votes.

Whatever, either you see it or you don't

Obama just eulogized the deaths of the West Virginia miners didn't he?

Also, it's a little naive or flat ignorant for someone to believe Obama in his situation wouldn't figure prominently in speaking on the death of (by all accounts except yours) a civil rights icon.

Certainly if it were a first woman president..(I want to say irrespective of party but I'm not so sure) common sense would hold that she would figure prominently in eulogizing some of those who figured prominently in gaining the rights that allowed her to be president. Duh!!

I take it you believe since you never heard of her that's all that counts.

Again, plain naive or ignorant to think Obama wouldn't speak prominently about those whom he may consider paved the way for those like him to succeed today.
Those who see race and hate in every news story are simply looking for it.

Yeah...they see every race card except for the ones they're always playing (both sides).
Well Obama is part black so as a human it's reasonable for him to talk about his culture and heritage, whether others want to forget the past or not. ps You can't move forward until you look back first


People can deny it, but this Prez is always making it perfectly clear that he is black.
I'm tired of it.
Well he is black. It is obvious every time you look at him.

So our busy Prez is gonna give the eulogy.
Thats a pretty big thing.
Why? Was this woman that important?
She marched and protested 50 years ago.

50 years ago? It was important then and it is now, that is why it is a big thing.

We fucking celebrate Colombus Day, Independence Day, Thanksgiving, Easter, and Presidents day. All much older than 50 years.
Why? Cause they are important.

By your logic it seems we shouldn't celebrate MLK Day.
Damn it, another speech? Now all these leftists are going to have to send their pants to the cleaners to take the cum stains off :D


Hiliary 2020
keep it coming.
honestly i respect the woman.
she fought for something she believed in.
she marched.
and she succeeded.

now she died.
its proper to mourn her.

I'll just wait to see the speech.
maybe i'll post it.
It'll be more of the same old rehashing of the past and re-enforcing the many misconceptions about it.

the big point is why Americans must constantly be reminded of the segregation that existed in some states 50 years ago?
Why does the president and his fellow democrats bring it up so often? Exploit it.
what good comes of it?
does it help anybody?

No it keeps blacks angry and whites feeling guilty for something that they had nothing to do with.
It helps keep that racial divide in the country.
Thats how they get votes and keep power and control.

Man, when i was a kid race wasn't and issue, people just lived.
most of you were brought up with this barrage so to you its normal.
It ain't.

Its easy to label me racist, but reality is that I am concerned for the future of society in the usa, everybodys future.

"How do I reeeech theese keeeeds?"


Hiliary 2020
Well he is black. It is obvious every time you look at him.

50 years ago? It was important then and it is now, that is why it is a big thing.

We fucking celebrate Colombus Day, Independence Day, Thanksgiving, Easter, and Presidents day. All much older than 50 years.
Why? Cause they are important.

By your logic it seems we shouldn't celebrate MLK Day.

last i saw the media, the politicians and the people werent obsessed with those thing 365 days per year.
And its not celebrating, its rehashing with a degree of distorting the truth also.

its like you break up with your wife because of something very wrong one of you did.
then you reconcile.
but then you bring up the wrongdoing of the past everyday.
you remind the other of it constantly.
see how long the reconciliation lasts.


Three lullabies in an ancient tongue
the big point is why Americans must constantly be reminded of the segregation that existed in some states 50 years ago?
Why does the president and his fellow democrats bring it up so often? Exploit it.
what good comes of it?
does it help anybody?

No it keeps blacks angry and whites feeling guilty for something that they had nothing to do with.
It helps keep that racial divide in the country.
Thats how they get votes and keep power and control.

Man, when i was a kid race wasn't and issue, people just lived.
most of you were brought up with this barrage so to you its normal.
It ain't.

Its easy to label me racist, but reality is that I am concerned for the future of society in the usa, everybodys future.

"How do I reeeech theese keeeeds?"

I'd sure like to know where you grew up! There were no racial issues and everybody just got along?? In the United States??? What Utopian community was this, MP?

Racial strife was out of control when I was a young kid back in the 60s and has been a lingering issue to one degree or another everywhere I have lived ever since. I am old enough to remember "colored only" waiting rooms in bus stations. I remember blacks not being allowed to eat at certain establishments or drink from the same water fountain as the white folks did. To commemorate how far we have come since those days is not regressing....it's so we never forget. When a significant icon from those old Jim Crow days passes on, it is absolutely proper that we should acknowledge their contribution.

By your reasoning, why commemorate Pearl Harbor Day every year? I mean, it happened almost 70 years ago and all it does is stir up anger amongst Americans and encourage needless guilt by the Japanese.

Also, your attempt to turn this into a partisan thing is ridiculous. As has already been stated ad nauseum, if Bush were still president he would doubtless be making a speech very similar to whatever Obama has to say about Ms. Height.

Although I'm certain that your noble efforts to save American society and preserve our future are sincere, I damn sure ain't no "keeeed" as you well know MP so please stop trying to "reeeech" me! :1orglaugh
If you were able to bring blacks from the 60s, 80s, possibly even the 90s and they'd all be amazed at how much we have PROGRESSED in terms of racial issues. I guarantee you they all would have thought we would never have voted a non-white person into office (not that this should be important)
Well Obama is part black so as a human it's reasonable for him to talk about his culture and heritage, whether others want to forget the past or not. ps You can't move forward until you look back first

Why can't people be INDIVIDUALS and leaders talk about what's good for ALL people? His speech earlier this week showed that he's definitely not about "uniting" America... he's dividing people among lines, which no one should do IMHO. :2 cents:


Why can't people be INDIVIDUALS and leaders talk about what's good for ALL people? His speech earlier this week showed that he's definitely not about "uniting" America... he's dividing people among lines, which no one should do IMHO. :2 cents:

He isn't dividing anyone. Idiots divide themselves. He does not control individuals.
He isn't dividing anyone. Idiots divide themselves. He does not control individuals.

So, when he calls on black and latinos to support him and his party in the elections later this year, what signal does that send to people who happen to be "white" or Asian?

The guy smacks of a left wing used car salesman like Sharpton to me, and time is proving that theory right with every additional piece of data he provides.