Eggs and chickens - The US kept them off US soil so tihat they were not entitled to due process.
Exactly right. We captured these people on foreign soil and they were enemy combatants because they did not wear the uniform of another country. They could have just as easily been killed but because of information we could gather they were not. Most if not all Gitmo detainees that have been released have returned to the battlefield and the Obama adminstration has admitted that they have killed again since their release. Dead or in prison, take your choice. The decision not to bring them to U.S. soil was one of the wisest decisions made by the Bush administration.
Where are you getting that from? IF there were other thwarted attacks, we have no idea where the information came from.
Detainees have revealed funding resources, leadership, means of communications and FOIA requests have produced information directly crediting info gathered from detainees to preventing other attacks. I'd call you stupid but I am afraid your motives are beyond stupidity. More like sinister.
Don't be stupid. This was the act of a mob, not a major world government.
The detainees were not criminals, they are enemy combatants.if not for their info,they could have been left smoldering on a battlefield.
You say tomato...
Ireland's atrocities were not the only ones perpetrated by England, you could add in the invention of concentration camps during the Boer wars and the slave trade but that is the past and has no place in this argument where we are talking about the here and now.
You mean like indigenous people of America? Yeah, point conceded.
Not as generous as you seem to make out. In actual funds, yes - $32b in 2014, which is around $100 per person. The UK gave $19b in foreign aid, which amounts to $290 per person, Germany's spend is around $160 per person, which is still 60% better than the US.
Oh please. Not only do we send 32 biilion annually, we also are the largest contributor to NATO and to various military installations throughout the globe. Countries where they want our presence and where we also contribute to their economy. Including the UK.
At no point have I tried to defend Castro or his government. Merely pointed out that there is/was torture being committed by US agencies in Guantanamo Bay, which is on Cuba. Torture is morally and legally reprehensible regardless of who carries it out, and is well known to have few, if any, reliable results as far as information gained is concerned
Now you are just repeating yourself, see my comments above.
have come to terms with the dark history of my country. It is time you came to terms with the dark present of your own.
I also wonder at your final statement. How many countries has the USA actually introduced democracy to? Isn't it ironic that as the "greatest" agent for freedom, the USA has one of the highest rates of prison inmates per population in the world (approx. 698 per 100,000 not including juveniles). As a comparison, England runs at around 148.
If I wanted to debate left-wing "America is the greatest abuser of human rights in the world" bullshit all I'd have to do is visit an Amnesty International board. Which is where the majority of your crap originates from.
Yes, we have heard the statistics before. There is a problem rooted in ethnic makeup of this country and a certain group just don't seem to be able to stay out of trouble as compared to other groups. We constantly throw housing, public assistance and various other government programs at them but to no avail. What's a taxpayer to do? I guess we should take them into our homes.
You wouldn't know about that, because the population even per capita does not offer a fair comparison.
Wow, you are a left wing loon. Radical even.