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Obama wins!

Congrats to Obama supporters. Mr. Obama, for the sake of this country and the 20+ million that are out of work, do something that will change this economy for the better. You had the excuse that you inherited a terrible situation when you took office. That excuse will not fly 2 years from now. I am willing to put my partisanship aside for the good of this country and I truly hope your policies will work. if they do not, I fully expect a republican landslide in the mid-terms and to recapture the senate with a super majority. You do not have four years, you have 2. Produce and some opposed to you such as myself will give you the benefit of the doubt for the remaining 2 years of your term.
Just stopped by to join in the celebration of America making the right choice last night. The republicans may be done winning Presidential elections by the way. 2016 will be even more of a hurdle for the party of old angry white folks lol. Now it's time to demand congress stop being so obstructionist and start passing some new legislation to help the majority of americans.
Well, this works out pretty good in my mind. Obama won. Hopefully he is ready to lead for 4 more years and work across the board to actually put us on some solid ground.

Also, I'm hoping this shakes up the Republican party. They have to really think about if they want to focus on the fringe and white men as the primary support of the party. Some of it is facing sanity and some of it is facing the changing realities of the country.

Also, the good news is that hopefully Biden will retire in 4 years!!!

Come on, Sam, get on my bandwagon - Chris Christie in 2016!!

Why don't you provide a link to this racist comment and let's all have a look a the context of the remark?

You remember the time he spoke out against Whitie and how all crackers must be made to pay and put in there place??? Don't you??!!! Sheesh.

..oh wait...that never happened.
Congrats to Obama supporters. Mr. Obama, for the sake of this country and the 20+ million that are out of work, do something that will change this economy for the better. You had the excuse that you inherited a terrible situation when you took office. That excuse will not fly 2 years from now. I am willing to put my partisanship aside for the good of this country and I truly hope your policies will work. if they do not, I fully expect a republican landslide in the mid-terms and to recapture the senate with a super majority. You do not have four years, you have 2. Produce and some opposed to you such as myself will give you the benefit of the doubt for the remaining 2 years of your term.

This is fair and right. The president now has big things to do. Time to get things done. This was a good win in many ways - won the majority, decisive electoral win, and in no way a repeat of the 2000 election mess. The country really did not need another situation like that. It would have been devastating.

I hope that many more act as Blue has just done. Put aside the partisan politics, have open discussions, operate with transparency, and get shit done. It is time to rebuild jobs, rebuild the economy, and do what is best for the American people.

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
If you actually knew how the job market works or had any actual experience in it you would know these things.

That's rich. Let me see if I understand this bit of comedy relief... the one of us who does not have a job, can't get a job and is making excuses for why he will not have a job for the next four years :)wtf:) is telling the one of us who has a job, had a job even during the most severe downturn of our generation, has had a job since graduating from college and fields calls from recruiters so that he will have a job for as long as he desires to work... the unemployable one is telling the employable one that he doesn't know how the job market works. Is that it? Really? Have you considered a career in stand-up comedy??? You're not just good, you're damn good! :jester: I've been making six figures since my early 20's and have made sure that I was building the skill sets necessary to garner the sort of income that I desired. Reagan, Bush, Clinton, W. Bush and Obama had no hand in my successes or failures. You really are one of those 47%'ers, aren't you?! You (allegedly) work in IT and even in this growth field, you have no job, can't get a job and see no prospects for getting a job. But you do have 1001 excuses to explain away your own obvious shortcomings. My girl's nephew is getting his degree in computer engineering. I have a cousin who recently got his degree in a computer related field. The cousin is already knocking on six figures. The nephew has interned for one firm and if they hire him after college, he'll start out with a very nice salary as well. Now, why are they being snapped up by employers and you are already making plans NOT to work for the next four years???

Over the course of my life, I've likely hired and fired more people than you even know. And I clearly know more about business than you do. So my guess is, these irrational, factually challenged ramblings you've posted here indicate how you probably act during interviews and in the workplace if someone does roll the dice with you. Hell, I wouldn't hire you if you started getting silly. I'd probably have security on call just in case you wigged out.

You didn't actually read my first post, yea; the problem when I look in the mirror is that the face of an identifiable minority that can be claimed as an affirmative action hire for tax purposes is not staring back at me. There is no tax credit for an employer to hire me because I am not the 'race' the President wants prospective employers to hire.
Do you even know what the Affirmative Action Tax Credit is?
Have you ever even seen the form packet?
Have you ever seen your prospective employer remove the form packet from a folder before handing it to you before filling out the other forms inside?
Affirmative action should be illegal unfortunately it is racism veiled as well as protected by obscure and Un-Consitutional law.
Why can't an employer get the FICA refunded to him/her at the end of Q4 for hiring as well as keeping me? the answer is simple I am not an identifiable minority or foreigner.
Yes I am a victim of a law that should have NEVER existed in the first place because people should never be hired based on the color of their skin or gender and solely on their qualifications of which skin color and gender (unless you are going for a combat related military job) are not.
I could give a shit who I work for as long as I dont have to pay them to work due to some corrupt union scheme but to be subjected to this shit and it is complete BULLSHIT just because an affirmative action candidate gets a nomination let alone gets in office is a clear indication of a system that has been broken beyond repair.
41/2 years ago my contract was ended due to a clause with the company that we were providing service for that gave them an out if the political climate of our country changed that was the day that Obama got his partys nomination.
The company I was working for was Dutch owned the company we were providing service for is German owned we provided service from here in the US as well as abroad.
Employers in the US due to the HOSTILE taxes that have been imposed look for any and all ways to reduce the cost of an employee and the best is to get a refund on having that particular employee at the end of every fiscal year.
Fact actual unemployment is in the highest range in the history of our country to put it in perspective a higher percentage of people are out of work now that could work than were out of work during the great depression
most real economists actually no longer call the great depression that but are now calling it our second depression since the current one is now the greatest and longest lasting. The lie that gets repeated every night in the news is that unemployment is anything below 17% now matter how you add up the supporting data. The offensive thing is a candidate that has created that huge number having the sheer lack of respect to repeat that lie that he has created and he is totally to blame for and accept absolutely no responsibility for it.
It is really sad when the President of the United States is told by the leader of a Communist government that he needs to start acting like a Capitalist and quit trying to be like them even worse when this is told to him by the same person on more than one occasion.

My man, you have lots of issues. Seriously. :rolleyes: I would suggest career counseling... as well as some sort of mental health therapy before going back on the job hunt again. Maybe you're light on skills or maybe you have some sort of unspoken workplace incident on your record (background and reference checks turn up the most amazing things these days ;)). I don't know what your defect is, other than the obvious. But take Willard Romney's advice: stop being a sponge and start taking responsibility for your life. Hell, if you're half as smart as you pretend to be here, you could open your own business. But I'm sure you have six reasons why banks and investors won't lend you any money or invest with you, right? Probably the vast global Jewish conspiracy to hold you down or some such silliness. Nah, it keeps coming back to you, the poor victim though, doesn't it?

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
You didn't actually read Marx at best you read the cliff notes because if you had actually read it you would remember like all of us that did actually read it that before the classless society could take over that the working class or the every class would have to takeover all aspects first use the resources to grow then 'return' them to the people to be shared by everyone. Socialism is the first stage of Marxism it is why it is associated with it because it can't exist without it. Yea, Hitler did argue against using the term marxism but not because it was not socialism but because it went farther than socialism and was considered an infringement on the freedom of the people. Most of the incorrect Hitler arguments against the term are due to inaccurate translations from German to English either on the part of the translator or the publisher I can't really blame them I mean the idea of Hitler even using the word freedom kinda makes me wanna barf.
Marxism can't exist without Socialism starting the process that is why actually reading the material is so important and why yes, they are connected in everyway in every facet that both have been tried.

Well, I obviously read Marx, and everything else assigned to me, well enough to get my degree in Econ. And you know what that led to? It led to me getting a job. :) Then I got an MBA. And then I got another job. :) What is it that I have that you don't have, that started this discussion in the first place? Come on now, you can do it. What is it? A job! Rather than trying to challenge me on my knowledge of economic and political philosophies, shouldn't you be sending in some resumes right now? Not to be harsh, but isn't that pretty much true? You can read Marx, Lenin, Smith, Engel and Laffer all day long. Maybe you'll even understand bits & pieces of their writings. But your layman's knowledge won't get you that elusive job in IT and most certainly not in finance, will it? If a bank is looking to hire an analyst, they'll hire me, not you. Focus on the things that will help you, rather than on the things that I've already nailed down, why don't you?

I guess to a Martian observing life on Earth, since Jews and Muslims both believe in God, they'd both be pretty much one and the same, huh? I mean, what with that commonality of their belief in a single, higher power and all. But to those of us who have actually spent some time here on Earth, we know different. There are many, many varieties of socialism. And Marxism and Nazism are most certainly not one and the same. They are, as I previously stated, at opposite ends of the political and ideological spectrum from one another. Stop acting like a Martian... and get a job! :nono:
Congrats to Obama supporters. Mr. Obama, for the sake of this country and the 20+ million that are out of work, do something that will change this economy for the better. You had the excuse that you inherited a terrible situation when you took office. That excuse will not fly 2 years from now. I am willing to put my partisanship aside for the good of this country and I truly hope your policies will work. if they do not, I fully expect a republican landslide in the mid-terms and to recapture the senate with a super majority. You do not have four years, you have 2. Produce and some opposed to you such as myself will give you the benefit of the doubt for the remaining 2 years of your term.

Regardless of who would've won the election, the president is going to preside over a growing economy, one which experts predict will create 12 million jobs over the next four years

Partisans always prefer victory to defeat, but in retrospect some elections look like poisoned chalices. Jimmy Carter’s narrow victory over Gerald Ford in 1976, for example, merely saddled the Democrats with the blame for economic problems that were global in scope and paved the way for Ronald Reagan’s 1980 election. In 2004, Democrats were desperate to boot George W. Bush from office, but his second term wound up being uneventful in policy terms, and John Kerry’s defeat allowed his party to duck a financial crisis that almost certainly would have come about one way or another.

While anything’s possible, 2012 is shaping up to be the reverse kind of election: Whoever wins is poised to preside over a return to economic normalcy that’s bound to make any kind of basically competent governance look fantastic compared to the last decade of misery.

Consider Mitt Romney’s assertion that his policies would lead to 12 million new jobs. This has gotten him in trouble with fact checkers for an unusual reason. Many people think it’s too likely to happen.

Moody’s Analytics, for example, published an analysis of the economic outlook back in April that has 11.7 million jobs over the next four years as its baseline forecast. Macroeconomic Advisers has made a similar forecast, calling for 12.3 million jobs over the next four years.

To be sure, not everyone is so optimistic. The Congressional Budget Office takes a relatively gloomy view, suggesting 9.6 million jobs will be added during the period in question. That said, for the purposes of its forecasting, the CBO is assuming that the full “fiscal cliff” of tax hikes and spending cuts will be implemented as currently required by law. Given that neither candidate favors this course of action, the odds that some alternative will be agreed upon are extremely high. More to the point, even if we get only 9.6 million jobs—or even many fewer than that—it’ll look and feel like enormous success compared to what we’ve seen recently.

Consider that over the course of George W. Bush’s eight years in office, net employment increased by about a million jobs while we’ve added a bit more than half a million in Obama’s first term. By historical standards, that’s abysmal. More than 11 million jobs were added in each of Bill Clinton’s two terms in office.

But over the past 18 months, the economy has added an average of 162,000 jobs per month. Simply holding that current trend steady for four years without any improvement in underlying economic policy would give us 7.8 million jobs.

If a re-elected Obama can manage even that mediocre growth, he could easily paint a picture in which the awful numbers of his first term are just Bush recession hangover and he saved the day. President Romney, facing the same numbers, could claim he saved the economy from years of stagnation under Obama’s big government policies. But all he’d really be doing is continuing the mildly disappointing pace of recovery we’ve seen over the past year.

The key reason jobs will almost certainly grow at at least a tepid rate is monetary policy. Ellis Tallman and Saeed Zaman have shown in research for the Cleveland Federal Reserve bank that the kind of objective economic conditions that existed in 2009 would have justified a federal funds rate of minus 5 percent—if such a thing were possible. But it’s not possible for the Fed to set nominal interest rates below zero, and the Fed hasn’t been willing to try to raise its inflation target to reduce real interest rates. Consequently, with interest rates stuck at zero, we got exactly what you would expect in a country where the central bank sets rates five percentage points too high—soaring unemployment and a sluggish recovery.

But as the economy heals, the appropriate interest rate gets higher. Tallman and Zaman estimate that by the second quarter of 2012, the right number would have been around minus 2 percent. So rates, though still too high, were closer to appropriate. Over the course of 2013, the zero-interest-rate policy will naturally become closer to the target, meaning growth is likely to be sustained and whoever’s in office is likely to reap credit he doesn’t really deserve.

It won’t be the first time, either. Franklin Roosevelt took office at the depths of the Great Depression and sparked growth by taking the country off the gold standard. It was a brilliant move that saved the American economy. But the halo of rapid recovery naturally spread to other administration initiatives—from new regulatory agencies to new social welfare programs—that had almost nothing to do with the recovery. Ronald Reagan took office during a time of economic troubles and then benefited from very rapid interest-rate cuts once Paul Volcker had broken the back of inflation. The result was a rapid recovery from the deep 1982 recession and a halo effect for essentially unrelated conservative policy initiatives.

There’s no reason to think 2013-2016 will see the kind of super-fast growth we saw in the late-1930s or mid-1980s, but it’s overwhelmingly likely that the next four or five years will look a lot better than the past four or five. That means whoever wins the election is likely to get a similar halo, and our understanding of Obama’s legacy will hang in the balance. At a telling moment on the infamous 47 percent tape, Romney told donors that “if we win on Nov. 6, there will be a great deal of optimism about the future of this country,” meaning that “we’ll see capital come back, and we’ll see—without actually doing anything—we’ll actually get a boost in the economy.”

This do-nothing approach to economic recovery was roundly mocked. But Romney is probably right: He won’t have to do anything to preside over a recovery. And neither will Obama. And that, paradoxically, is part of what makes the stakes in this election so high


Closed Account
I am very glad Obama got elected to a second term. Romney tried his best too but just couldn't secure the victor. Still, I feel Obama is going to have to make some sacrifices and cut promises in order for the country to somewhat grow (just my basic opinion) Obama can't be afraid of the republicans, he's got an economy to deal with and that won't be easy even though it is going to take years to recover, taxes, fixing the debt, China, Israel, Iran, pulling troops out of Afghanistan, stop continuing that George W. Bush policy.

Overall, it really doesn't matter who's in charge because I honestly feel both parties is both bought and bossed by the big heads who carry big dollars. Obama still has a chance, he will be more confident in the years to come and hopefully he will have more backbone. Americans need to rally with the President and believe their country will recover imo.
Let's see what Sam and Will come up with. Disenfranchised hurricane Sandy voters. Change the electoral college to square miles on the map. Main stream liberal media spin to keep voters home. Intimidating homosexual skinhead neo-nazis staged outside of polling places. I'm sure they will be back after they sober up and give comfort to each other.

Do not understand Will's "more states voted for Romney" statement. North Dakota should carry the same elective influence as New York State?? There is only like 11 people in the whole damn state??? Just goofy how it seems he would change any and every rule to get his way of thinking and screw the rest. So UnAmerican it makes your head spin. We vote, how ever it ends up majority carries. Plain and simple.
Well, I just made $100 bucks. A buddy of mine was very worried that Mr. Mittens would win because he's a complete Obamabot (I've called him that to his face, his "take me to my leader" reply in a robot voice is pretty funny) maybe as worried as I was that Hussein would win. So we made a deal, more like a bet for the other guy. I bet on Hussein and he on Mr. Mittens, that way, at least after the election was decided neither of us would be too bummed out. So now.... I GOT HOOKER MONEY FOR THE WEEKEND!!! Thanks, President Obama!! :thumbsup:

Now I just got to find out if I'll have the weekend off.


Postal Paranoiac
Curious how we were led to believe that this was such a close election.....

.... someone's maaaaaaad. :D

:rofl2: Dude, this shit is classic! This bitch has some issues and sounds like a total dyke. I think my favorite part was when she went mental on the Ron Paul and Gary Johnson supporters around the 3:20 mark. I damn near wet my pants I was laughing so hard.
Anyway, dealing with it just fine. Lots of ice cream, lots of Jack Daniels......


Oh, and the $100 hooker money, that too. I actually encourage you guys to do that kind of a bet too if you got friends from the other political party, I mean, when I saw the returns last night, when I saw the first returns out of Michigan I thought "shit, do I have enough to pay that guy?" So, yes, dissapointed that Mr. Mittens lost but when I ran into my buddy today, I was bummed, he was ecstatic..... and then he gave me the $100 from the bet, well, that relieved the pain quite a bit!

Of course, if you can't make friends with people from the opposing party, I kind of feel bad for you all if you don't. If you can keep it civil, makes for great conversation.


Why save the world, when you can rule it?
Anyway, dealing with it just fine. Lots of ice cream, lots of Jack Daniels......


Oh, and the $100 hooker money, that too. I actually encourage you guys to do that kind of a bet too if you got friends from the other political party, I mean, when I saw the returns last night, when I saw the first returns out of Michigan I thought "shit, do I have enough to pay that guy?" So, yes, dissapointed that Mr. Mittens lost but when I ran into my buddy today, I was bummed, he was ecstatic..... and then he gave me the $100 from the bet, well, that relieved the pain quite a bit!

Of course, if you can't make friends with people from the opposing party, I kind of feel bad for you all if you don't. If you can keep it civil, makes for great conversation.

I like your attitude.

Shame, Romney should have been chosen to lead the us.