Obama will go down as the shittiest president in the history of this republic

I thought about it over the weekend. Cruz said one thing that I disagreed with and that ticked me off. Trump has said many things that have ticked me off.

Voting for Ted tomorrow.

He's gonna get crushed by Trump but gotta vote my convictions.

Cruz 2016

Trump 2016 later this week.

I agree with everything Ted Cruz says. It's just that he's so f'n smarmy. I wanna take a shower after watching him on TV. I don't want him as prez. But yes, I will vote for him if he's the unlikely nominee.

I read some headline where his father said he's that Ted is the 'anointed one' then finished his thought by speaking in tongues. cuckooo.
Yeah, I heard that too. We'd be better off with Ted on the Supreme Court. He'd have 30 plus years to protect the constitution. The vituperative billionaire would get more results as president.
About Ted coming across as smarmy. If we nominate a guy that that is not a great orator like we had in GWB they are idiots. We have a guy that can put a coherent sentence together and they cannot attack his intelligence, he's smarmy or creepy. We can't win.
About Ted coming across as smarmy. If we nominate a guy that that is not a great orator like we had in GWB they are idiots. We have a guy that can put a coherent sentence together and they cannot attack his intelligence, he's smarmy or creepy. We can't win.

It's not that. I can't put my finger on it. I think xfire did in another post. I think he just comes across as the consummate politican even if he's an outsider in washington circles and whether he's sincere or not. Yes, this is superficial I guess, but in his case it's the messenger and not the message. That, and I don't think he can win the general. Maybe Trump can't either but he's got the enthusiasm behind him including from outside the base and he's the "guy you'd rather have a beer with." The blue collar reagan democrats or what's left of them are on board. The estab need to get over it. The voters have rejected them.
How in the hell can Mitt Romney, Lindsey Graham, Carly Fiorina get on that stage in Cleveland and say all is forgiven if Trump is the nominee?

Cruz will be able to.

This shit is gonna be nuts.
Fuck Romney. Usually a nominee that loses the general fades into oblivion. He still thinks he's a kingmaker.

I expect Republican defections if Trump wins the presidency.
Fuck Romney. Usually a nominee that loses the general fades into oblivion. He still thinks he's a kingmaker.

I expect Republican defections if Trump wins the presidency.

But on the flip side there's democrat defections to the GOP. Was it like thousands of democrat massachusetts voters switched party affiliations for Trump?

This current crop has had their shot. It's just time to blow it up. They're dying a slow death anyways.
Trump is reassembling the old Reagan Democrat coalition. Blue collar voters in Pennsylvania, Ohio, Michigan and so on. Trump could be the greatest president ever or the absolute worst. But as you said, he has tremendous upside.
Gen. Jack Keane almost endorsed Trump yesterday. He said that he believed that a president didn't need experience when committing our military but the ability to take the general's recommendations. About as close as an endorsement for Trump as you will get from Keane.And I believe he believes Trump would do exactly that.


New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
Obama will go down as the shittiest president in the history of this republic

Not really, but I would hesitate to nominate anyone else. It's easy to accuse just about any president of being shitty, but to be King Shit, that would take more than just strong opinions.
"Obama will go down as the shittiest president in the history of this republic"

Absolutely. In the title of this thread. Not too many other places
I know one guy who should have known that...

Republicans : "I Forgot the question, but the answer is guns".
The so called Gun Control debate is the biggest of farces the GOP uses it to inflame the red necks into being loud and the NRA uses it to fill its coffers when needed.
There is no threat to gun ownership in this country as it would take an amendment to the constitution and our congress can't even agree on a budget every year let alone amend the constitution.
The so called Gun Control debate is the biggest of farces the GOP uses it to inflame the red necks into being loud and the NRA uses it to fill its coffers when needed.
There is no threat to gun ownership in this country as it would take an amendment to the constitution and our congress can't even agree on a budget every year let alone amend the constitution.

It won't take amending the constitution, it only takes one or two more activist SCOTUS justices.

They're working on it. You are lying as usual.