pool hustler is right about GWB and looking in to Putin's eyes or soul or whatever the fuck he said. I believe it was early in his first term. Not a very good start to the GWB years..with the Chinese taking the Navy plane captive and of course 911.
way more is at stake now than when Johnson was president.
Then, the the United States wasn't subject to virtual annihilation in the span of 10 minutes.
So, perspective and stuff.
What about a president who
- came to office with a 63 billions surplus and leave office 8 years later with a 1.16 trilions deficit ?
- failed to take action depiste CIA reports, which led to the deadliest attack on US soil since Pearl Harbour ?
- lied to his people, to congress and to other nations to drove them into an unecesary war which produced nothing but terrorism and cost their lives to about 4.5 thousands of american citizens ?
- Let FEMA and DHS take no action to prevent one of the most damaging natural disasters in U.S. history ?
- was ridiculed and mocked all over the globe ?
Obama's presidency record may not be perfect but it's far from beingh as catastrophic as Georges W. Bush's
Actually, the President who let the US become potential subject to anihilation in a 10 minutes span was Harry Truman : During his presidency Soviet Union got their nukes.
You're right. It was just Ben Franklin I was thinking of. Third worst president ever. Right behind Stompy Foot, Jimmy Carter and Hoover. Maybe Coolidge.
Still worried about you. You're posting like a stroke victim.
Yeah, just think how shitty of a president you are when you make GWB and his shittiness look good.
Really look good???
Everything you freaks try to put out as something "horrible" Obama has done just fizzles out and ends up on the overblown bullshit pile.
We can still feel the effects of the Bush/Cheney terms and not in a positive way.
We need to stop making bullshit up just to make us feel better about our shitty politics and start being about US again.
94 million Americans out of work. Obamacare collapsing. Targeting of conservative organizations by the IRS and email trail disappears. Pulling out of Iraq when the military tells him beforehand that it will create a vacuum.
Solyndra collapses at taxpayer expense. The military has been dismantled. Chastises Christians for the Crusades. Fast And Furious, Black Live Matter radicals, Occupy __________ A pen and a phone " police acting stupidly" Won't take it to ISIS and destroy the oil fields and their source of income because of climate concerns. Scolds Saudi Arabia over their policies but won't demand that they accept refugees. .
Leading from behind, Iran gets 150 billion dollars, sailors humiliated by Iranians and Kerry thanks them for their assistance.
Are you watching what is happening? Republican turnout in the primaries are up 67 percent by the latest numbers and Democrat participation is down 28 percent.
I said Trump would resonate when he first announced and people laughed.
You better stock up on pacifiers son. You truly are living in the land of delusion.
I could spend my day arguing against everyone of those hollow points but even IF those were remotely as bad as you wish they were they don't compare to leaving Americans to drown 'Katrina', ignoring good intel causing 3000 plus Americans thier lives 9/11, getting invoked in the bullshit lies that put us into Iraq to begin with 'weapons of mass destruction, I can go on and on.
As to Obama care my only problem with that is they didn't force national healthcare in when they had the votes and shoved what should have been done 30 years ago right down the GOPs throats.
Reality is a cold harsh bitch and it's about time to stop making it up as you go along and start being realistic.
Please vote for trump and make us the ass clowns the world already think we are.
As to 94 million?? There are lies, white lies, and statistics.
Really 94 million??
Just keep making me laugh.
Where the shit did that silly number come from??
Have some bookers and call it a day.
They even correct Donald Trump's assertions and they are actually worse. If you didn't have to go to bi-weekly shock treatment therapy, You Might could grasp the determining factors.
Ok I'm typing very slow for you, if 94 million American were out of work that would constitute nearly 1/3 of every man woman and child in this country?
Just silly.
Love the passion they/he brings but the false 'facts' mixed with anger always made any real debate impossible.
Again Dr fowl recommends a bottle of Bookers and rest.
94 million at least. I posted the link and you choose to ignore it. Facts are stubborn things.
Just floors me anyone would believe that.
Oh well got some land in this swamp you may be interested in.
I don't know anyone who is unemployed unwillingly at this time just nuts considering 1 in 3 Americans are unemployed.