Obama to Crush Economy

A) Why isnt this major top story news?

B) Why is he doing this?

C) Well at least he didnt wire tap my telephone, so there.

A) Because the news outlets are "liberals" and they think it's a good idea.. well, they think pretty much any BHO "program" is a good idea

B) He is an idealist, and people like him want to enforce their worldview on everyone in the name of "progress"

C) He's doing it right now ;)


i have a simple question, well two actually:

- how would such a thing normally be done "democratically"? public referendum on each and every item?

- what is the office of president good for if the holder of said office is not allowed to make simple decisions?

oh, and the US is not a direct democracy, it's a constitutional republic. you elect your representatives, and then they get to rule for four years. it may not be a great system, but it's all you have... maybe you should change it to a representative democracy, where the people hold more power? but such talk is communism, fascism, socialism... right? :)


Hiliary 2020
When I saw the title of this thread I half expected you to suggest Obama was going to turn into the Hulk or something and smash everything American. :rolleyes:

One also has to love the Republican solution to the incoming future ecological disasters to the world, which is to....ummm...do nothing, and that's if they aren't actively doing anything to hasten it along.

yes the republicans in the usa will destroy the planet by doing nothing.
the democrats will save it by taxing the hell out of business until they cease to exist or simply pass on the cost to consumers, therefore making every working person a bit closer to what they call poverty.

I don't buy into all the doom and gloom.
which doom and which gloom?
we are killing the planet(especially republicans in the usa).
all this regulation and taxation and research and billion dollar committees will destroy the economy even more that it is.

i have a simple question, well two actually:

- how would such a thing normally be done "democratically"? public referendum on each and every item?

- what is the office of president good for if the holder of said office is not allowed to make simple decisions?

oh, and the US is not a direct democracy, it's a constitutional republic. you elect your representatives, and then they get to rule for four years. it may not be a great system, but it's all you have... maybe you should change it to a representative democracy, where the people hold more power? but such talk is communism, fascism, socialism... right? :)

simple decision yes
huge consequences also.
who cares what he does?
who cares if in the future the usa is one big crime ridden ghetto with 2 percent of the population being mega rich nd the rest living in squaller ?
as long as we decrease our carbon footprint all is well.
i have a simple question, well two actually:

- how would such a thing normally be done "democratically"? public referendum on each and every item?

- what is the office of president good for if the holder of said office is not allowed to make simple decisions?

oh, and the US is not a direct democracy, it's a constitutional republic. you elect your representatives, and then they get to rule for four years. it may not be a great system, but it's all you have... maybe you should change it to a representative democracy, where the people hold more power? but such talk is communism, fascism, socialism... right? :)

im pretty sure thats why we have our system of checks and balances. they dont "rule" per say, they over see the big picture and have heavy hands/ words. if something goes wrong, the people can do something about it. be it through our senators, representatives, or just ourselves.


Hiliary 2020
i'm trying not to jump to conclusions on this matter.
its not easy when i consider some of the czars he has appointed and their extreme views on many things........
but i gotta ask you Jag, wow what?
If obama was in fact deconstructing and undermining America, what would he be doing differently ?

For starters, he'd have allowed the banks to fail. He'd have allowed GM to fail. He'd have insisted on a single payer health care system. Austan Goolsbee wouldn't be his chief economic advisor. The second amendment would be under active attack. Tax incentives wouldn't favor protectionism. His foreign policy philosophy wouldn't resemble George H.W. Bush's. Robert Gates wouldn't be his secretary of defense. There's more, but that will do for now.
I was never a fan of Obama, and generally dislike his policies. But these are very tough times, and I think he's just doing what's best.
Well, let's take a look at Canada Free Press's "about us" page:


"Espousing Conservative viewpoints, cornerstone of which contain love of God, love of family, love of country, CFP maintains a loyal and growing readership.

CFP senior journalist/editor Judi McLeod tries to answer each and every letter sent to CFP by readers.

CFP’s main ongoing inspiration is to provide stories for a loyal readership that are not printed or posted elsewhere.

Mantra: Shakespeare’s Merchant of Venice (1596): “Truth will come to light; murder cannot be hid long; a man’s son may, but in the end truth will out.”"

They also have a 9th grader listed as an "editor" - leave it to The Kids to handle all that crazy "social networking" stuff!!

It's a news source that:

- has their specific little axe to grind (anti-Obama (notice the Obama countdown clock in the upper-right), anti-UN, anti-librulz, etc., etc.) - I appreciate their willingness to admit their bias, though. FoxNews can't muster even that much honesty.

- expects "loyalty" from their readership [1. God, 2. Family, 3. Country (USA), 4. CanadaFreePress, 5. Country (Canada)]

- has a hard time stringing 3 sentences together without a glaring spelling or grammatical error

- apparently places USA worship over being loyal & patriotic to Canada (note their motto: "Because without America there is no free world."

- is lame in nearly every respect
I also LOOOOOVE their "links" page. All the usual lame-ass suspects. Limbaugh, Malkin, Coulter, Boortz, Drudge, etc. - but also one called "I Love My Carbon Dioxide".

Oh, the Stoopid - it hurts!
I also LOOOOOVE their "links" page. All the usual lame-ass suspects. Limbaugh, Malkin, Coulter, Boortz, Drudge, etc. - but also one called "I Love My Carbon Dioxide".

Oh, the Stoopid - it hurts!

I wonder, if we backwards conservatives are so "stoopid", how come we are the ones that can find a way to support ourselves independently instead of leeching off other people's taxes? I guess that's right, we're too "stoopeed" to know we could stop working and live off Obama's stash!!

And I bet they all vote for liberals :D

and even though this one is from a movie, I'm sure it's a case of art imitating life

More unconstitutional acts, by an unconstitutional "president." :helpme:

I'll wait for the facts sans the alarmist rhetoric from an alarmist writer thank you.:hatsoff:
For starters, he'd have allowed the banks to fail. He'd have allowed GM to fail. He'd have insisted on a single payer health care system. Austan Goolsbee wouldn't be his chief economic advisor. The second amendment would be under active attack. Tax incentives wouldn't favor protectionism. His foreign policy philosophy wouldn't resemble George H.W. Bush's. Robert Gates wouldn't be his secretary of defense. There's more, but that will do for now.

TARP was under Bush, Obama voted for it will campaigning. Obama does/did favor a single payer system, but the Senate couldn't get enough votes with it or his public option.

I'm not saying I agree with the theory, but everything you named was something that would have been blocked by Republicans and Blue Dogs.

Except for adopting Bush's foreign policy or not allowing GM to fail. But those are great example of ways to further bankrupt the country. Borrowing money to occupy lands and keep failing corporations afloat? Again, I don't think Obama has some secret, sinister agenda to destroy America, but I can see why people can get behind the notion.

I wish people could be honest and criticize Obama without having to feel like they're conceding to the Right. So you were wrong, it's not like anybody is saying McCain was any better.
I was never a fan of Obama, and generally dislike his policies. But these are very tough times, and I think he's just doing what's best.

That's a strange mix of opinions. So you dislike his policies even though you think he's doing what's best???

I wonder, if we backwards conservatives are so "stoopid", how come we are the ones that can find a way to support ourselves independently instead of leeching off other people's taxes? I guess that's right, we're too "stoopeed" to know we could stop working and live off Obama's stash!!

.... (I'll spare a repeat of those vids)...

And I bet they all vote for liberals :D

and even though this one is from a movie, I'm sure it's a case of art imitating life

Well, I know this isn't as powerful of an argument as a Cheech & Chong movie clip and some random shit from Stormfront, but it just so happens that the red (conservative/GOP-voting) states suck up more welfare dollars than blue (librull) states do.


But why let any facts get in the way of all that anger and b.s. guff about "personal responsibility" and hard work and suchlike??

Obama Communist! Obama Fascist! Obama loves terrorists! Obama coming for our guns! Obama hates our troops! Blah fucking blah...

TARP was under Bush, Obama voted for it will campaigning.

Yes I'm aware of that. I should have been more specific and said he'd have voted against it.

Obama does/did favor a single payer system, but the Senate couldn't get enough votes with it or his public option.

But we keep hearing how Pelosi and Reid are at least as radically marxist as the Pres. One would think if the administration is bent on "deconstructing and undermining America" the unholy trinity and their minions could have brought enough pressure to bear to pass a single payer bill before they lost their supermajority.

Except for adopting Bush's foreign policy or not allowing GM to fail. But those are great example of ways to further bankrupt the country.

One could certainly argue that side, but one could also argue that allowing an additional 2 million plus to go umemployed would have created the kind of heightened chaos the Alinsky method prescribes; the method the tin foilers claim is the president's guiding principle :rolleyes:

I wish people could be honest and criticize Obama without having to feel like they're conceding to the Right.

And I wish the right could criticize Obama without resorting to lies, distortion, fear mongering, and neo-McCarthyism. Those vehicles are so pervasive they all but drown out legitimate arguments from sane people.
Yes I'm aware of that. I should have been more specific and said he'd have voted against it.

But we keep hearing how Pelosi and Reid are at least as radically marxist as the Pres. One would think if the administration is bent on "deconstructing and undermining America" the unholy trinity could have brought enough pressure to bear to pass a single payer bill before they lost their supermajority.

One could certainly argue that side, but one could also argue that allowing an additional 2 million plus to go umemployed would have created the kind of heightened chaos the Alinsky method prescribes; the method the tin foilers claim is the president's guiding principle :rolleyes:

And I wish the right could criticize Obama without resorting to lies, distortion, fear mongering, and neo-McCarthyism. Those vehicles are so pervasive they all but drown out legitimate arguments from sane people.

Pelosi was pushing for the private option, but no, they couldn't have gotten the votes. It wasn't going to happen, but not for lack of trying. Nobody's claiming that Obama has absolute power, many just think that might be the aim. So we can't give him credit for what he failed to get passed.

And remember, if Obama would have let GM and Chrysler go under, millions of union workers would feel alienated from Obama and the Democrats... and Andy Stern and the SEIU's influence would be heavily diminished. Instead, big auto's dependence on the Federal government has grown to new levels.

Again, I'm having fun with this, I don't necessarily believe it. But if the "tin foilers" are right, would Obama really be foolish enough to follow the Alinsky model to the T? That reminds me of the people who saw the World Trade Center as Bush's Reichstag.

I agree with you about the Beckites out there, but more and more both sides to be justifying ignorance or negating truths by pointing out past hypocrisy and playing gotcha with YouTube clips and obscure, forgotten headlines. Each side deluding itself a little more in the process.