Wow. I wasn't trying to be Humphrey Bogart. Whenever I refer to a woman as a "doll" (as in she is a "doll") I mean it in the most complimentary terms. I didn't mean that to be patronizing nor insulting. I don't get personal per se on these type of things (message boards, etc.) but I meant it as a term of endearment in that I find you have redeeming qualities I personally like.
I think you do like me. I do like you. However, you've just been caught in a lie. You intended it to be patronizing. You're intent was to minimize my point of view. It is ok to admit when you are wrong.
First mistake, this isn't a class and we're not in school. We were having a discussion. I've never met a person beyond some instructor, teacher or professor who assigned homework in order to make their point.
So in the real world if someone asked me to what do I attribute a point; assuming I've attempted some specific point or contention based on a statement I'm going to point them to some specific quote or statement in full context.
Yeah, you didn't understand the reference. Bad communication on my part. It wasn't a reference to class, it was a reference to study groups - "If you didn't read the fucking book, than shut the fuck up." It sounds harsh, but the intention is to say (to the other students), you need to do your homework.
So, you don't get to dictate terms of discussions. That is real life. So, if you aren't knowledgable on a topic, you can't point to the other side and cry. You didn't understand the source. That is ok, but don't whine to me about it.
I think we agree that Obama has acknowledged/discussed his long relationship with Wright as a Pastor, friend and mentor...Obama likened Wright to a paternal family member. I think he was consistent in his description of the relationship and I think he maintained the general nature of their relationship during his campaign until asked about some of Wright's controversial statements in some sermon circa 2001/2. Obama repudiated them while defending Wright the mentor, Pastor and friend. Obama made his 'race' speech..spoke candidly of his relationship with Wright among other things. Wright subsequently made some other statements once referring to Jews..Obama severed ties with Wright.
Going strictly from memory that's the way I remembered.
Wright made controversial statements in the wake of 9/11 and since we never had a 9/11 before, one of my questions would be is there not only evidence of Wright making similarly controversial statements prior to those but also is there evidence Obama was sitting there listening to it?
I thought Obama handled the issue as well as it could be. You believed he handled it not particularly good nor particularly problem. I was looking more for your reasoning behind saying he flip flopped...which would be a reason for me to grade him on it lower as well.
I'll use this example, just because I know how much you respect the source:
However, I agree with John McCane, just because someone supports you doesn't mean that you support everything they do. Again, from your favorite source:
Obviously I'm just teasing you about Fox News. I've told you I'm not a fan of the network.
Obama, at this point has clearly distanced himself from Wright. The reference I gave you was showing the mentor type relationship that Wright had with Obama.
Now the question of flip flopping? Do I have a reference of Obama sitting through offensive dialog. No. Tough to prove or disprove a negative though. I can only draw a line from absolute support to complete distancing. I don't believe people change over night (I think they do change). So, the flip flop isn't what you are looking for.
This the statement I made you have been fussing over:
" It isn't a minimal issue. It is a significant one. It isn't the end of the world, but it needs to be addressed. That is why he gets a C- from me. He didn't fail, but he was a flip flopper."
So, there you go...he didn't handle the situation well. I don't think he could have. A spiritual mentor turns out to have some ugly points of view. I gave the guy a C-. You lose your scholarship for those grades, but you don't fail. I expect more from my president. I'm disappointed.
You may not agree with me, but that is ok. Calling me Doll, Silly, and Intellectually dishonest is mean, patronizing, lazy, and just picking a fight. If you still have a problem with this, I'll stand by my accusation that you are not objective.
Tell me something kinky instead of trying to pick a fight.