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Obama Report Card - Two Years Later

Barry's Record

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I gave him a 1 but I don't see how we can grade Barry's performance because he hasn't really done anything, he has pretty much continued the same Bush policies, he is a puppet, bought and paid for, just like the last president
What the? Who the hell is rating this clown, communist blowhards? Even left wingers know Obama has done little or nothing. :dunno: Not necesarilly his fault entirely, but still.
Barak Hussein Obama is most certainly an Epic Failure. His rating has to be less than 0 because not only has he failed to accomplish anything, he has negatively affected the US to a large magnititude.

He has created a healthcare system in which those who can afford it pay for those who can't, those who don't have it are FORCED BY THEIR OWN GOVERNMENT to purchase it, whether they want it or not, a sort of healthcare fascism where the gestapo raid your house at gunpoint in the middle of the night and force you to apply for Liberty Mutual, or whichever insurance company contributed the most to their campaign funding;

And most detrimental of all, in his grand effort to "reform" healthcare, he's made it more expensive and complicated for everybody. Have your healthcare premiums gone up since the passing of this grandiose fistful of socialism was forced down our throats? Mine has. The only people happy about "ObamaCare" are those who've never paid for it anyway.

And now nobody gets health coverage at work, EVEN IF THEY COULD GET A JOB, which of course, over 10% of us can't because the cost for small business to provide it to their employees is now prohibitively high. And because Barak Hussein Obama's financial good ole boys club of Guenther and Paulson, et al have printed so much money and run the debt to 13 or whatever trillion, the constant looming threat of higher taxes, increased regulation, and devaluation of the dollar has businesses in a paralyzed fear of hiring anyone or investing in their business in any way.

And that idiot Pelosi said with a straight face that extending unemployment benefits stimulates the economy more than hiring someone will do. She thinks paying someone to do nothing is better than paying them to do something, but that's a conversation for another thread.

This of course exacerbated the collapse of the housing market. So what does he do? He takes TRILLIONS of dollars we don't have and buys a car company, pours good money after bad into Fannie and Freddie, buys a couple of insurance companies and about 5 large banks, and not one time, NOT ONCE did he EVER give ANY money back to the population that paid for all that in the first place. Our treasury department gave $600 billion to Citibank (which incidentally they paid approximately $1.30 for every $1 of share purchased, while Warren Buffet bought it at $.70 on the dollar (Hey! government at work fo ya!) but not a single dime of the "Stimulus Package" went back to the populace that provided it.

Barak Hussein Obama has run around the world apologizing for our country and concentrating on propogating Muslim ideals and all that sensitivity bullshit (just so he can get $250,000 speaking gigs for 20 years after he leaves office by the way) while ignoring the general health of the country and those who stupidly elected him to represent their ideals.

So let's recap:

- More expensive healthcare and now you're forced to buy it.

- $13 Trillion in debt (For those in Rio Linda who think this will never affect them, let us remind you that increasing national debt leads to the eventually that you cannot pay all your loans. This leads to other countries no longer lending you money. This leads to a drop in liquidity of the money supply. This leads to banks not lending money to anyone, business or individuals. This leads to no one buying anything. This leads to no one making anything or selling anything. That's called massive unemployment. And because no money is moving around our economy, our money becomes worth less, the dollar devalues in relation to other currencies of the world. That's called a loss in economic competitiveness on a global scale.

That's called an Epic Failure.
could not have said it any better myself Peter, but its ok, as long as everyone has their sex, drugs, sports and rock n roll, its gonna be ok, actually the national debt is closer to 75 trillion and unemployment is at around 23% but dont worry, he's got a little over a year to fix all of this lol
americans really need to get this 2 party system out of their heads, both parties are controlled by the same interests, I don't see why this is so hard to understand, this 2 party system was setup to make the people believe they have a choice, how about a new party named the freedomist party, hell it cant be any worse than the other 2
Obama ate the Republican's lunch during this lame duck session of Congress

And I'm sure he's still hungry. There wasn't much left on the plate after the Republicans decimated his congress in the November elections.
americans really need to get this 2 party system out of their heads, both parties are controlled by the same interests, I don't see why this is so hard to understand, this 2 party system was setup to make the people believe they have a choice, how about a new party named the freedomist party, hell it cant be any worse than the other 2

A two party system may suck when the choices are a giant douche and a turd sandwish, but look south of the border, they got more than 2 parties and see how well they're doing. If you think there's gridlock with a president from one party and a congress from another party, try to picture it with a president from one party and congress made up of a whole bunch of them all with their own little special interests.
Is Obama the victim of our political system?

President Obama spent so much energy to pass the Health Care Bill, then the Republican won the House and filed court case and won !

Universal Health Care is dead ! So it is a waste of time when a country can not set a policy for the next 30-50 years !
A two party system may suck when the choices are a giant douche and a turd sandwish, but look south of the border, they got more than 2 parties and see how well they're doing. If you think there's gridlock with a president from one party and a congress from another party, try to picture it with a president from one party and congress made up of a whole bunch of them all with their own little special interests.

One difference - That country is run by Mexicans ;)

I like the PR system more than the winner-take-all system we have in America. I mean, a party here could theoretically get 49% of the vote in every district in the nation and not win a single Congressional seat. That is kind of fucked up, and it's created a two party system with the reins of power basically held by the same people with the same selfish agendas but with different people to pay back when they are in power. :2 cents:


Closed Account
I give the President an 8. I find him charismatic , driven, and unselfish. President Obama's flaws is escalating troops in Afghanistan, cont some of W Bush's policies, ignoring Latin America ties, and trying to please everyone including the Republicans. Obama is in charge so he should use his leadership to his full advantage in order to control. I'm pretty sure the President was heartbroken once he found out the Democratic Party lost seats in the House of Representatives, nonetheless I still believe in the President.
I give the President an 8. I find him charismatic , driven, and unselfish. President Obama's flaws is escalating troops in Afghanistan, cont some of W Bush's policies, ignoring Latin America ties, and trying to please everyone including the Republicans. Obama is in charge so he should use his leadership to his full advantage in order to control. I'm pretty sure the President was heartbroken once he found out the Democratic Party lost seats in the House of Representatives, nonetheless I still believe in the President.

again I ask everyone, what has he done for the american people? please name some positive changes he has made since he took office besides being charismatic, driven and unselfish? By the way I agree with the first one but the last 2 I do not


Closed Account
again I ask everyone, what has he done for the american people? please name some positive changes he has made since he took office besides being charismatic, driven and unselfish? By the way I agree with the first one but the last 2 I do not

Well Obama was able to sign the Healthcare bill into law, got the country out of a major recession, created jobs for the American people, and yes pardoned a turkey.
And I'm sure he's still hungry. There wasn't much left on the plate after the Republicans decimated his congress in the November elections.

Really? He got DADT repealed, passed the 9/11 first responders bill, passed the food safety law, passed START, and got a tax cuts compromise. This lame duck session has been the most productive of the 15 held since WW2. That sure seems like a lot to me.:dunno:
Well Obama was able to sign the Healthcare bill into law, got the country out of a major recession, created jobs for the American people, and yes pardoned a turkey.

actually the healthcare bill has not been past and it probably won't because it was deemed unconstitutional and was basically written by the health insurance companies, this bs bill basically excludes the major corporations like McDonald's from having to supply healthcare to their workers while making sure small companies must buy into it, talk about destroying the free market, and actually the country is still in a recession and will probably be going into a major depression once true hyperinflation starts to kick in and the unemployment rate is holding at 23 percent and will probably climb this year into next year so again I ask, what has Obama done since he took over office in 2008, he's done turkey squat, that's what
Really? He got DADT repealed, passed the 9/11 first responders bill, passed the food safety law, passed START, and got a tax cuts compromise. This lame duck session has been the most productive of the 15 held since WW2. That sure seems like a lot to me.:dunno:

that food safety bill is as phony as a 2 dollar bill and will do nothing to keep the food supply clean and healthy, it will destroy small farmers and make our food even more chemical ridden and unsanitary
I'm not the Obama fan I was when I voted for him. I think the compromise at the end of the year was a sell out to grandstand. Lowering taxes and increasing spending just seems reckless to me. I read it as pure politics and bad government. A good sampling of the administration so far.

With that said, I'm glad McCane did not win. I just don't think he is up to the leadership.
(...and don't even get me going on Palin.)
I was going to compliment you for saying something that was almost balanced, but who needs the argument. ;)

Saying something balanced for the sake of it is worse than compromising for the sake of it IMO.:2 cents:

FTR, I was going to say the classic, northeast liberal (progressive) elitist shtick is passe, '80's-ish, doesn't work and is quite laughable...but who needs the argument? :D