If only Obama would end these 2 senseless, meaningless wars which will go down in history as Dumbya's wars even if Obama keeps asking Congress to fund them for 8 more years. We will just label Obama as a surprisingly aggressive, war-mongering president and NOT a president of peace like we all thought he'd be when we elected him.
If we still have troops of any kind in Afghan and/or Iraq in 1 year, I say we demand Obama give back his Nobel....:dunno:
Sounds reasonable.He would just be another tool of the military -Industrial complex.There is a reporter who just escaped being held by the taliban for 7 months who says they hate Obama much worse then they did Bush for his escalation in Afghanistan and the use of drones etc and killing of civilans.
Really the problem with both parties are how much they are tools of the vested interests like the military-industrial types,corporate interests etc against the interests of the average american and the rest of the just average people in the world.Profits come first, people second.
Just like with these bail outs.They are not examples of the govt taking control of private enterprise but exactly the opposite.The banks and other financial institutions that caused all the trouble playing the game with no rules knew they had so much power they could count on the govt bailing them out with taxpayers money when their rackets got into trouble.Govt had little choice anyway ,bail out the crooks who had demanded no regulation and gotten their way or watch another depression hit the country.And we still have no meaningfull regulation and probably won't as those people of course still own the govt.