Obama plays more golf in 9 months than Bush did in nearly three years...


Take our country back? Um, nope. It's finally in the LEFT hands. We just need to make it easier for the current leadership to do their jobs. We need to DEMAND POLITICAL REFORM which ends all forms of Lobbying. :thumbsup:

The gov't belongs to the people, not the corporations.

Fixed it for ya
If only Obama would end these 2 senseless, meaningless wars which will go down in history as Dumbya's wars even if Obama keeps asking Congress to fund them for 8 more years. We will just label Obama as a surprisingly aggressive, war-mongering president and NOT a president of peace like we all thought he'd be when we elected him.

If we still have troops of any kind in Afghan and/or Iraq in 1 year, I say we demand Obama give back his Nobel....:dunno:

Sounds reasonable.He would just be another tool of the military -Industrial complex.There is a reporter who just escaped being held by the taliban for 7 months who says they hate Obama much worse then they did Bush for his escalation in Afghanistan and the use of drones etc and killing of civilans.

Really the problem with both parties are how much they are tools of the vested interests like the military-industrial types,corporate interests etc against the interests of the average american and the rest of the just average people in the world.Profits come first, people second.

Just like with these bail outs.They are not examples of the govt taking control of private enterprise but exactly the opposite.The banks and other financial institutions that caused all the trouble playing the game with no rules knew they had so much power they could count on the govt bailing them out with taxpayers money when their rackets got into trouble.Govt had little choice anyway ,bail out the crooks who had demanded no regulation and gotten their way or watch another depression hit the country.And we still have no meaningfull regulation and probably won't as those people of course still own the govt.
Take our country back? Um, nope. It's finally in the right hands. We just need to make it easier for the current leadership to do their jobs. We need to DEMAND POLITICAL REFORM which ends all forms of Lobbying. :thumbsup:

The gov't belongs to the people, not the corporations.

ahahahahaha, The rights hands huh? so the hands of the spenders and the hands of the people who are going back on many many things they all backed during the election campaign. Notice how I said "they". This is not just Obama this is everyone involved in his campaign and cabinet. When will the pull the troops out? Wasn't it suppose to happen on day 1? We are 9 months in and now there is a need to send more troops? What a liar.
ahahahahaha, The rights hands huh? so the hands of the spenders and the hands of the people who are going back on many many things they all backed during the election campaign. Notice how I said "they". This is not just Obama this is everyone involved in his campaign and cabinet. When will the pull the troops out? Wasn't it suppose to happen on day 1? We are 9 months in and now there is a need to send more troops? What a liar.

Actually I think they said during the campaign it would take about 18 months to withdraw from Iraq.And on afghanistan he never said he would withdraw,in fact he said afghanistan and pakistan where the places we need to do more in.I didn't like the sound of that personally but what else was the option if you wanted less military action, vote for Mr. "bomb bomb bomb Iran" McCain ?:eek::dunno:
Actually I think they said during the campaign it would take about 18 months to withdraw from Iraq.And on afghanistan he never said he would withdraw,in fact he said afghanistan and pakistan where the places we need to do more in.I didn't like the sound of that personally but what else was the option if you wanted less military action, vote for Mr. "bomb bomb bomb Iran" McCain ?:eek::dunno:

I did infact vote for McCain you are correct sir. I only picked him though because I thought we would be the lesser of the two evils. You can think what ever you want about him but I guess we will never know since all these uninformed people voted for who they saw the most on television.

BTW I am beyond sick and tired of hearing that voting for McCain made me a racist. Is this not a double edged sword? If you voted for Obama because he is "black" does this not in turn make you a racist because you voted for him based on skin color? (sorry Friday this is not an attack on you. I don't know your reasoning behind your vote or even if you did or didn't vote for him. Just getting my anger out):wave2:
I did infact vote for McCain you are correct sir. I only picked him though because I thought we would be the lesser of the two evils. You can think what ever you want about him but I guess we will never know since all these uninformed people voted for who they saw the most on television.

BTW I am beyond sick and tired of hearing that voting for McCain made me a racist. Is this not a double edged sword? If you voted for Obama because he is "black" does this not in turn make you a racist because you voted for him based on skin color? (sorry Friday this is not an attack on you. I don't know your reasoning behind your vote or even if you did or didn't vote for him. Just getting my anger out):wave2:

No offense taken.Actually I think McCain is far different then Bush and would have been an improvement.

And just so you know while I voted for Obama I originally liked Edwards and then Hillary more.Thought they were better then Obama on the issues (still do) and my other concern was I thought being black Obama might have hard time being elected just because of that.

I don't think everyone who didn't vote for Obama was racist but some definately had his being black as a problem I'm sure.Bet a lot more people voted against him based on race then voted for him.
No offense taken.Actually I think McCain is far different then Bush and would have been an improvement.

And just so you know while I voted for Obama I originally liked Edwards and then Hillary more.Thought they were better then Obama on the issues (still do) and my other concern was I thought being black Obama might have hard time being elected just because of that.

I don't think everyone who didn't vote for Obama was racist but some definitely had his being black as a problem I'm sure.Bet a lot more people voted against him based on race then voted for him.

Your last paragraph is probably right. Not sure as there is stats on that but they are probably skewed anyway (who would answer that honestly?) I didn't have a lot of faith in Hilary either but at this point I think she may have been a better choice then Obama (scary to think).

I just feel that people need to become more educated as to why they vote the way they do. If that means they still vote for Obama that's great. I just can't understand those who vote for someone because they are the better speaker at debates. Or because their favorite celebrity is backing so-and-so.

When was the last time you knew a celebrity who actually knew anything about politics? Get them the hell off the podium during election campaigns it's just another useless brainwashing scheme that persuades the simple minded to vote based on emotion and no facts.:2 cents:
Take our country back? Um, nope. It's finally in the right hands. We just need to make it easier for the current leadership to do their jobs. We need to DEMAND POLITICAL REFORM which ends all forms of Lobbying. :thumbsup:

The gov't belongs to the people, not the corporations.

If you honestly and truly think that corporations, PACs, unions, etc. don't own the Democratic party, I've got some beachfront land in Arizona for ya. :thumbsup:

Newsflash: Every politician in Washington is corrupt. ALL of them. They trade favors for money to get elected. Even your left-wing saviour Obama. He was bought and paid for a LONG time ago.


If you honestly and truly think that corporations, PACs, unions, etc. don't own the Democratic party, I've got some beachfront land in Arizona for ya. :thumbsup:

Newsflash: Every politician in Washington is corrupt. ALL of them. They trade favors for money to get elected. Even your left-wing saviour Obama. He was bought and paid for a LONG time ago.

And now all the people who bought Obama are cashing in.
