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Obama on Capitalism

He hates it.

We do not begrudge wealth in this country... but you can't be rich and successful without the government's help. In other words, you're only rich because the government allowed you to be, and we don't begrudge wealth, just the wealthy. Lol!

He ripped Elizabeth Warren's speech. She said it better

She actually says: "...the roads the rest of us paid for." I guess you can start a business, build a factory, produce goods and hire employees without paying taxes now? Somehow business people aren't included as "the rest of us?" And believe it or not, there are a lot of businessmen and women that are successful while still falling well outside the boundaries of the "evil" 1%ers. Those people found successes in spite of Elizabeth Warren's "rest of us," not because of them.

And the left seriously still defends these types against accusations of socialism and communism. They aren't even hiding it anymore. If you believe that's the right way to do things, fine, just don't get all uppity when people call a spade a spade.


Mine aren't stories. They are direct copy/pastes from news sources, many times without any editorializing from me.

This thread is nothing but a video, an intentional attempt to take it out of context, and an absurd accusation. Obama hates capitalism? Serously? Is that the best you guys can do?
Mine aren't stories. They are direct copy/pastes from news sources, many times without any editorializing from me.

This thread is nothing but a video, an intentional attempt to take it out of context, and an absurd accusation. Obama hates capitalism? Serously? Is that the best you guys can do?

Lol, ok. Here's the story from ABC News if that makes it anymore worthy, or whatever your point about not using a news source was.

As far as his stance on capitalism, there really wasn't any editorializing on meester's part, its extremely clear that he (Obama), is currently campaigning against it:
...look, if you’ve been successful, you didn’t get there on your own.
...If you were successful, somebody along the line gave you some help.
...Somebody helped to create this unbelievable American system that we have that allowed you to thrive.
...If you’ve got a business. you didn’t build that. Somebody else made that happen.

Those are actual quotes from the video posted in the OP, as well as spelled out in a transcript from a news source. There's no other way to construe these statements, along with several others, that directly point to the fact that he does not believe in capitalism, to the point that he's actually saying, "those of you have have succeeded in a capitalistic marketplace, you're wrong, that wasn't capitalism that did that for you, that was the government's assistance within the framework of capitalism that did that for you." He actually said that the "system... allowed you to thrive," it doesn't get more obvious.

If you don't like capitalism, or certain parts of it, like I've said before, that's fine. Difference of opinion, think whatever you'd like to think. But, factually, its blatantly obvious that Obama is not a fan of definitional Capitalism (or at least that's the platform he has governed and campaigned on, thus far) and has been attacking capitalism for the majority of his term in office, there is no way to debate that.


...If you’ve got a business. you didn’t build that. Somebody else made that happen.

I knew you were going to jump on that, and I knew you were going to do it like that. The quote is so obviously clear that he is talking about the infrastructure that your business depends upon. C'mon, just because the GOP is the Party of brainwashed, hick morons, you can't get away with it from the rest of us.

Next time, stop with the ".......(rest of the comment)", quote the whole comment.

As far as the rest of the comments/video, he's absolutely right and I agree with him. Capitalism requires a sound infrastructure. If you disagree with that, don't use another interstate highway ever again. Capitalism requires an educated workforce. And yet Romney is on record saying we don't need more teachers.

He actually said that the "system... allowed you to thrive," it doesn't get more obvious.

OK, what other system allows you to thrive then? I don't even get the point you're trying to make. It seems obvious that he is praising Capitalism above all other systems. So what's your problem?
Businesses aren't job creators, consumers are. If you don’t have more customers, you won’t hire more workers. If you want to reduce unemployment you have to boost demand, not reduce costs, which is what the GOP calls for. The real problem with the economy is demand. Not "uncertainty", high taxes or too many regulations, demand!
Businesses aren't job creators, consumers are. If you don’t have more customers, you won’t hire more workers. If you want to reduce unemployment you have to boost demand, not reduce costs, which is what the GOP calls for. The real problem with the economy is demand. Not "uncertainty", high taxes or too many regulations, demand!

gotta disagree, businesses can create jobs if there is a open fair free market to back them up (what we have now is corporate fascism), a nation of consumerism cannot sustain an economy forever, NAFTA and GATT have shipped more jobs overseas than I can count, the result of free trade has turned the US into nothing more than a consumerist society, the US needs to stop all this free trade BS, place tariffs on all incoming goods just like other countries tax incoming US products, more US production is the answer, not continued de-industrialization, higher taxes and regulations will not fix the US economy it will hurt it in the long run.........tariffs on incoming products, nationalization of the private federal reserve, limiting the power of near worthless government agencies like the FDA and EPA (people being arrested for selling raw milk and GE never pays a dime on its nuclear catastrophes) is what's needed for economic growth in the US

Will E Worm


This is a great speech for people who believe they can't make any money beyond a middle-class income.[/QUOTE]

Scroll up and read my comment.

She doesn't know what she is talking about. She even lied about her heritage. :facepalm:

Socialism is better.
We need to make the world Socialist.


Businesses aren't job creators, consumers are. If you don’t have more customers, you won’t hire more workers. If you want to reduce unemployment you have to boost demand, not reduce costs, which is what the GOP calls for. The real problem with the economy is demand. Not "uncertainty", high taxes or too many regulations, demand!

Master Rsohi has your number. :tongue:

gotta disagree, businesses can create jobs if there is a open fair free market to back them up (what we have now is corporate fascism), a nation of consumerism cannot sustain an economy forever, NAFTA and GATT have shipped more jobs overseas than I can count, the result of free trade has turned the US into nothing more than a consumerist society, the US needs to stop all this free trade BS, place tariffs on all incoming goods just like other countries tax incoming US products, more US production is the answer, not continued de-industrialization, higher taxes and regulations will not fix the US economy it will hurt it in the long run.........tariffs on incoming products, nationalization of the private federal reserve, limiting the power of near worthless government agencies like the FDA and EPA (people being arrested for selling raw milk and GE never pays a dime on its nuclear catastrophes) is what's needed for economic growth in the US

People with money create jobs. The federal government stops people from creating jobs.
If people want to buy raw milk they should be able to. Nothing wrong with it.

NAFTA and GATT have to be repealed.

EPA is worthless and the FDA needs to be reorganized. They are not doing their job.
I knew you were going to jump on that, and I knew you were going to do it like that. The quote is so obviously clear that he is talking about the infrastructure that your business depends upon. C'mon, just because the GOP is the Party of brainwashed, hick morons, you can't get away with it from the rest of us.

Next time, stop with the ".......(rest of the comment)", quote the whole comment.

As far as the rest of the comments/video, he's absolutely right and I agree with him. Capitalism requires a sound infrastructure. If you disagree with that, don't use another interstate highway ever again. Capitalism requires an educated workforce. And yet Romney is on record saying we don't need more teachers.

OK, what other system allows you to thrive then? I don't even get the point you're trying to make. It seems obvious that he is praising Capitalism above all other systems. So what's your problem?

First of all, why is it that liberals cannot disagree with someone without name calling? If you disagree, fine, it happens, but if you honestly feel that your arguments are self-evident, and that they can stand alone, the whole "brainwashed, hick morons" etc, etc, etc... is unnecessary, wouldn't you say? I mean I know Chapter 1 in the Liberal Handbook is titled "Condescension, Pretentiousness and Debate," but its just tired.

Moving on, don't act like this was a speech about the "proud infrastructure" of America, because it clearly isn't. Its a public statement about his perceived shortcomings of the capitalistic system and the "unfairness" of income inequality, in an effort to convince people that they are incapable of succeeding without government assistance, which is untrue.

In its very base sense, capitalism is defined as: An economic and political system in which a country's trade and industry are controlled by private owners for profit. I would like to know how you can justify the statement "It seems obvious that he is praising capitalism above all other systems," when what he is advocating is a government regulated and directed market for governmental, pre-determined limits on how much profit is acceptable and allowable, and how much profit is punishable, which is not capitalism at all. That system sounds a lot more like "an economic system characterised by social ownership, control of the means of production and cooperative management of the economy, and a political philosophy advocating such a system." Any idea what that would be the base definition of? Like I said before, the left isn't even hiding it anymore. And by him saying "somebody helped to create this unbelievable American system that we have that allowed you to thrive," (I used the whole quote so you wouldn't have a fit) he's implying that you were not simply making use of the system to the best of your abilities, but rather, you succeeded because the government allowed it, and directed it so that you could succeed, in all their greatness. Again, not capitalism.

As I said before, if you (both personally and as an ideological group) don't like capitalism, just say so and stop trying to find (allegedly) clever deflections for accusations of being closeted anti-capitalists. That's pretty much the left's argument anyway, "capitalism is evil," its just an ideology that has recently been framed in a way that allows one to believe it so, yet doesn't actually require one to say its so. If we were to "level the playing field" so to speak, in a decade, all the money would end right back in the same people's hands, guaranteed.

And, indeed, capitalism had made use of national infrastructure, but there were capitalism and individual successes prior to the interstate system and federally subsidized roads, believe it or not. People did succeed before the government was trying to hold everyone's hand, and success can still be achieved without paternalistic government salvation, despite what Obama, Elizabeth Warren and the bulk of the left would have us believe.

And just to address all of your points, as far as teachers go, in this instance, I do agree with Romney that we don't need more teachers, with the caveat that we need good teachers, not simply more teachers. Hiring bad teachers just for the sake of hiring more teachers is like hiring ditch diggers that don't have arms, its counterproductive, ineffective and a waste of money.

You can go ahead and take the last word, I'm done :brick: over this thread. We disagree, that seems to be the long and short of it.
You're going to relegate name calling as something only liberals do? Come on, man....

Not uniquely left, no, but the cries of "xenophobe," "racist," "sexist," "brainwashed," "moron," etc... are far more ubiquitous on that side of the spectrum when a disagreement of policy, or otherwise, is concerned.


I have been called names directly on this forum more times than I can count. When I resort to it, it is to the group and I'm calling it like I see it. Take another look at the Texas GOP platform and tell me I'm wrong.

I'm a poker dealer/pit dealer/casino employee, living in the Capitalism.....Capitol (sorry) of the Known Universe. So let's dispense with the "Mayhem Hates Capitalism" schtick. It just ain't working.

We run into another situation, with this particular speech, where you hear what you want to hear; but most of all, you hear who you want to hear. This is another case where, if Romney, Dubya or Reagan had given these same exact remarks, you'd defend them to the death. And if the same sentiments were expressed toward the military budget, Homeland Security or whatever Republican program that is floating your particular boat, you would fall all over yourself hailing the speaker as the Messiah.

You can go ahead and take the last word, I'm done over this thread. We disagree, that seems to be the long and short of it.

Why is it that Conservatives can't disagree with someone without having one foot pointed at the door when the debate is just getting interesting? You guys are too eager to bail, and I think it's because you can't take the complexity of the world around you. It's much easier to spread a new coat of paint rather than fix the foundation.