NY Jets harass sexy female reporter

Her face isn't anything terrible. To say she ain't much to look at is quite untrue.

No, to say she isn't much to look at is an opinion. A rather reasonable one. She's got a great ass, but a mediocre face and horrible halved grapefruit titties.

I'll never understand Mexican TV. The country has some truly beautiful Latina women, but all the women I see on the non-soap opera TV shows are bleach blonde, fake tittied, fake nosed chicks that probably couldn't even make it as car show models if they were in LA.


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Bronze Member
Calling the throwing of balls in her direction 'throwing ball at her' is a lie.

Because we can assume that if they actually wanted to hit her, they wouldn't have missed, would they?

But hey, a bit of drama never hurt a career for someone basing it on being hot as the major issue.


what the fuck you lookin at?
IMO no crime has been committed here. Who among us wouldn't at least tell her she has an amazing ass!
BTW, she wore a black mini dress, black stockings, stilletto heels and a blouse with a plunging neckline to the game last night - that's how uncomfortable the players made her feel.

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
I hate bringing up somebody's style of dress when justifying another party's behavior..it sounds too much like those who blame rape victims for dressing too sexy. But in this case, some woman wore extremely tight and sexy clothing in order to get attention...and she got that attention. And now she's exploiting the fact that human beings sometimes behave like human beings. Another talentless human being who's now a near-household name for accomplishing absolutely nothing.

No, bringing up her choice of clothing at work is relevant, IMO. If she wants to be considered a "professional reporter" then she should dress like a professional reporter, and not like a pole dancer. She dressed to get attention, she got it... now she wants more attention. She's just another attention whore.

When women have a knowledge of and a genuine interest in a sport, I have no problem at all with them being reporters. In fact, I think it adds another perspective. But bringing in some floozy with a bad boob job, a big ass (which is the only thing I like about this one) and seemingly not much knowledge of the sport, just hurts the case for female sports reporters in general.

She wouldn't dress like that if she didn't want attention. Men will be men. Deal with it.

and this:

Butterface. People keep going on and on about how hot she is because of that one ass pic, but really, she ain't much to look at.

and this:

Name any other reporter that conducts a professional interview dressed like this...


I mean, what does she think when going into a locker room dressed like that where guys have their cocks hanging all over the place in the next room over. boys will be boys. deal with it, trick.

and wendy murphy's comments that this bimbo should not have to worry regardless if it's jeans or even see through lingerie was so completely ignorant its laughable.

Big Poppa Pump

- My Name Is My Name -

This girl knows she wasn't harassed. The self proclaimed "sexiest reporter in Mexico" is running all the way to the bank with this. By the time the press let go of this she will be as big as Sofia Vergara.....and she is in more ways than one!!!! :love-smi:

This girl knows she wasn't harassed. The self proclaimed "sexiest reporter in Mexico" is running all the way to the bank with this. By the time the press let go of this she will be as big as Sofia Vergara.....and she is in more ways than one!!!! :love-smi:

I want some:love-smi:
Something tells me another Gloria All-Dead sighting is imminent.:facepalm::facepalm:

This girl knows she wasn't harassed. The self proclaimed "sexiest reporter in Mexico" is running all the way to the bank with this. By the time the press let go of this she will be as big as Sofia Vergara.....and she is in more ways than one!!!! :love-smi:

she got what she wanted dressing like that. to be honest, i think her ass is fucking HUGE. not my taste at all. there a nice plump ass is one thing, but her ass is way too fucking large. wendy murphy should be ashamed she defended this chick as provacotive she was dressing. if it was my mom who dressed like that around all those dirty men id kick her ass to the curb.
How come they dont let a male reporter go into the cheerleaders locker room to interview them about the game!?? :dunno: