It's definitely a great ass. =)
I don't know if she's got ass implants, I was just fuckin around, buttya don't see many skin and bones women with gigantic rearends like that. She has fake written all over her.
It doesn't matter if she was wearing skin tight jeans, that doesn't give you the right to commit sexual harassment.
It's only sexual harassment because they're rich. If it was one of us, it'd just be a failed pick up attempt.
It's only sexual harassment because they're rich. If it was one of us, it'd just be a failed pick up attempt.
Do the same thing to a woman at work and no matter if your the janitor or the CEO you may reprimanded,fired etc.
It's only sexual harassment because they're rich. If it was one of us, it'd just be a failed pick up attempt.
Send all women back to the kitchen and to tending the little ones.
Problem solved.impdaddy
When a chick is that fucking hot and she dresses that provocatively even other women will stop, gawk and whisper.
But but....that chick is fiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiine! I'm not really big on latina chicks for dating but damn...I might just put up with the drama to fuck around with her.
I'm sure I will just need a good set of ear plugs for the times I don't want to hear her telling all who will listen how gorgeous and pretty she is over and over again.:o