Thanks Babe I appriciate you letting me pop your cherry!!
I popped my cherry too! It was way back during the blitz. I was holding my sweetheart close to me while the Germans were dropping fire bombs. We were snuggled behind a crate of American Quaker's Oats in a warehouse, when that daggum Hitler decided to hit us. I was the only American from my regiment who survived the drop into Squatney, and I met Blanche during a USO minstrel show that lasted 20 minutes. She was British. I wasn't. But, goddamn it, it didn't matter. As the carnage waged outside, we decided that life was too short, and we did IT. Yep. I said "IT." I just hope my wife isn't seeing this. Oh, wife died last year. Anyway, me and "Blanche" never saw each other again, because I was sent off to Japan after we beat the hell out of Hitler and his stooges. In Japan, after the bomb and the occupation, I met a cute Asian senorita named I Ching. She gave me a massage on VJ Day and the rest is a blur, because I passed out drinking Sapporo...which wasn't invented yet.