What the...?

Look, I'm just heckling the whiners because they think they are the only ones allowed to have an opinion. They are stupid for believing that, but this is just CREEPY.

Who cares if it's creepy, I was just being honest you know ...it came from the heart and English is not my primary language, maybe I fucked up and what I wrote does NOT mean what I thought but listen you all, whines will lead us nowhere and for fuck's sake, I'd much prefer seeing dozens of reposts all the time than these fucking debates, we're not at the parliament dammit DX ...and I hate politics! You're free to continue your holy war but I won't participate no more, I'll rather continue my searches for hidden gems :) TA-DAA for now!
What in the fuck does this have to do with anything? Also You Misspelled Lie-berals, that probably would have gotten you a few more internet points.

They are like Liberals in that they'll let you believe what you want, so long as it's what they believe.

You're the guy telling everyone to get out of this thread. We're potential customers of Nikki who have been waiting for her to lose the shitty routine and come up with something new. We're allowed to be disappointed, and we're even allowed to express it here if we can do it constructively. Constructively can be hard when you have white knights and every other manner of people who "care about Nikki as a person" or only care "about the woman" and not what she does or does not do on her website. What could be discussion turns into a two way shitfest and the posts defending Nikki (although HILARIOUS) are just as pathetic as the "whiners" you hate so much.

Typical conservative, everything is about politics, even jerking off to women on the Internet. Get over yourself.

i remember those days...classic Nikki

What a great pic! I really wish that in the NDN days, a second round of photos was taken for each set, topless, just in case a direction change was made and she decided to go topless. Wonder if Phil flash has any topless shots from that era. Wouldn't that be amazing!!
Guys, I just like looking at titties. Let's focus on that.

Right? These pages are great when I don't have to play the only jerk who's willing to respond to the same d-bags whining about free stroke material.

What a great pic! I really wish that in the NDN days, a second round of photos was taken for each set, topless, just in case a direction change was made and she decided to go topless. Wonder if Phil flash has any topless shots from that era. Wouldn't that be amazing!!

I'm sure he does somewhere. Unless some sort of legal agreement was reached where she was given the material. Either way, I'm fine with her showing a bit more now as an adult anyway.