Now I'm not going to pretend to have been a fan or that I listened to her music, because I can't say that. Yeah, I heard some of her music in the past, but yeah...didn't really listen to it much. However, she did have those who really respected her musical abilities.
That not withstanding, like you said, she basically destroyed her life with drugs and alcohol, and like so many other musicians (and people really) who have come before her, she paid the ultimate price for her transgressions. The sad thing is that she didn't even appear all that interested in cleaning up her least she didn't appear to make any real effort toward that end. That's what's especially sad.
On a much lighter/happier note, if you haven't already noticed (I mean, how could you not have noticed by now), Nikki's site is now a MEGASITE...and like all things Nikki Nova, it KICKS ASS!!!!!!! So, if you're not a member already, what better time than the present! Just sayin'

As if being able to get your daily Nikki fix isn't enough of a reason to join(I mean come on, what else could you possibly need?), you now also get access to 13 additional MAJOR sites (14 total), all for the same price! How cool is that? Like I KICKS ASS!!!!

So what are you waiting for, check it out and see for yourselves!