Jon S.

Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

wait. is that a bad thing?

That all depends on what the definition of "come after your ass" is, and what she plans on doing after she gets to it. My guess would be kicking it! ha ha ha! Now, I suppose if you tend to lean a bit toward loving masochism, I guess getting your ass kicked by Nikki wouldn't be a bad thing either! Ha ha ha!

Just pray I don't have to come after your ass...BECAUSE...lets face it, that would be sooooo UNPLEASANT....for BOTH of us! Ha ha ha!

Alright, enough levity...ha ha ha! Nikki, glad to see that the sale of your house will be going through afterall, and with not as big a delay as you first thought. Now you won't have to worry about that while you're traveling and it'll be done by the time your new home in Canada is ready for you.
Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

Nikki. That sucks about the buyers backing out at the last minute, but am glad you are still staying postive about things.

Even though this is going to be a busy week for all of us. I think its important to just relax and chilll every once in a while. I'm leaving you with a song from Amy Winehouse. Regardless of how you feel about her personal life. No one can deny just how talented she was.

Thank you for allowing me to post songs on here Nikki. Much love to you and all your suppourters and fans

Unfortunately, there are quite a few people on this board who seem to think that she had no talent. When she was on form, she was awesome.

Amy Winehouse (1984-2011) was a gifted singer; unfortunately, she was also an example of how drugs & alcohol can destroy any person's life. Sadly that's why she joined the "27 Club", along with other gifted artists like Jimmy Hendrix, Janis Joplin, Kurt Kobain and Jim Morrison.

Jon S.

Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

Amy Winehouse (1984-2011) was a gifted singer; unfortunately, she was also an example of how drugs & alcohol can destroy any person's life. Sadly that's why she joined the "27 Club", along with other gifted artists like Jimmy Hendrix, Janis Joplin, Kurt Kobain and Jim Morrison.

Now I'm not going to pretend to have been a fan or that I listened to her music, because I can't say that. Yeah, I heard some of her music in the past, but yeah...didn't really listen to it much. However, she did have those who really respected her musical abilities.

That not withstanding, like you said, she basically destroyed her life with drugs and alcohol, and like so many other musicians (and people really) who have come before her, she paid the ultimate price for her transgressions. The sad thing is that she didn't even appear all that interested in cleaning up her least she didn't appear to make any real effort toward that end. That's what's especially sad.

On a much lighter/happier note, if you haven't already noticed (I mean, how could you not have noticed by now), Nikki's site is now a MEGASITE...and like all things Nikki Nova, it KICKS ASS!!!!!!! So, if you're not a member already, what better time than the present! Just sayin' :cool: As if being able to get your daily Nikki fix isn't enough of a reason to join(I mean come on, what else could you possibly need?), you now also get access to 13 additional MAJOR sites (14 total), all for the same price! How cool is that? Like I KICKS ASS!!!! :cool: So what are you waiting for, check it out and see for yourselves!
Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

You're moving to Canada Nikki. That is awesome. From one fellow native of the North(Minnesota born and raised) to another. Welcome. You are going to melt a lot of ice as well as some hearts up here.

Let's watch some funny stuff from Canada.

I love this clip.

The Kids in the Hall remain the best Scetch comedy show ever. It surpasses SNL by a long shot



Eternally hoping to lick Briana
Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

That all depends on what the definition of "come after your ass" is, and what she plans on doing after she gets to it. My guess would be kicking it! ha ha ha! Now, I suppose if you tend to lean a bit toward loving masochism, I guess getting your ass kicked by Nikki wouldn't be a bad thing either! Ha ha ha!

im not really a masochist, but i dont think id have much problem getting my ass kicked by Nikki Nova. she, however, might have a problem watching me cry like a little girl. then again, she might not.

i just hope she'll let me take a picture afterwards


Official Checked Star Member
Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

Honey thank YOU for being an active part of my thread! It's so sad when someone's life is lost at such a young age and seemingly before they even get a chance to "get it together" and realize their true potential. So sad.
R.I.P. Amy Winehouse
Nikki Nova
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official thread

Amy Winehouse (1984-2011) was a gifted singer; unfortunately, she was also an example of how drugs & alcohol can destroy any person's life. Sadly that's why she joined the "27 Club", along with other gifted artists like Jimmy Hendrix, Janis Joplin, Kurt Kobain and Jim Morrison.


Official Checked Star Member
Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

Thank you Jon! I appreciate that. I have been working my ass off on the megasite so I am happy to have it up and running. We are still working out some things like the calendar to show whats coming. Right now it's just a surprise everyday as things go up. haha. That will get fixed soon enough. Other than that ONE thing though..everything else is all running smoothly!
Nikki Nova
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Now I'm not going to pretend to have been a fan or that I listened to her music, because I can't say that. Yeah, I heard some of her music in the past, but yeah...didn't really listen to it much. However, she did have those who really respected her musical abilities.

That not withstanding, like you said, she basically destroyed her life with drugs and alcohol, and like so many other musicians (and people really) who have come before her, she paid the ultimate price for her transgressions. The sad thing is that she didn't even appear all that interested in cleaning up her least she didn't appear to make any real effort toward that end. That's what's especially sad.

On a much lighter/happier note, if you haven't already noticed (I mean, how could you not have noticed by now), Nikki's site is now a MEGASITE...and like all things Nikki Nova, it KICKS ASS!!!!!!! So, if you're not a member already, what better time than the present! Just sayin' :cool: As if being able to get your daily Nikki fix isn't enough of a reason to join(I mean come on, what else could you possibly need?), you now also get access to 13 additional MAJOR sites (14 total), all for the same price! How cool is that? Like I KICKS ASS!!!! :cool: So what are you waiting for, check it out and see for yourselves!


Official Checked Star Member
Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

hahahhahahahahhaha. I would never make you cry jitna!
Nikki Nova
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im not really a masochist, but i dont think id have much problem getting my ass kicked by Nikki Nova. she, however, might have a problem watching me cry like a little girl. then again, she might not.

i just hope she'll let me take a picture afterwards


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Official Checked Star Member
Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

Oh my God I LOVED Kids in the Hall when it was on!! I used to record episdoes of it. That takes me back. Back to the days of the VCR....and my pot head next door neighbor and best friend Simara. I miss her.
Nikki Nova
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You're moving to Canada Nikki. That is awesome. From one fellow native of the North(Minnesota born and raised) to another. Welcome. You are going to melt a lot of ice as well as some hearts up here.

Let's watch some funny stuff from Canada.

I love this clip.

The Kids in the Hall remain the best Scetch comedy show ever. It surpasses SNL by a long shot



Eternally hoping to lick Briana
Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

hahahhahahahahhaha. I would never make you cry jitna!
Nikki Nova
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see? i knew you "coming for my ass" would be a good thing.

Oh my God I LOVED Kids in the Hall when it was on!! I used to record episdoes of it. That takes me back. Back to the days of the VCR....and my pot head next door neighbor and best friend Simara. I miss her.
Nikki Nova
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during my senior year of high school, i basically had half days. so at noon id be done and go home and watch some Kids in the Hall on Comedy Central. It was awesome.

Jon S.

Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

im not really a masochist, but i dont think id have much problem getting my ass kicked by Nikki Nova. she, however, might have a problem watching me cry like a little girl. then again, she might not.

i just hope she'll let me take a picture afterwards
Bwahahahahahaha! That's actually kinda funny. Can't speak for Nikki, but you're safe from me now (from me coming after your ass)! I KNOW I couldn't take watching you "cry like a little girl." If Nikki did end up making you cry like a little girl, would you still want to save the moment in picture form for posterities sake? Ha ha ha!
hahahhahahahahhaha. I would never make you cry jitna!
see? i knew you "coming for my ass" would be a good thing.
jitna, I would point out that the status/safety of your ass if you jinxed Nikki is still up in the air. She only said she would never make you cry......she never actually said what she would do to you though! (a little ass kicking is still a possibility! ;) Ha ha ha!) Nah, you know you're safe jitna! Ha ha ha!


Eternally hoping to lick Briana
Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

Bwahahahahahaha! That's actually kinda funny. Can't speak for Nikki, but you're safe from me now (from me coming after your ass)! I KNOW I couldn't take watching you "cry like a little girl." If Nikki did end up making you cry like a little girl, would you still want to save the moment in picture form for posterities sake? Ha ha ha!

as long as she'd let me dry up the tears first

jitna, I would point out that the status/safety of your ass if you jinxed Nikki is still up in the air. She only said she would never make you cry......she never actually said what she would do to you though! (a little ass kicking is still a possibility! ;) Ha ha ha!) Nah, you know you're safe jitna! Ha ha ha!

im still not sure thats a bad thing no matter what Nikki has planned


Eternally hoping to lick Briana
Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

id say no, but if for some reason that was want Nikki wanted, like she was really really drunk...sure
Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

Jitna. If Nikki is planning on giving you a smacking. I would be glad to take the hits in your place. I'm sure you wouldnt,but I just wanted to throw it out there.

btw Nikki Your mega site is very very cool. I can tell you worked hard on that sucker.
Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

Honey thank YOU for being an active part of my thread! It's so sad when someone's life is lost at such a young age and seemingly before they even get a chance to "get it together" and realize their true potential. So sad.
R.I.P. Amy Winehouse
Nikki Nova
Follow me on twitter
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official thread

You're welcome my love! :hatsoff:

Thanks to YOU for being such a nice & gentle person! :iloveyou:

Jon S.

Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

id say no, but if for some reason that was want Nikki wanted, like she was really really drunk...sure

Ha ha ha! Now, we all know Nikki's not a drinker....she's all about HEALTHY living! :nono:
Jitna. If Nikki is planning on giving you a smacking. I would be glad to take the hits in your place. I'm sure you wouldnt,but I just wanted to throw it out there..
Am I weird or something, but you and jitna can fight that one out amongst yourselves. Not really in the market for a smacking or getting my ass kicked! Ha ha ha!

Now, if we're talking a hug or something from Nikki...then that is an all together different story!!!! Not too many people genuinely deserve a HUGE hug (from me anyway)...BUT, Nikki is DEFINITELY one of them! :cool:
btw Nikki Your mega site is very very cool. I can tell you worked hard on that sucker.
See guys, another testimonial!!!! Like you said Vern, Nikki worked her pretty little ass off BIG TIME on transforming her site into the MEGASITE it is today.....and it DEFINITELY shows!!!!

Sooooo guys, if you're not a member of Nikki's site yet....what are you waiting for? Check out what Vern and I are talking about....and see what you've been missing! Quite simply the best KICK ASS megasite EVER!!!!!
You're welcome my love! :hatsoff:

Thanks to YOU for being such a nice & gentle person! :iloveyou:
Allow me to say ditto to what Nikki said! It's super cool that you have been such an active part of Nikki's thread! I'm sure by now you have seen that I was telling the truth when I said that the regulars in here are all pretty cool and Nikki is quite simply one of the sweetest people you will ever hope to come into contact with! I'm really glad YOU decided to be a part of it all! :)