Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread
Seriously though.....Dazza IS a good guy.
and humble too! Dazza's the greatest!
Seriously though.....Dazza IS a good guy.
and humble too! Dazza's the greatest!
Nikki, that sunset (sunrise?) picture is fantastic. Makes me wish I was there.
Only in law could they call a 400 page document a "brief"!
Nikki, you little party animal you...that "does" sound soooooo totally fucking exciting as shit! Ha ha ha! But seriously, I know you are almost always working your pretty little ass off...and sadly for you, the weekend is basically little more than 2 more work days. One of these days things have got to start easing up for DEFINITELY deserve a little R&R to say the very least.I will be working all wekend. I know. Exciting shit huh?! hahaha.
By the way I just noticed the name change the new text under your name. The whole "artist formerly know as". Kinda hilarious but does that mean you will be just using a symbol soon? Shrinking to be a legal dwarf with giant hair,lips n eyes?
Just wondering. You shouldn't. I think it's been done already
I prefer Jon....the River Boat Rambler!
Bloody YOU'RE the one who hacked into my iPhone!?!? Now everyone knows my secret identity. Ha ha ha!No, more like Rambling Syd
if it wasnt for Dazza, i probably wouldnt even show up here.
ok, thats not true. i guess id probably come by every now and again to see we can talk about Dazza
I will be working all wekend. I know. Exciting shit huh?! hahaha.
By the way I just noticed the name change the new text under your name. The whole "artist formerly know as". Kinda hilarious but does that mean you will be just using a symbol soon? Shrinking to be a legal dwarf with giant hair,lips n eyes?
Just wondering. You shouldn't. I think it's been done already
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did Nikki just make fun of Prince?
Hmmmmm.....Sooooo, are you trying to tell us that you find Muhammad Ali to be a pretty man? Anything else you'd like to share with us? Ha ha ha!Muhammad Ali is the greatest. He's pretty. And he's a baaaaaaaad man.
music i could listen to all day without growing tired? or music id be enjoying listening to all day?
and do they have to be a group?