
Eternally hoping to lick Briana
Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

if it wasnt for Dazza, i probably wouldnt even show up here.

ok, thats not true. i guess id probably come by every now and again to see Nikki....so we can talk about Dazza
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Jon S.

Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

^^^Regarding your edit text....I don't know about Dazza.....BUT! Ha ha ha!

Now, for real, and before changing the subject before someone gets the impression that this is "The Official Log Cabin Republicans Thread" Dazza is a good guy and I meant everything I said about him...like I said earlier...I can be a smartass and sarcastic...BUT, I honestly wasn't regarding what I said about him.

That being said....does anyone have any big plans for this weekend? I'm probably going to just relax and try to stay out of the heat myself.

Either way....I hope everyone has a good one!


Official Checked Star Member


Official Checked Star Member
Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

I will be working all wekend. I know. Exciting shit huh?! hahaha.
By the way I just noticed the name change the new text under your name. The whole "artist formerly know as". Kinda hilarious but does that mean you will be just using a symbol soon? Shrinking to be a legal dwarf with giant hair,lips n eyes?
Just wondering. You shouldn't. I think it's been done already
Nikki Nova
Follow me on twitter http://twitter.com/nikki_nova
my site www.nikkinova.com
my blog http://clubnikkinova.com/blog/
official thread http://board.freeones.com/showthread...=1#post5167604

QUOTE=Jon S.;5848983]^^^Regarding your edit text....I don't know about Dazza.....BUT! Ha ha ha!

Now, for real, and before changing the subject before someone gets the impression that this is "The Official Log Cabin Republicans Thread" Dazza is a good guy and I meant everything I said about him...like I said earlier...I can be a smartass and sarcastic...BUT, I honestly wasn't regarding what I said about him.

That being said....does anyone have any big plans for this weekend? I'm probably going to just relax and try to stay out of the heat myself.

Either way....I hope everyone has a good one![/QUOTE]


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Jon S.

Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

I will be working all wekend. I know. Exciting shit huh?! hahaha.
By the way I just noticed the name change the new text under your name. The whole "artist formerly know as". Kinda hilarious but does that mean you will be just using a symbol soon? Shrinking to be a legal dwarf with giant hair,lips n eyes?
Just wondering. You shouldn't. I think it's been done already
Nikki, you little party animal you...that "does" sound soooooo totally fucking exciting as shit! Ha ha ha! But seriously, I know you are almost always working your pretty little ass off...and sadly for you, the weekend is basically little more than 2 more work days. One of these days things have got to start easing up for you...you DEFINITELY deserve a little R&R to say the very least.

Now, regarding the name change etc. Funny you should mention if my new user title meant I would just using a symbol soon. My original name I wanted to change to was:

Sadly, it was "cease and desist" this and "trademark infringement" that from the Zeppelin people.......sooooooo, I decided to go with "Jon" and then "Jon Smith," both of which were taken by "squatters"...people who used to have an account...but they're no longer active...but since they don't actually delete accounts...I still couldn't have them. So it came down to "Jon S" with or without the period (I decided to go fucking wild and I went WITH the period!). Ha ha ha! I never really liked my old username...plus it led to being called several different things...plus Jon by those who knew...I just decided to put an end to it and changed my name.

As for the custom user title (that's what they call it anyway...ha ha ha)...some of the regular ones are funny...others...meh...so, since I changed my username name....I decided to go with something that conveyed my old name in a corny...yet not toooo cheesy manner. That whole Prince thing was what came to mind and I decided to go with it. Ha ha ha! But, you have my word....that's where it ends. I have no plans on intentionally turning myself into a freak of nature at any point in my lifetime. Like you so astutely pointed out...I do believe it's already been done...and if anything...I at least try to be kinda original. Ha ha ha! What is it with certain people in the so-called music industry anyway? If you can actually sing....why the need to transform yourself into a freak (cough cough....Lady Gaga....cough cough)? Just sayin'

Now, though I know you'll be working your ass off as usual, and it's obviously hot as Hell these days, I still hope you manage to have yourself an awesome weekend just the same...if anyone truly deserves one.....you certainly do!
Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

Awwww, Thanks Jitna...l didn't know you cared for me so much :)

As for being the greatest....No, l'm just plain old Dazza. Muhammad Ali was the greatest or so he said.

Hope you can still have a great weekend Nikki even though your a busy little bunny :)

and the same to everyone....Have a great weekend!!

if it wasnt for Dazza, i probably wouldnt even show up here.

ok, thats not true. i guess id probably come by every now and again to see Nikki....so we can talk about Dazza


Eternally hoping to lick Briana
Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

Muhammad Ali is the greatest. He's pretty. And he's a baaaaaaaad man.


Eternally hoping to lick Briana
Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

I will be working all wekend. I know. Exciting shit huh?! hahaha.
By the way I just noticed the name change the new text under your name. The whole "artist formerly know as". Kinda hilarious but does that mean you will be just using a symbol soon? Shrinking to be a legal dwarf with giant hair,lips n eyes?
Just wondering. You shouldn't. I think it's been done already
Nikki Nova
Follow me on twitter http://twitter.com/nikki_nova
my site www.nikkinova.com
my blog http://clubnikkinova.com/blog/
official thread http://board.freeones.com/showthread...=1#post5167604

did Nikki just make fun of Prince?

Jon S.

Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

did Nikki just make fun of Prince?

Actually I believe Prince has been doing a pretty damn good job of making fun of Prince for years now on "his" own...not exactly sure he needs any help in that department. So, one would actually be kinda remiss NOT to do so. Ha ha ha!


Eternally hoping to lick Briana
Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

how dare you, sir! Prince is the man! how dare you besmirch his good name!
Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

I'd use "was." I won't be dismissive of his faith, but his work is nowhere near the level it used to be. I'll have to look it up but I want to recall that he refuses to play some of that earlier material.

Jon S.

Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

Muhammad Ali is the greatest. He's pretty. And he's a baaaaaaaad man.
Hmmmmm.....Sooooo, are you trying to tell us that you find Muhammad Ali to be a pretty man? Anything else you'd like to share with us? Ha ha ha!

But seriously, since we are on the subject of music...I have a question for everyone:

If you had to come up with, in your book, the greatest 2-3 musical groups/artists of all-time who would they be? Like, basically 2-3 artists that you could listen to their music all day.....and never grow tired of it.....if you know what I mean.

For me, that is REALLY tough......because my musical tastes are so varried. But, one group that definitely makes my list is obviously......Led Zeppelin! I mean, for real, as hard as I tried once, I can not think of even one song of theirs that isn't absolutely brilliant and absolutely fucking awesome.....much less one that I don't like. Ok, so my first selection was kind a no-brainer, a cop out, taking the fucking easy way out....whatever you want to call it! Ha ha ha! BUT, hey, got to call it the way I see it! Ha ha ha!

Sooooo everyone.....I know it's hard....but what are some of yours?


Eternally hoping to lick Briana
Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

music i could listen to all day without growing tired? or music id be enjoying listening to all day?

and do they have to be a group?

Jon S.

Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

music i could listen to all day without growing tired? or music id be enjoying listening to all day?

and do they have to be a group?

Can be a group or solo artist....doesn't matter. And, the "listening to all day" bit was just a description on my part. So either way works really..."without growing tired" "enjoy listening to" doesn't matter. However, I'm just looking for people's all-time favorites...you know....artists that you find to be absolutely brilliant musically for whatever reason. Might even be interesting to know why you feel that way though.....but not necessary.


Eternally hoping to lick Briana
Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

well now youre changing things up again. do want our favorites or the people we could listen to all day? theres a difference