Jon S.

Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

Awwww. Thank you Dazza!!! Look everyone. It's the sweetest member of my thread. As for the rest of you :facepalm: hhahahaha
Yeah, Dazza is one of the nicest guys around. And I mean that. I like to believe I know people...and my standards are VERY high...and I can honestly say that Dazza is an all around great guy. Like he says, he might be a "simple guy," but there's nothing fake about him...what you see is what you get...and that is a genuine great guy!

God only knows what that makes my "unofficial" title in the thread...I'm leaning towards something though ;)...ha ha ha! I would however point out that I had something nice to say as opposed to resorting to the easy "covering face" joke regarding "something else" (which "sadly" didn't even dawn on me...until I read that one post). I must be losing it or something. Ha ha ha!

Jon S.

Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

Yeah that's actually nothing compared to what I got on video. I am actually not in Phoenix but it hit where I have been staying even worse. Yes no one here by the way has ever heard the term "haboob" until that storm and then the new all of a sudden started calling it that. We've always called them dust storms and everyone here has refused to use that term. The consensus is that it's just too rediculous. hahaha
Yeah, I can imagine you got some amazing footage. I know you are not actually in Phoenix and all...but that picture was the best I could find online at the last minute.

Here is a video I saw on YouTube that shows pretty well how dark things got as the the dust cloud engulfed them and a 2nd one that shows from right in the middle of the storm that shows some of the impact caused by it. It's important to remember when viewing the 2nd one is that much of the footage is actually during the day.:

That shows things a bit better than the pic did anyway. Ha ha ha! I totally feel you about liking storms and the whole "haboob" thing. I always liked storms...regardless the type...ever since I was a kid (though growing up in PA, basically all we ever had were the thunder and snow varities). I don't like being out in a bad storm...but, as long as I am safe at home...bring it on! Ha ha ha! Hell, I've said I want to ride out a cat. 5 hurricane sometime....and I'm SERIOUS. People say I'm crazy when I say that. Ha ha ha! About that whole haboob thing, it seemed like something, though a real name for it, that they just pulled out of their asses for that storm. Guess I was right. I've heard of dust storms before obviously....never a haboob...guess I know why now! Ha ha ha! Like you said...RIDICULOUS! ;)

Finally, glad to hear you are finally hitting the home stretch on your website evolving into the BEST damn MEGASITE on the internet! :thumbsup: I know you have to be excited AND that you will be HAPPY as a clam when it's finally & completely done! We all know you worked your ass off on getting it done...and to finally see all of that work come to fruition must be fulfilling as Hell! :)


Eternally hoping to lick Briana
Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

God only knows what that makes my "unofficial" title in the thread...I'm leaning towards something though ;)...ha ha ha!

it certainly will have nothing to do with the word "brevity"


Official Checked Star Member
Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

well I've been working my ass off on this like you couldn't even imagine so yes...It's a VERY HIGH level of excitement! It also brings me this kind of peace inside knowing it will be DONE!
Nikki Nova
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14 exclamation points? wow. thats a pretty high level of excitement


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Official Checked Star Member
Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

Oh lighten up! You know I'm just being a smartass and joking around. Give me a break. I have mad love for my thread members and they KNOW that.
Nikki Nova
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Yeah, Dazza is one of the nicest guys around. And I mean that. I like to believe I know people...and my standards are VERY high...and I can honestly say that Dazza is an all around great guy. Like he says, he might be a "simple guy," but there's nothing fake about him...what you see is what you get...and that is a genuine great guy!

God only knows what that makes my "unofficial" title in the thread...I'm leaning towards something though ;)...ha ha ha! I would however point out that I had something nice to say as opposed to resorting to the easy "covering face" joke regarding "something else" (which "sadly" didn't even dawn on me...until I read that one post). I must be losing it or something. Ha ha ha!


Official Checked Star Member
Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

haha. yes when Jon ponders the question "To summaraize or not summarize" I think we know which way he goes. haha. God bless him though. He's always a nice person who posts kind things.

Nikki Nova
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it certainly will have nothing to do with the word "brevity"

Jon S.

Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

it certainly will have nothing to do with the word "brevity"
Brevity!?!? What's this "brevity" you speak of? Looks like I'm going to have to :google: it! Ha ha ha!
Oh lighten up! You know I'm just being a smartass and joking around. Give me a break. I have mad love for my thread members and they KNOW that.
I KNEW you were being a smartass and joking around. I know you well enough by now. Obviously you don't have to tell ME that you love me, because you've already either said it or shown it countless times...and you continue to do so. And you KNOW that I feel the same way about you (believe me, if I didn't I DEFINITELY wouldn't be on FreeOnes). Some "IDIOTS" on FreeOnes think I have a "Nikki Nova Altar/Shrine" or something like that...believe's not like THAT! Ha ha ha! But, believe me when I say that I definitely have a lot of love for you too (and I'd like to believe I've shown it countless times)! What can I say, you make it're a VERY lovable person! (just ask anyone in this thread)

But, other than what I said about Dazza (which I meant every word of)...I was being a smartass myself. Though I'm often reluctant to advertise the fact that I can be a HUGE smartass (and believe me...I'm a long-time smartass...often even sarcastic) because people might not know that I'm just joking. Ha ha ha! Seriously though, I can be a big smartass...and I was just kidding around....Unless I say F-You, F-This, F-That, or F-the other...It's a safe bet that I'm just kidding around. Now you know, and since I've now let it be known in this thread anyway...everyone's been forewarned! Ha ha ha! Yeah, when I'm really mad, I feel slighted, or I'm pissed off...I don't exactly do THAT good a job of disguising it! ha ha ha!
haha. yes when Jon ponders the question "To summaraize or not summarize" I think we know which way he goes. haha. God bless him though. He's always a nice person who posts kind things.
In my defense, the last post had two YouTube videos that took up space...but college is what ruined me & I never de-programed myself. There...more was better. The last time I worried about summarizing was in a Criminal Law class my Junior year of college (writing case briefs) & the rest sadly is, as they say, history. Ha ha ha!

There is a good money making that will summarize what you write in a condensed, yet coherent form! Hell, there probably already is something like that...but it would be a sure fire money maker. I personally know someone who could use such software! Ha ha ha! ;)

Now, I'm not always a nice person, especially so when I am REALLY stressed out (no secret here...I never handled stress very well), but then again who is? I do try to be nice, and I NEVER just seek to intentionally hurt I guess you could say I try to be the best me I can be...and I'm striving to be an even better that's something anyway. I could be better (I mean who doesn't have room for improvement?)...but I could be a Hell of a lot worse. Ha ha ha! The good thing is that I'm not satisfied with being kind of good...or good only most of the time. I want to strive to be good all of the time & that includes not lashing UNFAIRLY out at people when I am stressed out (and believe me...I'm fully aware that I do that).


Eternally hoping to lick Briana
Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

well I've been working my ass off on this like you couldn't even imagine so yes...It's a VERY HIGH level of excitement! It also brings me this kind of peace inside knowing it will be DONE!
Nikki Nova
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i would like to try to imagine your ass with a fairly high level of excitement.

im so happy for you to be done and even more for that peace it gives you.
Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

Well thank you both very much. I gotta ask though.... Does this mean you prefer my face covered? hahahahaha
Have I gotten to that point? hahahhahahahahahahhaha
Nikki Nova
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No way darling!:nono: with/without glasses, dressed or naked you're gonna look always gorgeous because anything fits perfectly on your Goddess body... In a few words: no matter what you wear, I'm gonna :iloveyou: anyway!
Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

Brevity? Succinctnes? Rambling? It looks like you're trying to start "The Official Nikki Nova thread Dictionary"... I'm just kidding hahaha!

Now let me tell you the word "haboob" caught my attention; hence I :google: it and found this explanation:


I'm watching some specialist videos
Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

Nikki, that sunset (sunrise?) picture is fantastic. Makes me wish I was there.

The last time I worried about summarizing was in a Criminal Law class my Junior year of college (writing case briefs) & the rest sadly is, as they say, history. Ha ha ha!

Only in law could they call a 400 page document a "brief"!
Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

WOW!!!.....thats a great sunrise/sunset picture Nikki...and nicely captured by you also :)

Thankyou Nikki and Jon for your very kind words.......l'm just me though :)

Anyone doing anything special over the weekend??

Jon S.

Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

Here is a really lame bad joke that I came up with this morning. A preface...I am EXHAUSTED & I was when I came up with it! throwing tomatoes (or any other produce for that matter!) Ha ha ha!

What roams the Earth moaning "brians!" "brians!"? A dyslexic zombie! :cthulhu: