
Eternally hoping to lick Briana
Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

Honey I WISH we were getting storms here. Rain would be real fucking nice right about now. This temperature was from yesterday riding in my truck. FUCKING HELL ON EARTH!!!
Nikki Nova
Follow me on twitter http://twitter.com/nikki_nova
my site www.nikkinova.com
my blog http://clubnikkinova.com/blog/
official thread http://board.freeones.com/showthread...=1#post5167604

i think i figured out the problem with your thermometer. you're just too close to it.
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Official Checked Star Member
Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

I didn't make it yesterday Keith but I got up early and went this morning instead. I just got home and I have less than and hour before my members only cam show on www.nikkinova.com Yikes! I need to shower and wash my hair still. Hope you guys are having a great day so far and I hope it only gets better from here!
Nikki Nova
Follow me on twitter http://twitter.com/nikki_nova
my site www.nikkinova.com
my blog http://clubnikkinova.com/blog/
official thread http://board.freeones.com/showthread...=1#post5167604

hi Nikki, was you able to go to the gym or the heat stopped you from going?


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Official Checked Star Member
Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

Sweetie that is super cool of you to ask and I appreciate that consideration and respect. It's totally cool though. The only problem I ever have is with people spamming my thread for other sites or stolen/illegal content or on a personal level...ugly pics. hahahaha
Nikki Nova
Follow me on twitter http://twitter.com/nikki_nova
my site www.nikkinova.com
my blog http://clubnikkinova.com/blog/
official thread http://board.freeones.com/showthread...=1#post5167604

Hello Nikki! Would You Mind if I posted this link with pictures of you I found in FreeOnes? If you don't mind, COOOL! But if you do mind, feel free to report it! Thanks anyway!



Eternally hoping to lick Briana
Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

I didn't make it yesterday Keith but I got up early and went this morning instead. I just got home and I have less than and hour before my members only cam show on www.nikkinova.com Yikes! I need to shower and wash my hair still. Hope you guys are having a great day so far and I hope it only gets better from here!
Nikki Nova
Follow me on twitter http://twitter.com/nikki_nova
my site www.nikkinova.com
my blog http://clubnikkinova.com/blog/
official thread http://board.freeones.com/showthread...=1#post5167604

yeah, because no one wants to see a sweatie Nikki

Sweetie that is super cool of you to ask and I appreciate that consideration and respect. It's totally cool though. The only problem I ever have is with people spamming my thread for other sites or stolen/illegal content or on a personal level...ugly pics. hahahaha
Nikki Nova

fictional "ugly pictures"
Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

Sweetie that is super cool of you to ask and I appreciate that consideration and respect. It's totally cool though. The only problem I ever have is with people spamming my thread for other sites or stolen/illegal content or on a personal level...ugly pics. hahahaha
Nikki Nova
Follow me on twitter http://twitter.com/nikki_nova
my site www.nikkinova.com
my blog http://clubnikkinova.com/blog/
official thread http://board.freeones.com/showthread...=1#post5167604

no such this as ugly pics of you ;) lol
Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

Sweetie that is super cool of you to ask and I appreciate that consideration and respect. It's totally cool though. The only problem I ever have is with people spamming my thread for other sites or stolen/illegal content or on a personal level...ugly pics. hahahaha
Nikki Nova
Follow me on twitter http://twitter.com/nikki_nova
my site www.nikkinova.com
my blog http://clubnikkinova.com/blog/
official thread http://board.freeones.com/showthread...=1#post5167604

Hello again Nikki! First, allow me to do things right from the very outset by introducing myself: "nice to meet you Nikki, my name is Julius" :hatsoff:

Now I'm gonna ask you something: Did you say "ugly pics"? Wow! :eek: if those accelerated my heart and makes my... (you know what happened:D) the "pretty/beautiful" ones would probably cause me a heart attack, jajaja! :thefinger

P.S. By the way, thank you very much for your answer! :mail:


I'm watching some specialist videos
Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

nice jokes, but what's the appropriate meaning of "wind it"?

To wind a baby is to make it burp, usually by gentle back patting and rubbing.
Wind as in blowing, not wind as in keeping a clock going. ;)

Jon S.

Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

^^^I wanted to add this to the previous post, but, either because of a glitch with the site or in my browser tonight, I was unable to. Soooooo, here is what I wanted to add:

I have something positive that I want to share with everyone, and I believe we all can gain something from it (thanks in advance to those who actually take the time to time to read what I wrote in the thread that I created). Okay, it's not porn...nor is it perverted...but it's a very positive message...and there is something we all can learn from it. I was going to share my message in this thread initially...but, since it was "Classic Jon" length...the regulars in here know what I mean...I decided to create a new thread (and pray I don't get flamed too badly...ha ha ha) to share my message/epiphany with you!

I was resting and reflecting on something a really good friend of mine shared with me the other day, and I believe I actually just had an epiphany of sorts, and I wanted to share it with you!

What you are the world is. And without your transformation, there can be no transformation of the world. - J. Krishnamurti

I reflected upon that on a personal level...and I took out a pen and paper and put my reflections and the personal meaning I took from those words in writing and I decided to share them with you!

Please, when you get a chance, I cordially invite you to go to the thread I created to share the message with you & if you want, feel free to give me any feedback that you may have! Thanks in advance to those of you who do!


Like I said, I believe we can all learn from my epiphany of sorts!

Now, I'd like to wish each and everyone of you a fantastic Monday and a wonderful week ahead. Let's all go out there and make the most of today & make it the best it can be...not only for us, but for others as well!

Jon S.

Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

Did Julius really mean to use the middle finger smilie? :dunno:
I would guess he thought it was a double thumbs up.

I was figuring that it was an honest mistake & that he didn't know what it was, or he was simply getting overzealous with the smilies! Ha ha ha!

Note: For future reference...the red faced smilies almost always have a negative connotation!

... or he is a freak of nature and his thumbs are not where they usually are.
Now that would be a rather unusual birth defect...or the result of some very tragic accident to say the very least.

does that mean he has 4 thumbs or are the thumb and middle finger replaced?
They can do that? :dunno: I know you could amputate and then re-attach them in the wrong location...BUT, I'd be betting that the body woule reject them & you'd end up losing them for good. Note: I would HIGHLY recommend NOT doing this just to find out! Ha ha ha!

Now, I know that on "King of the Hill", they attached Cotton Hill's feet to his knees following him losing his shins in WWII, and it worked...BUT, then again that is a cartoon! Ha ha ha! I don't actually think they can do that in real life. But, then again, who knows...I just saw they did the first successful full face transplant & it wasn't rejected yet! Talk about an unusual transplant!

Jon S.

Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

cartoon? but he killed fifty men!

And yet it was a shrimp (or an allergy to some type of shell fish anyway) and the grill at a Benihana type restaurant (ironically Japanese) that led to the poor man's ultimate demise!
