Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

I heard the song too, I thought it was cool it when I first heard it
Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

You would be most welcomed Nikki. Start with a vacation and take it from there. Just about any climate, any scenery, any geography you like, we have it. On a serious note, must be quite stressful with the "crazy". Take care.

I don't know anyone in Canada but that didn't stop me from moving any of the other places that I've lived. I can tell you one thing if Palin ends up as president I am so outta this damned country at lightning speed! Not even joking. haha. I really have been tossing around the idea of Canada lately however. I have had a stalker/tormentor for about 5 years now and over the last 2 months he has escalated to death threats and seems to be getting frightningly unstable. That's honestly my main reason. I just want to be far away from the "crazy". It's a completely different country yet I speak the language. I love it. haha
Nikki Nova
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Jon S.

Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

Jbs173_1972......I have curled and next time I'm down your way we can sit down and have a few beers and i will tell ya all about it......and your right the winters are COLD up here... have a good weekend man....It's not that popular up here....Hockey still rules
Sounds like a plan. I'm to the point where I "kinda" get curling...but at the same time...not so much! Ha ha ha! I know hockey is still by far king in Canada! I just noticed when I went into bars, and there wasn't a hockey game was curling. Funny thing though, first time I went to Toronto, some friends and I went into a place that sold hockey jerseys, and hockey apparel. As soon as the people in there knew we were from the States, they assumed we were putting on a front about liking hockey evidently...because as soon as we talked about hockey a bit (this was during the season), the one guy spoke up and said something like "wow, you really must like hockey because you really know what you are talking about"! Ha ha ha! I've never been the type to say I like or dislike something just to fit in...people either like me for who I REALLY am or they don't. Ha ha ha! Obviously I LOVE hockey! Cough cough...Penguins! Ha ha ha!

Anyway, you have a great weekend too man!

Oh my Gawd! I just had a twitter follower send me a amessage telling me that Tech N9ne and Snoop had a song where they mention me. I thought they were kidding or being sarcastic or something. They were NOT. You have to check this out! The song is called "pornographic" and they only mention 2 girls from the industry. I'm the first one and then Amber Rose is the other.
Check it out. Too funny! That just made my night. It's just so random but yet funny in a cool kind of way.
That's pretty cool! Your name is a perfect example of alliteration and it really flows from the it seems almost like a natural to use in song lyrics. The fact that you are so damned cool too only seals the deal! They simply do not come any finer than you Nikki!:cool:

well, yeah, of course Atlanta youre going to get robbed. Pittsburgh too. Philly is dangerous too. DC, Detriot, NYC, probably Boston, too. those could be some dangerous places, duh. large cities with poor populations tend to be dangerous. i dont know what the fuck goes on in canada. theyre never in the news.
You missed LA! Ha ha ha! But, that was my point exactly. Our cities are not the safest places on the planet! Ha ha ha! Canada doesn't have as much bs going on as we do here. It's just the way it is. Trust me, if there were any where near the problems in Canada as we have'd hear about it. Simply put...Canada is just a safer...and less angry place to live. Pockets of concentrated poverty is part of the problem...BUT, one of the root causes is our failed and misguided drug laws. If we handled it like the public health problem that it is...and decriminalized much of what is illegal...I'd say you would see a major reduction in crime. I mean for real, it's not like people can't already get whatever drugs they want when ever they want...ya know? I already said I smoked weed a long time ago...but I don't do drugs...don't even drink. So, it's not like I'm biased in my opinion...just being real.

Bottom line....Canada is a MUCH safer place, and I can't imagine why anyone would hate Canada...there simply isn't anything to hate! The United States? Wellllllll...okay I'm not going there! ha ha ha!

Have a great weekend everyone!
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Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

l'll soon sort out these "crazies" for you Nikki ;)...:)

Looks like Canada is the place to be from what.... jbs, jitna, eddyb and rodster are's all good and sounds like a nice place to live.

In the meantime.....have a great weekend Nikki and Everyone :) to hear you mentioned in the song and vid :)

Maybe not on your farm Dazza but I do know a couple of berderline "crazies" in Australia. tee hee
Nikki Nova
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Eternally hoping to lick Briana
Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

i would never live in canada for one reason and its the only reason i need: too cold. if i cant wear shorts for 11 months in the year, then fuck it
Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

i would never live in canada for one reason and its the only reason i need: too cold. if i cant wear shorts for 11 months in the year, then fuck it

Here is a shocker people that do live in canada do wear shorts 12 months of the year.


Official Checked Star Member
Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

Well it's the only one I know of and it made me laugh my ass off. If you know of others let me know. haha
Nikki Nova
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you mean theres only one? id have thought thered be at least a half dozen songs about you. i ever write a song (or a rap) itll be about you Nikki.

wow, that was quick. 18 secs in. not bad song either


Official Checked Star Member
Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

Well I never experienced any crazy people when I visited Toronto (several times). I mean I met some partying, drinking their ass off crazy mofos but not crazy as in "I'm gonna keep stalking you and thtreatening you" kind of crazy. haha
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Nikki.. Canada and the US are not that different....I have lived in Canada all my life but I Can't think of a better country that I would want next door then the good old USA....have famlily & friends in the US and visit all the time...we both have are crazzies and some are in BC.... as far as that stocker, maybey a few of us could just pay him a visit.;)....But let me know the next time you come up for a visit. :iloveyou:


Official Checked Star Member
Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

Well thank you Rodster and welcome to my thread. Ok I have to ask...because as jbs and eddyb have pointed out Canada is COLD. That's the thing. I'm not crazy about freezing my ass off or driving in the snow and ice but I have liked every Canadian I have ever met and jbs said they just don't seem as angry and stressed out as people in the U.S. People seem to have a better sense of humor and have their priorities a bit better set there.
Nikki Nova
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You would be most welcomed Nikki. Start with a vacation and take it from there. Just about any climate, any scenery, any geography you like, we have it. On a serious note, must be quite stressful with the "crazy". Take care.


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Official Checked Star Member
Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

Ha! Ok ...funny example: I had a place in Hollywood Beach Florida (right next to South Beach in Miami) for a year and whenever it was in the 60's in the fall and winter and really white people were on the beach in shorts and even getting in the neighbors would always exclaim " Canadians!". haha. The thing was always true. I would always ask just to see and they were Canadian tourists 99% of the time. hahaha. We get them in AZ a lot too in the winter. "the snow birds" as we call them.
Nikki Nova
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Here is a shocker people that do live in canada do wear shorts 12 months of the year.


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Official Checked Star Member

Jon S.

Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

Well it's the only one I know of and it made me laugh my ass off. If you know of others let me know. haha
It just so happens that I'm feeling pretty good today, it's hot as Hell outside, and I'm bored to, out of "morbid" curiousity, I'm going to see what I can find.

Already found one & I'll post 'em as I find them! Ha ha ha!

MIMS - "Clap That" mentions you at around the 1:35 mark


Eternally hoping to lick Briana
Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

Here is a shocker people that do live in canada do wear shorts 12 months of the year.

clearly im just not as macho as them. 50 degrees(F) is my limit, below that ill pull out the long pants

Well thank you Rodster and welcome to my thread. Ok I have to ask...because as jbs and eddyb have pointed out Canada is COLD. That's the thing. I'm not crazy about freezing my ass off or driving in the snow and ice but I have liked every Canadian I have ever met and jbs said they just don't seem as angry and stressed out as people in the U.S. People seem to have a better sense of humor and have their priorities a bit better set there.
Nikki Nova

was there a question?

It just so happens that I'm feeling pretty good today, it's hot as Hell outside, and I'm bored to, out of "morbid" curiousity, I'm going to see what I can find.

Already found one & I'll post 'em as I find them! Ha ha ha!

i knew there had to be more of them. what better muse than Nikki Nova?

Jon S.

Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

i would never live in canada for one reason and its the only reason i need: too cold. if i cant wear shorts for 11 months in the year, then fuck it
clearly im just not as macho as them. 50 degrees(F) is my limit, below that ill pull out the long pants
Yeah, I feel you about the whole shorts thing...but, I'm actually trying to get out of the habit of wearing them so much. I'm surprised that I don't notice much difference from a comfort stand point...though it is hot as Hell.

Now, I thought you said you were from PA!?!? 50 degrees!?!? Ha ha ha! Hell, I remember going out and shoveling snow outside my house wearing shorts. Granted I was also wearing a coat and gloves...but yeah! Ha ha ha!

Anyway, it definitely gets cold in the winter in Canada. But, like I said, you can always bundle up. On the other hand, the summers are fairly pleasant. I've been to Canada in the winter and in the summer. Last time I went up in the winter was with a group of criminal justice students from college...and that was to Montreal. It was March, and when we got there it was like spring...didn't even need to wear a coat. Hell, within 2-3 days, it got bitterly cold...even the locals said it was unseasonably you know it was cold. When I came in from being outside, my skin under my clothes was red...if that gives you an idea how cold it was. Anyway, like I said, if you bundle up, you'll be okay. I mean, you can always add another layer of clothes...BUT, you can only take off so much. Personally, I like a happy medium...but yeah...the cold isn't that bad.

Nikki mentioned about driving in the snow and ice...and despite the old cliche "you get used to it"...YOU DON'T! Hell I was literally almost killed in a wreck on ice...and in my lifetime I was in at least 4 wrecks on snow/ice, totaling 3 cars...and I was driving during 2 of them (totaled 1...when I was almost killed...if not for my seatbelt). So the best thing to do when the roads are bad is...don't drive. SERIOUSLY! There is usually nothing that important that you should risk your life to do it by driving on bad roads.

i knew there had to be more of them. what better muse than Nikki Nova?
You'd be surprised. There aren't as many as you would think. Given that "Nikki Nova" is a perfect example of alliteration, I thought there would be far more. I could only find the one so far. The song that I found (I guess from around '07) and the one the Twitter follower brought to Nikki's attention ('11) are actually both fairly recent from what I could tell.


Mr. Nice gallery
Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

Ha! Ok ...funny example: I had a place in Hollywood Beach Florida (right next to South Beach in Miami) for a year and whenever it was in the 60's in the fall and winter and really white people were on the beach in shorts and even getting in the neighbors would always exclaim " Canadians!". haha. The thing was always true. I would always ask just to see and they were Canadian tourists 99% of the time. hahaha. We get them in AZ a lot too in the winter. "the snow birds" as we call them.
Nikki Nova
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Nice pics sexy!


Official Checked Star Member
Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

wuuuuut?! That is just too funny. This one though he mentions a lot of other names too. It's still a trip that I'm in there. That's cool. I'm still trippin' of the last one and now there's 2? haha
Nikki Nova
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It just so happens that I'm feeling pretty good today, it's hot as Hell outside, and I'm bored to, out of "morbid" curiousity, I'm going to see what I can find.

Already found one & I'll post 'em as I find them! Ha ha ha!

MIMS - "Clap That" mentions you at around the 1:35 mark


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