Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

all of us can bring desert lol
Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

If your ever up in Canada I have a place you can stay.
Let us know when your site is done & I will join up.

time for some more votes for Nikki

and as always thanks for the great pics :iloveyou:
Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

Thats cool Nikki... you'll have a few different parts of Oz to visit and stay at while having a look around down under.

Theres lots to see down here.... you'll have a blast :)


ok so OzzieOz and Dazza. That's 2 different parts of Australia and two places to stay. Maybe I should get out my globe and start mapping out my route. Ozzie can you be more specific about the name of the town and what part of Australia it's in so I can do that? haha. I know someone in Perth too. hmmm......
Nikki Nova
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Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

ok so OzzieOz and Dazza. That's 2 different parts of Australia and two places to stay. Maybe I should get out my globe and start mapping out my route. Ozzie can you be more specific about the name of the town and what part of Australia it's in so I can do that? haha. I know someone in Perth too. hmmm......

I am close to Chadstone which is in the city of Melbourne in the state of Victoria. I don't want to cause confusion, where i am though i can pretty much zip to other other nearby haunts (well "near" as in 10 - 20 minutes away), like previous suburbs where i grew up and other key locations. Chadstone has a fairly large shopping mall, i still get a little intimidated by it's size, both the complex itself and the car park are gigantic.

It's a real head spinner, even i get confused when trying to explain it to people who are in other states in Australia. Let alone others i've conversed with from around the world :D.

Would be cool if you did end up travelling around Australia at some point, our country is a pretty good destination for tourists, there is something for everyone. You'll get right in to our local sports, Aussie Rules Football and Rugby League.

I'd avoid Adelaide though which is in South Australia - apologies to any FreeOnes Aussie members who may have previously or currently live there, just a small attempt at a joke :hybrid:.


Official Checked Star Member
Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

Will definitely let you know on the site. It should be Monday just FYI. Ok now as far as Canada I've actually been considering moving there. What part of Canada do you live in? I've been to Torono a few times but I want to check out the western part of Canada.
Nikki Nova
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If your ever up in Canada I have a place you can stay.
Let us know when your site is done & I will join up.

time for some more votes for Nikki

and as always thanks for the great pics :iloveyou:


Official Checked Star Member
Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

Ok so off to work I go now. I will be working my ass off today on the new megasite again plus live on cam later on. I have a members only how on at 8:00 PM Pacific time/ 11:00 pm Eastern. Being stcuk at my computer everyday this week in the crazy summer heat has got me thinking. When will they come out with a waterproof computer? I would much rather be doing this from the pool dammit! hahaha.
Nikki Nova
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Jon S.

Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

Page 6?!?!? Page 6!?!?!? The Official Nikki Nova Thread DOES NOT slip to page 6! Ha ha ha! What's up guys? Is everyone snoozing like I should be right now? Ha ha ha!

I had a very hectic day today & I'm really I won't be voting today.:( BUT, I will resume tomorrow morning!:) Sooooo, I hope everyone else does their best & we'll reach our goal in less than a week yet!

I actually liked that joke Nikki...I thought it was cute. The fact that the Dalai Lama didn't get it only made it funnier. By the way, you don't know how appealing the idea of a waterproof computer that can be used in the pool sounds to me these days too.:cool: Speaking of Canada...I've only been to Toronto and Montreal really...multiple times. When I was a kid, I spent some time with my uncle (the now retired dentist) out in Seattle. They were going on a trip to Vancouver, B.C., and I could have gone along...BUT, I decided to go back home to PA instead. Kind of regret that decision now...would have been nice to have visited there too...though following the riots they just had in Vancouver...I'm not so sure now. Ha ha ha! But seriously, I love to travel and see new places...would have been nice to have been able to have added Vancouver when I was a kid still! Ha ha ha! So, when I finally hit that Powerball's an around the world tour & you're invited!:cool:

Anyway, how is everyone else doing today? Anyone do anything exciting? I was kept waiting 2 1/2 hours past my scheduled appointment time this morning! Now, that's excitement if I've ever experienced it!:1orglaugh

Note: "you're in invited" translates to "Nikki"! We'll be sure to send post cards! ha ha ha!


Eternally hoping to lick Briana
Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

Page 6?!?!? Page 6!?!?!? The Official Nikki Nova Thread DOES NOT slip to page 6! Ha ha ha! What's up guys? Is everyone snoozing like I should be right now? Ha ha ha!

i guess thats what happens when i travel.

as for the waterproof laptop, id be surprised if they didnt exist. or at least water resilient. they may be VERY expensive but theres enough science going along in the ocean that someone has created some kind of mobile computer that can go under water
Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

Will definitely let you know on the site. It should be Monday just FYI. Ok now as far as Canada I've actually been considering moving there. What part of Canada do you live in? I've been to Torono a few times but I want to check out the western part of Canada.
Nikki Nova
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Grew up in Toronto Live in Thunder Bay now the west coast is nice

Canada would love to have you ;)


Official Checked Star Member
Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

and here I thought I was talking about the unicorn of electronics. This is just beyond badass. Within the next year I am going to get me one of these dammit! Too fucking cool! You're a fucking badass for finding this for me. I love you!
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