
Official Checked Star Member


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Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

Happy Humpday folks. How's your week going so far? It's early in the morning here. Are you ready to kick ass today and make it a great day? It's all about attitude.
Nikki Nova
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Hey Nikki. My week is going great. I just started a new Job and I got a new roomate so I can save some cash. I hope your week is going great too. Love the nurse outfit. I'll have to think of an illness so you can help cure me.

Jitna, JBS, Areskeith, D_Jlogs and others. I hope you have a good week as well.

Let's have some laughs

Jimmy Carr( Offensive Humor, Gotta love it)



Official Checked Star Member
Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

Aww. Well it turns out is all up to you right?
I believe you can and will kick some major fucking ass in school this year.
Nikki Nova
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What are you going to do to me, Nikki Nova? Hmmm...

Today was the start of a new school year for me. Hope this year turns out to be better than the last.


Official Checked Star Member
Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

Love it! Thank you. I needed a good chuckle.
Nikki Nova
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Hey Nikki. My week is going great. I just started a new Job and I got a new roomate so I can save some cash. I hope your week is going great too. Love the nurse outfit. I'll have to think of an illness so you can help cure me.

Jitna, JBS, Areskeith, D_Jlogs and others. I hope you have a good week as well.

Let's have some laughs

Jimmy Carr( Offensive Humor, Gotta love it)



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Jon S.

Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

Jon's "secret" to kicking ass in school. Go to class, take good & copious notes, study, repeat! Worked for me anyway.....not really much of a secret though! ;) ha ha ha! Sad thing though, I actually had classmates ask me what my secret was....kinda let them down when I told them! Ha ha ha!

And yeah...I believe it's physically impossible not to be happy whenever Nikki's around! :)

Ps. Came off without my charger for my iPhone, so I might "disappear" for a day or so!


Eternally hoping to lick Briana
Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

in my opinion the single most important thing you can do is go to class. take notes, study, pay attention, blah blah blah. go to class.

Jon S.

Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

You're RIGHT! That's why I put it 1st....but YEAH! You'd be surprised how many asked me for my secret and RARELY showed up for class to that point! Ummmm DUH...go to class!!! Ha ha ha!

And you will notice I never mentioned the text book(s)! Ummmm YEAH again....BIG waste! Ha ha ha! Notes AND lecture are what really matter!

Jon S.

Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

I have my USB cable, sooooo, I popped in to the Business Center here at the hotel to charge my phone! ha ha ha!

Anyway....Tell me about it jitna!!!!! Sooooooo many WASTED dollars!

who??? Basically, every criminal justice class, law class, history class (Hell I had one History class that the guy used tests that were soooooo old, his lecture didn't even cover what was on them (I remember the first test in that class....EVERYONE was saying WTF...we didn't cover that!!! ha ha ha!)....he did grade on a HUGE curve however!!! Anyway, most every class I had was tested heavily on lecture (notes) and very little on the subject matter from the text book(s) (unless, on those rare occasions, they happened to overlap). Text books are a MAJOR racket!!! Hell, they change a few words just to come out with a new edition! SERIOUSLY!!! Ha ha ha!
Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

Hi Nikki... The week seems to be flying by with lots going on here on the farm, planting rapeseed crops and this weekend starting on some wheat and then barley and in the meantime checking the sheep.

Wishing you a great day Nikki....and all the other guys here :)

p.s..... WOW!!...sweet pics Nikki xoxox

Happy Humpday folks. How's your week going so far? It's early in the morning here. Are you ready to kick ass today and make it a great day? It's all about attitude.
Nikki Nova
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Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

I have my USB cable, sooooo, I popped in to the Business Center here at the hotel to charge my phone! ha ha ha!

Anyway....Tell me about it jitna!!!!! Sooooooo many WASTED dollars!

who??? Basically, every criminal justice class, law class, history class (Hell I had one History class that the guy used tests that were soooooo old, his lecture didn't even cover what was on them (I remember the first test in that class....EVERYONE was saying WTF...we didn't cover that!!! ha ha ha!)....he did grade on a HUGE curve however!!! Anyway, most every class I had was tested heavily on lecture (notes) and very little on the subject matter from the text book(s) (unless, on those rare occasions, they happened to overlap). Text books are a MAJOR racket!!! Hell, they change a few words just to come out with a new edition! SERIOUSLY!!! Ha ha ha!

I was chem major with math minor, and as you can guess we always used the books for math. Chemistry for the most part too. But by the time I got to Organic chemisty 3, my professor never even told us a book to get. He said it was a good idea if you had your old ones for reference, but they weren't manditory.

I wish some my professors graded on a curve. The only one that did was my Physics professor. And we needed all the help we could get. But like most of your classes, text books in those classes were less than usless. I did not open it once for two full classes. I don't even know why they had an assigned book for that class.
Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

Aww. Well it turns out is all up to you right?
I believe you can and will kick some major fucking ass in school this year.
Nikki Nova
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Now I'm hard and horny and so inspired to do well, thanks for the encouragement Nikki!:hybrid: Hope to see you on MFC soon ;)


Eternally hoping to lick Briana
Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

I was chem major with math minor, and as you can guess we always used the books for math. Chemistry for the most part too. But by the time I got to Organic chemisty 3, my professor never even told us a book to get. He said it was a good idea if you had your old ones for reference, but they weren't manditory.

I wish some my professors graded on a curve. The only one that did was my Physics professor. And we needed all the help we could get. But like most of your classes, text books in those classes were less than usless. I did not open it once for two full classes. I don't even know why they had an assigned book for that class.

all my 101 classes had huge curves. there were classes that i thought i might be failing that ended up with an A in.

update: Nikkis at 6915, still 165 short

Jon S.

Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

Looks like someone who normally votes a HELL OF A LOT hasn't been able to the last few days or something! ;) Did I tell you, or did I tell you? Ha ha ha!


Official Checked Star Member
Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

wow. That sounds so awesome Dazza!!! You have such a wonderful life. You really do!
Nikki Nova
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Hi Nikki... The week seems to be flying by with lots going on here on the farm, planting rapeseed crops and this weekend starting on some wheat and then barley and in the meantime checking the sheep.

Wishing you a great day Nikki....and all the other guys here :)

p.s..... WOW!!...sweet pics Nikki xoxox


Official Checked Star Member
Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

This week is literally FLYING by. How is it going for all of you guys? Anything exciting? High points so far? Low points?
Mine has been action packed but unfortunately with things that I csn not share with you guys so.... I'm affraid that leaves me asking you guys about your juicy news/gossip.
Nikki Nova
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