Jon S.

Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

Yeah. One would think that his followers would have been a bit more suspect given his '84 blunder and all. But I guess one will believe what they want to beilieve, and no amount of evidence, common sense, and reason will change that! Ha ha ha!

Now, I finally did something I meant to do since shortly after my birthday, which coincided with my last bout of vertigo.....that being watching the medical marijuana documentary that Nikki posted the links to.

I was able to find a copy on YouTube that was the full version (as opposed to broken up in pieces). It's definitely an interesting subject and story. Learned some things that I was not even aware of. More specifically, it's about the medicinal value and properties of hemp/weed/canibus oil, and how it hold the keys to many treatments and cures, including cancer!

Here is the link so you can view it if you haven't already (I HIGHLY reccomend you do if you haven't already):

Run From The Cure:

Finally, I admit that I am a healthy cynic. However, it amuses me that some people can be sooooooo naive and truly ignorant when it comes to how limitless greed is in a capitalistic society. They actually doubt that multi-billion dollar corporations (namely the pharmiceutical companies in this case) would do anything that would keep people sick and/or prevent a cure from being utilized by the masses....simply in the name of making money & keeping their profits rising. Like I said, truly NAIVE. If a cure can be found naturally, they want nothing to do with it & they want to keep it from seeing the light of day....BECAUSE plants can not be patented & thus they can not control the proceeds from them. PLUS, with a cure, it's one and done.....and treatments are forever (until you die anyway)! Bottom line, they care only about profits and making money.....and the actual health and well-being of our society be damned! Now me, a professed cynic, I would not put ANYTHING past our greedy "health industrial complex" in the name of profits! Now I don't have cancer....BUT, I am taking more Rx drugs than my 74 year old mother...who had two strokes. Does that sound right? Something wrong with you? There's a pill for that! That's not the way it's should be IMHO!

Anyway, stepping off my soap box. Like I said, if you haven't watch the documentary that Nikki posted & I just re-posted (this time the full version) all means....DO IT!


Eternally hoping to lick Briana
Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

Just put in Nikki's 5000s vote!!!

(and seven more for good luck)

63 votes away from 34th place alltime


Official Checked Star Member
Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

It's been a rough week. I caved and had coffee twice and haven't been on cam for a few days. I will be making up for that this week working a LOT of cam hours.
jitna I think it was maybe you a couple/few pages ago that asked my to post some teaser pics of my shoot on Friday of the latex stuff. I will eventually but I always keep everything for my website members first and foremost....even the candid and behind the scenes shots. I will maybe post a couple of pics in a week or 2. I don't even have it yet anyhow and won't for a bit. It was an awesome shoot and I am super excited to show you guys as soon as I can.
Nikki Nova
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Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

It's been a rough week. I caved and had coffee twice and haven't been on cam for a few days. I will be making up for that this week working a LOT of cam hours.
jitna I think it was maybe you a couple/few pages ago that asked my to post some teaser pics of my shoot on Friday of the latex stuff. I will eventually but I always keep everything for my website members first and foremost....even the candid and behind the scenes shots. I will maybe post a couple of pics in a week or 2. I don't even have it yet anyhow and won't for a bit. It was an awesome shoot and I am super excited to show you guys as soon as I can.
Nikki Nova
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This is a mugg for two persons (you an I :D) !


Eternally hoping to lick Briana
Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

It's been a rough week. I caved and had coffee twice and haven't been on cam for a few days. I will be making up for that this week working a LOT of cam hours.
jitna I think it was maybe you a couple/few pages ago that asked my to post some teaser pics of my shoot on Friday of the latex stuff. I will eventually but I always keep everything for my website members first and foremost....even the candid and behind the scenes shots. I will maybe post a couple of pics in a week or 2. I don't even have it yet anyhow and won't for a bit. It was an awesome shoot and I am super excited to show you guys as soon as I can.
Nikki Nova
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i hear you. gotta give the people smart enough to join your site the privileges, fair enough. i guess that means that for the next week or two ill just have to keep using my imagination. Nikki in skintight latex, not a bad thing to imagine. (in my imagination you also have a cape)

love the candid. such a lovely tongue you have.


Official Checked Star Member
Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

a cape huh? Damn. You have me as latex superhero or something...haha
I love it!
Here's a non latex behind the scenes photo though. haha
Nikki Nova
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i hear you. gotta give the people smart enough to join your site the privileges, fair enough. i guess that means that for the next week or two ill just have to keep using my imagination. Nikki in skintight latex, not a bad thing to imagine. (in my imagination you also have a cape)

love the candid. such a lovely tongue you have.


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Eternally hoping to lick Briana
Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

a cape huh? Damn. You have me as latex superhero or something...haha

wait, you mean you're not?

Oh yeah and as for the rest of you read this for some BIG news!

Nikki Nova
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does that mean im not supposed to read this?

Jon S.

Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

Nikki as a Superhero? Hmmmmmm. Intriguing! DEFINITELY has potential! Ha ha ha!

With a last name like Nova....."Super Nova" comes to mind easily. Of course she is strong, has spunk, and is pretty damned cool.....soooooo maybe "The Awesome Avenger"! Or just a play off her name....Nikki Nova.....N (squared....can't type that in here). Or we could go comical and play off one of her finest assets and go with "Booberella" where her super power is mesmerizing and hypnotizing guys with her boobs. Ha ha ha! Okay, it was just a thought! Ha ha ha!

Anyway, Nikki is almost at 31st and that will be within the hour....but that is as far as we'll get tonight. Great job guys! I'll be out of town most of the week.....soooooo, our vote tally will be taking a MAJOR hit during that time.

Finally, speaking of BIG news.....I have a MAJOR announcement to make.....okay, maybe not MAJOR....but it is a BIG one just the same! I decided to make my BIG anouncement at 11 PM CDT, so you'll have to wait until then!

Congrats Nikki on your site news!

'Til then.....I got another free movie rental....and I rented "The King's Speech"....sooooo, it's movie time at Casa de Jon.


Official Checked Star Member
Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

I've seen that movie. It's good but it's not great. I think it was way overhyped . I mean the acting was great and the cast is amazing but they can only carry the story so far. It's a story about a man with a stammer. It's not that exciting. Let's just keep it real. haha
Nikki Nova
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Nikki as a Superhero? Hmmmmmm. Intriguing! DEFINITELY has potential! Ha ha ha!

With a last name like Nova....."Super Nova" comes to mind easily. Of course she is strong, has spunk, and is pretty damned cool.....soooooo maybe "The Awesome Avenger"! Or just a play off her name....Nikki Nova.....N (squared....can't type that in here). Or we could go comical and play off one of her finest assets and go with "Booberella" where her super power is mesmerizing and hypnotizing guys with her boobs. Ha ha ha! Okay, it was just a thought! Ha ha ha!

Anyway, Nikki is almost at 31st and that will be within the hour....but that is as far as we'll get tonight. Great job guys! I'll be out of town most of the week.....soooooo, our vote tally will be taking a MAJOR hit during that time.

Finally, speaking of BIG news.....I have a MAJOR announcement to make.....okay, maybe not MAJOR....but it is a BIG one just the same! I decided to make my BIG anouncement at 11 PM CDT, so you'll have to wait until then!

Congrats Nikki on your site news!

'Til then.....I got another free movie rental....and I rented "The King's Speech"....sooooo, it's movie time at Casa de Jon.

Jon S.

Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

Sorry my BIG announcement is slightly computer started spazzing out on me at the last minute.......Sooooooo, here it is!

Okay guys....without further due.....the envelope please.....with 10 votes....


Nikki Nova:)drool1:)!!

Congrats on your win Nikki!!!!! Like they say...third time's a charm!!!!!:hatsoff::partysml::partysml:

Well deserved:yesyes::clap:
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Eternally hoping to lick Briana
Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

I've seen that movie. It's good but it's not great. I think it was way overhyped . I mean the acting was great and the cast is amazing but they can only carry the story so far. It's a story about a man with a stammer. It's not that exciting. Let's just keep it real. haha
Nikki Nova
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so basically you'd say...

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Jon S.

Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

I know this is a repost....but it got burried at the bottom of the last page & it's an IMPORTANT announcement....sooooooo......

Okay guys....without further due.....the envelope please.....with 10 votes....


Nikki Nova:)drool1:)!!

Congrats on your win Nikki!!!!! Like they say...third time's a charm!!!!!:hatsoff::partysml::partysml:

Well deserved:yesyes::clap:
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Eternally hoping to lick Briana
Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

I know this is a repost....but it got burried at the bottom of the last page & it's an IMPORTANT announcement....sooooooo......

Okay guys....without further due.....the envelope please.....with 10 votes....


Nikki Nova:)drool1:)!!

Congrats on your win Nikki!!!!! Like they say...third time's a charm!!!!!:hatsoff::partysml::partysml:

Well deserved:yesyes::clap:

maybe we should see it one more time?

Jon S.

Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

maybe we should see it one more time?
I just know human nature....burried at the bottom of the last page equals never seen my many....because they simply go to the current page & that's it. Ha ha ha!

Of course, if you REALLY want to see it a 3rd time....I'm sure I could accommodate you! Ha ha ha! Just kidding!