Jon S.

Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

Which should make it George Burns or Morgan Freeman. As George Burns may be a little fragile, having been dead for the past 15 years, I would guess that it might just be Morgan. :dunno:
Might be, but it isn't. That would be Canadian actress and songstress Alanis Morissette who portrayed God in the motion picture "Dogma"!

Happy belated St. Patricks Day all! I noticed hardly anyone said they were Irish...for the record I am very much Irish (Scotch Irish to be exact). I'm actually parts Scotch-Irish, German, American Indian (shamefully I don't know what tribe...just that I have American Indian blood through my maternal grandfather), and Slovak (through my late father whom I'm indifferent toward aside from the fact that he drank himself into an early grave and he's dead).

Thanks for all of the Birthday wishes everyone!

Now "sadly" this was merely a brief cameo on my part...I'm still hardly 100% & I have been EXTREMELY tired since last night...slept until 4:30 today...just VERY lethargic! Could be the pills to slow my heartbeat. For the record, I'm a fighter and a former athlete, and I have no plans on going anywhere. When I wrecked my car and broke my ankle in my teens, hell I was back playing football (in practice anyway) before the cast came off! Besides, I don't think Nikki and a few other people in my life would give me permission to "go anywhere" even if my body had other ideas! Believe me, a lot of it is mind over matter!

Now, in closing I want to tell everyone that you all should consider yourselves lucky to have someone as special as Nikki in your lives too, even if it is "only" communicating on a message board. She is definitely an incredible spirit and one of the sweetest and most special souls I have ever encountered! And that is coming from someone who thinks the little faith in human nature & am a self-professed cynic! Now, many of you see he and think she is incredibly beautiful, and I don't blame you because she is...but believe me when I tell you that her outer beauty is barely scratching the surface of what makes her a truly amazing person! Like I said, consider yourselves lucky that you have been lucky enough to cross paths with her too! Alot of people think that people in the adult industry aren't worth a lick. Believe me when I say that I find Nikki to be one of the best people (from any walk of life) I have ever known & I would take her over those phony, hypocritical, and fake self-righteous types any day! She is truly one of a kind!

Well, I'm tired and I've said what I I'll see y'all real soon!


Eternally hoping to lick Briana
Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

Might be, but it isn't. That would be Canadian actress and songstress Alanis Morissette who portrayed God in the motion picture "Dogma"!

there you go ruining the surprise. she also briefly reprised the role at the very of jay and silent bob strike back

Happy belated St. Patricks Day all! I noticed hardly anyone said they were Irish...for the record I am very much Irish (Scotch Irish to be exact). I'm actually parts Scotch-Irish, German, American Indian (shamefully I don't know what tribe...just that I have American Indian blood through my maternal grandfather), and Slovak (through my late father whom I'm indifferent toward aside from the fact that he drank himself into an early grave and he's dead).

Thanks for all of the Birthday wishes everyone!

Now "sadly" this was merely a brief cameo on my part...I'm still hardly 100% & I have been EXTREMELY tired since last night...slept until 4:30 today...just VERY lethargic! Could be the pills to slow my heartbeat. For the record, I'm a fighter and a former athlete, and I have no plans on going anywhere. When I wrecked my car and broke my ankle in my teens, hell I was back playing football (in practice anyway) before the cast came off! Besides, I don't think Nikki and a few other people in my life would give me permission to "go anywhere" even if my body had other ideas! Believe me, a lot of it is mind over matter!

Now, in closing I want to tell everyone that you all should consider yourselves lucky to have someone as special as Nikki in your lives too, even if it is "only" communicating on a message board. She is definitely an incredible spirit and one of the sweetest and most special souls I have ever encountered! And that is coming from someone who thinks the little faith in human nature & am a self-professed cynic! Now, many of you see he and think she is incredibly beautiful, and I don't blame you because she is...but believe me when I tell you that her outer beauty is barely scratching the surface of what makes her a truly amazing person! Like I said, consider yourselves lucky that you have been lucky enough to cross paths with her too! Alot of people think that people in the adult industry aren't worth a lick. Believe me when I say that I find Nikki to be one of the best people (from any walk of life) I have ever known & I would take her over those phony, hypocritical, and fake self-righteous types any day! She is truly one of a kind!

Well, I'm tired and I've said what I I'll see y'all real soon!

and here i thought it was the heroic return. nope just a teaser...
Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

Sorry to hear you been sick again Nikki. Hasn't been a good start to the year for you health wise at all! Speaking of stress, I have been having quite a few headaches lately and I do think they are tension related, to do with work which has been a pain lately. So I do sympathise with you.

Anyway just popping in again quickly. Trying to be a good boy and do as I was told lol
Hope everyone is doing swell. Probably from looking at Nikki's pics I bet. Or is that just swelling?......Nevermind haha :p
Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

Are you still sick Nikki? I hope not.

Well Wither you are or not I wanted to post videos from a great comedian that was taken from us when we need him the most. Enjoy



Official Checked Star Member
Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

Wow! Thank you jon! That made me feel all kinds of awesome. Thank you.
Nikki Nova
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Might be, but it isn't. That would be Canadian actress and songstress Alanis Morissette who portrayed God in the motion picture "Dogma"!

Happy belated St. Patricks Day all! I noticed hardly anyone said they were Irish...for the record I am very much Irish (Scotch Irish to be exact). I'm actually parts Scotch-Irish, German, American Indian (shamefully I don't know what tribe...just that I have American Indian blood through my maternal grandfather), and Slovak (through my late father whom I'm indifferent toward aside from the fact that he drank himself into an early grave and he's dead).

Thanks for all of the Birthday wishes everyone!

Now "sadly" this was merely a brief cameo on my part...I'm still hardly 100% & I have been EXTREMELY tired since last night...slept until 4:30 today...just VERY lethargic! Could be the pills to slow my heartbeat. For the record, I'm a fighter and a former athlete, and I have no plans on going anywhere. When I wrecked my car and broke my ankle in my teens, hell I was back playing football (in practice anyway) before the cast came off! Besides, I don't think Nikki and a few other people in my life would give me permission to "go anywhere" even if my body had other ideas! Believe me, a lot of it is mind over matter!

Now, in closing I want to tell everyone that you all should consider yourselves lucky to have someone as special as Nikki in your lives too, even if it is "only" communicating on a message board. She is definitely an incredible spirit and one of the sweetest and most special souls I have ever encountered! And that is coming from someone who thinks the little faith in human nature & am a self-professed cynic! Now, many of you see he and think she is incredibly beautiful, and I don't blame you because she is...but believe me when I tell you that her outer beauty is barely scratching the surface of what makes her a truly amazing person! Like I said, consider yourselves lucky that you have been lucky enough to cross paths with her too! Alot of people think that people in the adult industry aren't worth a lick. Believe me when I say that I find Nikki to be one of the best people (from any walk of life) I have ever known & I would take her over those phony, hypocritical, and fake self-righteous types any day! She is truly one of a kind!

Well, I'm tired and I've said what I I'll see y'all real soon!


Official Checked Star Member
Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

I was sick for a while. It was just dragging on and not getting worse but not getting quite all better either due to high stress levels etc. I just finally went on a full attack to get it un der control and then as soon as I started feeling better I started going back to the gym to work my way towards being healthy and strong enough to handle all that is currently happening as well as all that is headed my way. Right now I am just super busy and aching from head to toe and exhausted from not exercising at all for many months and then working out again. That plus the stress levels are still very high and will be for the next couple of months. There's a lot of work and personal stuff happening in addition to family stuff. I was on the phone with my favorite aunt last night for almost 4 1/2 hours! I shit you not. All I can say is that my family makes the family in the show Shameless look angelic in some ways. haha. My family is like Shameless meets My Name is Earl meets the Soprano's with a side of Weeds and a dash of Joel Osteen. It's a whole bunch of rediculous ingredients that don't mix well and they're all disfunctyional and full of shit. hahaha. The only really honest and real ones in the bunch are me, my favorite aunt and her two kids ( and of course my grandparents). Everyone outside of that are either varying degrees of b.s or we just simply aren't close enough/don't know each other well enough for me to say anything one way or the other. I love my aunt so much though and my grandparents are beyond awesome. My aunt , her kids and me are a tight unit. We're the no bullshit sector of the family. haha.
Anyways that magazine I have been working for for 16 months "Playtime" isn't around anymore. Some odd stuff happened and the people that were previously running it have both left to start their own magazines and I am now writing for BOTH of those new magazines. Oh and one of them I was given the editor position and title as well. Yay me! hahaha
Nikki Nova
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Sorry to hear you been sick again Nikki. Hasn't been a good start to the year for you health wise at all! Speaking of stress, I have been having quite a few headaches lately and I do think they are tension related, to do with work which has been a pain lately. So I do sympathise with you.

Anyway just popping in again quickly. Trying to be a good boy and do as I was told lol
Hope everyone is doing swell. Probably from looking at Nikki's pics I bet. Or is that just swelling?......Nevermind haha :p

Are you still sick Nikki? I hope not.

Well Wither you are or not I wanted to post videos from a great comedian that was taken from us when we need him the most. Enjoy



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Official Checked Star Member
Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

Oh speaking of which I am covering a big topic for one of the mags. The topic is MEDICAL Marijuana. TRULY medical not just stoners with a card. Do any of you have any stories of yourselves or others that are or have used it for purely medical purposes and if so please share.
Nikki Nova
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Eternally hoping to lick Briana
Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

Anyways that magazine I have been working for for 16 months "Playtime" isn't around anymore. Some odd stuff happened and the people that were previously running it have both left to start their own magazines and I am now writing for BOTH of those new magazines. Oh and one of them I was given the editor position and title as well. Yay me! hahaha
Nikki Nova
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that second guy has got to be kicking himself for letting the other guy snag you as editor.
Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

What turns you on the most in men(or woman if thats ur thing)??
What turns you off?
And last question i promse, do you plan on doing any videos with my girl(lol:D) Rachel Starr? Cuzzzz youre BEAUTIFULLL and love to see you both togetherrr !

Jon S.

Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

Nikki, I just wanted to pop in to let you know that I genuinely think the world of you and quite frankly I love you to pieces! I was thinking earlier how, if things had gone the other way, neither you nor I would even be here today, and Hell you and I are arguably the most active on this thread, and you for one are an incredible and amazing person! I try to be a good person, but believe me when I say that you set the bar pretty high & I can only hope to come close to what an incredibly decent and genuinely good person that you are! I don't know how you do it sometimes....but I am actually working at it myself based upon your example!

Believe me when I say that, even when I am sick as I am right now, I will have your back as best as I can whenever I can! You are a really special person to me, and when I care about someone, I fiercely loyal....and I can even be a pit bull at times when situations warrant it!

Anyway, I REALLY feel like crap right now & I spent a couple of hours dealing with something online that I wasn't expecting to! I was actually dealing with something on behalf of a friend...but all things considered, I handled the situation perfectly, and teaming up and through the assistance of someone else, I/we was/were able to take care of business quite swiftly....all things considered!

Sadly, I wasn't able to fall asleep last night, hoped to sleep some this afternoon, and then I saw a situation that needed dealt with for a friend, and now it's after 9:30....and I forget the last time I slept! Ha ha ha! What I do know is that I can barely think straight and I feel like death warmed over. Not dizzy anyway, but dead tired would be putting it mildly!

Wish I could e-mail you this box of Samoas and Thin Mints! I still haven't given them away and I swear they mock me right now! Ha ha ha! Damn pervasive little "crack peddlers"! Ha ha ha!

So....with that, much love to you Nikki and I hope you have an amazing Friday and weekend ahead!

By the way, any input that I could give on the chronic is strictly from a recreational standpoint....and that was quite a while I'm not any help there! Though, despite my own health problems...and given how my afternoon and evening have gone...a blunt actually is strangely attractive right now! Under the circumstances, of course I am kidding...but today really drained me! But like I said, when it is a friend who is involved, and I care about someone, I go that extra mile! Ha ha ha!

Forgot to mention that I had an MRI and CT Scan today too (re. the Vertigo)! Like I said....UGH...just one of those days!

Peace out everyone!


Eternally hoping to lick Briana
Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

Wish I could e-mail you this box of Samoas and Thin Mints! I still haven't given them away and I swear they mock me right now! Ha ha ha! Damn pervasive little "crack peddlers"! Ha ha ha!

you could always just fedex them, put them in a bag with some bubble wrap and send them, as the commercial says if it fits, it ships. or is that UPS? of course that would assume theres some place you could send them. does nikki have a PO box or something?


Official Checked Star Member
Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

Well thank you very much sweetie. Your girl is definitely very hot. As long as she is down to shoot something softcore with me then sure but I'm honesty really trying to shoot for my site only now and keep all of my content exclusive to my site. Other than that my work and business is simply not even in front of the camera. I have other proffessions and jobs as well.
Nikki Nova
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What turns you on the most in men(or woman if thats ur thing)??
What turns you off?
And last question i promse, do you plan on doing any videos with my girl(lol:D) Rachel Starr? Cuzzzz youre BEAUTIFULLL and love to see you both togetherrr !


Official Checked Star Member
Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

Please keep us all posted as soon as you get the results ok?
Nikki Nova
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Nikki, I just wanted to pop in to let you know that I genuinely think the world of you and quite frankly I love you to pieces! I was thinking earlier how, if things had gone the other way, neither you nor I would even be here today, and Hell you and I are arguably the most active on this thread, and you for one are an incredible and amazing person! I try to be a good person, but believe me when I say that you set the bar pretty high & I can only hope to come close to what an incredibly decent and genuinely good person that you are! I don't know how you do it sometimes....but I am actually working at it myself based upon your example!

Believe me when I say that, even when I am sick as I am right now, I will have your back as best as I can whenever I can! You are a really special person to me, and when I care about someone, I fiercely loyal....and I can even be a pit bull at times when situations warrant it!

Anyway, I REALLY feel like crap right now & I spent a couple of hours dealing with something online that I wasn't expecting to! I was actually dealing with something on behalf of a friend...but all things considered, I handled the situation perfectly, and teaming up and through the assistance of someone else, I/we was/were able to take care of business quite swiftly....all things considered!

Sadly, I wasn't able to fall asleep last night, hoped to sleep some this afternoon, and then I saw a situation that needed dealt with for a friend, and now it's after 9:30....and I forget the last time I slept! Ha ha ha! What I do know is that I can barely think straight and I feel like death warmed over. Not dizzy anyway, but dead tired would be putting it mildly!

Wish I could e-mail you this box of Samoas and Thin Mints! I still haven't given them away and I swear they mock me right now! Ha ha ha! Damn pervasive little "crack peddlers"! Ha ha ha!

So....with that, much love to you Nikki and I hope you have an amazing Friday and weekend ahead!

By the way, any input that I could give on the chronic is strictly from a recreational standpoint....and that was quite a while I'm not any help there! Though, despite my own health problems...and given how my afternoon and evening have gone...a blunt actually is strangely attractive right now! Under the circumstances, of course I am kidding...but today really drained me! But like I said, when it is a friend who is involved, and I care about someone, I go that extra mile! Ha ha ha!

Forgot to mention that I had an MRI and CT Scan today too (re. the Vertigo)! Like I said....UGH...just one of those days!

Peace out everyone!


Official Checked Star Member
Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

NO! I am trying to be healthy! Do NOT encourage such things! I just started going back to the gym. Damn you jitna for your evil ways!! hahahaha
Nikki Nova
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you could always just fedex them, put them in a bag with some bubble wrap and send them, as the commercial says if it fits, it ships. or is that UPS? of course that would assume theres some place you could send them. does nikki have a PO box or something?


Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

Happy Friday, gang!

my humorous bit for the week... hopefully not 'bad,' but certainly a wee bit 'sappy.'

A professor stood before his philosophy class with some items on his desk in front of him. When the class began, wordlessly, he picked up a very large and empty mayonnaise jar and proceeded to fill it with golf balls.
He then asked the students if the jar was full. They agreed that it was.
The professor then picked up a box of pebbles and poured them into the jar. He shook the jar lightly. The pebbles rolled into the open areas between the golf balls. He then asked the students again if the jar was full. They agreed it was.
The professor next picked up a box of sand and poured it into the jar. Of course, the sand filled up everything else. He asked once more if the jar was full. The students responded with a unanimous "YES."
The professor then produced two glasses of wine from under the table and poured the entire contents into the jar, effectively filling the empty space between the sand. The students laughed.
"Now," said the professor, as the laughter subsided, "I want you to recognize that this jar represents your life. The golf balls are the important things; your family, your children, your health, your friends, and your favorite passions; things that if everything else was lost and only they remained, your life would still be full.
The pebbles are the other things that matter like your job, your house, and your car. The sand is everything else; the small stuff.
If you put the sand into the jar first", he continued, "there is no room for the pebbles or the golf balls. The same goes for life. If you spend all your time and energy on the small stuff, you will never have room for the good things that are important to you.
Pay attention to the things that are critical to your happiness. Play with your children. Take time to get medical checkups. Take your partner out to dinner.
Play another 18 holes. Do one more run down the ski slope. There will always be time to clean the house and fix the disposal. Take care of the golf balls first; the things that really matter. Set your priorities. The rest is just sand."
One of the students raised her hand and inquired what the wine represented.
The professor smiled. "I'm glad you asked. I t just goes to show you that no matter how full your life may seem, there's always room for a couple of glasses of wine with a friend."
Share this with a friend... I just did.

as to Medical Marijuana... my oldest's most recent career choices came down to law enforcement or weed grower... sadly, for the mom and pop operations that are certain med maryjane is the key to their making millions, when (not if?) it is legalized more widely, the big pharmaceutical companies will find a way to make the THC administration by inhaler or tablet or transdermal patch... the high without the admitted risks of smoking it (no, it's not without carcinogens, even through the bong) or the variation in potency users face now.

while i do not want my bus driver or my kid's teachers ON marijuana, i have zero issue with personal use even recreationally so long as others are not put at risk. i have seen the abuses of a 'prescribed' dose of weed... precriptions that have unlimited refills treating conditions that were temporary. Most often though, I question where the harm of that is to Joe Public, and I know women and men with MS who swear it is a miracle drug, and a man who explained that with marijuana he was able to eat during his chemotherapy, which meant he could keep nutrients in his system and did not lose as much weight, so the entire treatment regimen was more tolerable.

Pax gang!



Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

hrmmm... i bet Nikki's gym is the best attended gym in the four corners states.
sadly, the majority of users at the gym closest to home are retirees... then again, it's a 24 hour joint, and after about 9 pm some nights i have the place to myself.

If you were on the treadmill in front of my efx machine, though, Nikki, I think I could manage a week's worth of exercise in one sitting and never feel it!

Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

I can't help but think of the Tool song "Third Eye" whenever someone mentions Bill Hicks. The song starts out with the first 20 seconds of this clip :) Anyone who can take the piss out of Vanilla Ice and MC Hammer like that is good in my books!
Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

I was sick for a while. It was just dragging on and not getting worse but not getting quite all better either due to high stress levels etc. I just finally went on a full attack to get it un der control and then as soon as I started feeling better I started going back to the gym to work my way towards being healthy and strong enough to handle all that is currently happening as well as all that is headed my way. Right now I am just super busy and aching from head to toe and exhausted from not exercising at all for many months and then working out again. That plus the stress levels are still very high and will be for the next couple of months. There's a lot of work and personal stuff happening in addition to family stuff. I was on the phone with my favorite aunt last night for almost 4 1/2 hours! I shit you not. All I can say is that my family makes the family in the show Shameless look angelic in some ways. haha. My family is like Shameless meets My Name is Earl meets the Soprano's with a side of Weeds and a dash of Joel Osteen. It's a whole bunch of rediculous ingredients that don't mix well and they're all disfunctyional and full of shit. hahaha. The only really honest and real ones in the bunch are me, my favorite aunt and her two kids ( and of course my grandparents). Everyone outside of that are either varying degrees of b.s or we just simply aren't close enough/don't know each other well enough for me to say anything one way or the other. I love my aunt so much though and my grandparents are beyond awesome. My aunt , her kids and me are a tight unit. We're the no bullshit sector of the family. haha.
Anyways that magazine I have been working for for 16 months "Playtime" isn't around anymore. Some odd stuff happened and the people that were previously running it have both left to start their own magazines and I am now writing for BOTH of those new magazines. Oh and one of them I was given the editor position and title as well. Yay me! hahaha
Nikki Nova
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Seems like your goals in the writing department just continue to grow. Yay you indeed, Ms Editor :)
And I won't say my family is quite as dysfunctional as yours but it's still pretty dysfunctional. I think it's why I tend to enjoy watching sitcoms based on dysfunctional families or people lol. I can really relate to it haha. One of my all time favs is Arrested Development.

Have a GOOD Friday :)