Re: Nikki from

Well if this is true i think she's trying to get out of porn. Leaving a website in which i bet she was payed great to do a web cam site? just doesn't make scents if you wanna evolve in the industry.
Re: Nikki from

I really hope she doesn't quit porn. I really like her attidude and her scenes. Please stay Nikki!
Re: Nikki from

Well I actually still believe its a fake account due to the corny info she has on her pictures. And why would she post pics from pornshoots if its a private account not connected to her porn career.
vip girl??

anyone know the name of the girl in the middle??


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Re: nikki from

She is actually in a new DVD "Nice Jewish girls" I think its called and she is credited on the dvd as Nikki LaMont.
Re: Nikki from

ok... so just for those still looking if you have facebook look up Tracy Nash she'll be in houston Tx... let me know if you get anywhere
Re: Nikki from

It actually looks like her. Damn I have never seen her go by a similar alias and I for sure didin't think she lived in Texas. Still It might be a fakie or the real thing!