I'm too lazy to want to look it up right now, but what is the difference between JRPGs and Western ones? Is it any more than just the anime look the Japanese ones have?
On one hand even though I loved a lot of RPGs back in the day, I'm not familiar with this game and don't know how much I would like it. On the other hand video game RPGs have been in a severe dip at the moment. It seems like they are hardly making any ones anymore, or at least ones that aren't half adventure games with a little RPGness thrown in. In the past there seemed to be more decent RPGs than you could keep track of and I find it a little sad they have fallen so far on the latest generation consoles. The last decent new RPG I played were Fallout 3, and Dragon Age (and I thought Dragon Age was overrated and Fallout 3 is only semi-RPG) and that is about it. Skyrim just doesn't appeal to me. It's just an upgraded version of Oblivion which I was severely disappointed in. The Witcher 2 didn't come out on the PS3. I don't play MMOs and dislike them. Final Fantasy games are shell of the greatness the used to be. The Mass Effect trilogy, which I never got in on, but considered trying, has pretty much been ruined by one of the worst endings in video game history. That more or less leaves me out of luck considering RPGs are my favorite video game category to play.
I'm looking for a good conventional RPG video game to play again either JRPG or WRPG. (Project Eternity looks promising and I got in on their kickstarter, but it also comes out years from now.) This looks promising, but I'm not a huge fan of a cartoonish Anime look just to have it that way. Sprites were alright and charming back in the old games because the system limitations demanded them, but if they could go past cartoonish looks I mostly prefer they did.