Ni no Kuni (the JRPG is back!)

I think I might preorder this game, totally still excited for this game! (It's been since FF9 since I last preordered a game)


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
The only JRPGs I play are Final Fantasy(and Legend of Dragoon)
Finished the demo! And if you're longing for the RPGs of the SNES days then pick up this game! I'm definitely getting it day one!

The only JRPGs I play are Final Fantasy(and Legend of Dragoon)

Final Fantasy and the Chrono games for me but I recommend giving this one a shot


Ah thanks for the reminder to download the demo, read about it last week but already forgot about it, haven't turned on my PS3 in while :(
I'm too lazy to want to look it up right now, but what is the difference between JRPGs and Western ones? Is it any more than just the anime look the Japanese ones have?

On one hand even though I loved a lot of RPGs back in the day, I'm not familiar with this game and don't know how much I would like it. On the other hand video game RPGs have been in a severe dip at the moment. It seems like they are hardly making any ones anymore, or at least ones that aren't half adventure games with a little RPGness thrown in. In the past there seemed to be more decent RPGs than you could keep track of and I find it a little sad they have fallen so far on the latest generation consoles. The last decent new RPG I played were Fallout 3, and Dragon Age (and I thought Dragon Age was overrated and Fallout 3 is only semi-RPG) and that is about it. Skyrim just doesn't appeal to me. It's just an upgraded version of Oblivion which I was severely disappointed in. The Witcher 2 didn't come out on the PS3. I don't play MMOs and dislike them. Final Fantasy games are shell of the greatness the used to be. The Mass Effect trilogy, which I never got in on, but considered trying, has pretty much been ruined by one of the worst endings in video game history. That more or less leaves me out of luck considering RPGs are my favorite video game category to play.

I'm looking for a good conventional RPG video game to play again either JRPG or WRPG. (Project Eternity looks promising and I got in on their kickstarter, but it also comes out years from now.) This looks promising, but I'm not a huge fan of a cartoonish Anime look just to have it that way. Sprites were alright and charming back in the old games because the system limitations demanded them, but if they could go past cartoonish looks I mostly prefer they did.


Official Checked Star Member
Aw man reminds me of the Tales games which are just damn amazing. Too bad I'm not too much of a PS3 fan. So jealous this can't be on other consoles. :(
I'm too lazy to want to look it up right now, but what is the difference between JRPGs and Western ones? Is it any more than just the anime look the Japanese ones have?

It's my understanding that it has to do with the design style of the game and the gameplay itself. I think that JRPGs are more of the turn-based like the older Final Fantasies and Dragon Quests, etc. Western RPGs are more of the action oriented ones like Mass Effect. At least that's how I understand it

Aw man reminds me of the Tales games which are just damn amazing. Too bad I'm not too much of a PS3 fan. So jealous this can't be on other consoles. :(

Aww come on lady! Give in, get a PS3 and pick up this game! The RPG genre needs our support or we're stuck playing Call of Duty clones for the rest of our days!!


knows petras secret: she farted.
phew, looks like its on nintendo ds too.

im way more likely to get a ds than a ps3 by a million times. but not anytime soon.
I decided not to get this. The plot the story goes around seems like it could have the potential to be great, and without a couple things the game seems like it could have potential, but it has three big flaws that are more or less deal breakers for me:

1. It's setting, characters, and artwork are way too cartoonish. Having things be somewhat like that I can deal with, and if this was it's only problem I might have still just deal with it, but that combined with the problems below just make it go too far.

2. I really hate the raising monsters to fight for you concept, and don't want to play a game based on it. It’s as simple as that.

3. As with a lot of JRPGs of the past I hate the little kid (as is the case here) and/or emo, whiney, or effeminate protagonist JRPGs’ seem to want to put in the majority of their RPGs the past 20 years.


DJ can you tell me if it has been sort of a linear game so far for you?
I mean I was looking forward to this game but wasn't really impressed with the demo, specially the fact you could only walk at a set path.
But this might have been not a good impression of the real game.
I decided not to get this. The plot the story goes around seems like it could have the potential to be great, and without a couple things the game seems like it could have potential, but it has three big flaws that are more or less deal breakers for me:

1. It's setting, characters, and artwork are way too cartoonish. Having things be somewhat like that I can deal with, and if this was it's only problem I might have still just deal with it, but that combined with the problems below just make it go too far.

2. I really hate the raising monsters to fight for you concept, and don't want to play a game based on it. It’s as simple as that.

3. As with a lot of JRPGs of the past I hate the little kid (as is the case here) and/or emo, whiney, or effeminate protagonist JRPGs’ seem to want to put in the majority of their RPGs the past 20 years.

You might not like this game but for your 2nd point, you can fight as well but your character is more magic based and your Familiars are usually doing the physical fighting. And with your 3rd point, yeah the main character is a kid but he's not like your average RPG main character. This kid isn't acting emo or anything. He's a really free-spirited kid who is wanting to go on adventures, I'd say he's like Zidane on FF9 (though not a perv like he was and not as outgoing as Zidane)

DJ can you tell me if it has been sort of a linear game so far for you?
I mean I was looking forward to this game but wasn't really impressed with the demo, specially the fact you could only walk at a set path.
But this might have been not a good impression of the real game.

It's not too linear, though it is more linear than say Skyrim or Dragon's Dogma but these are two completely different RPGs. There are quite a few sidequests you can do to distract yourself and there is the world map you can explore too. It's not FF13 linear, it's a lot more open than that. I'm only about 5 hours into it, I'm gonna hop on it again soon but I do recommend the game if you've been longing for a classic old-school RPG experience


It's not too linear, though it is more linear than say Skyrim or Dragon's Dogma but these are two completely different RPGs. There are quite a few sidequests you can do to distract yourself and there is the world map you can explore too. It's not FF13 linear, it's a lot more open than that. I'm only about 5 hours into it, I'm gonna hop on it again soon but I do recommend the game if you've been longing for a classic old-school RPG experience

That's good to hear. I think I will find me some reviews over the weekend.