New "Heroin" called Krokodil **GRAPHIC WARNING**

Marlo Manson

Hello Sexy girl how your Toes doing?
FFS that SHIT makes the Crackheads, Meth Heads, and Heroin Addicts that we would normally see here in the states, and I do mean (even in the worst places) look glamorous and well off compared to those Krok heads.. :uohs::throwup:

Thats some straight up gnarly shit, I can't even fathom people doing that shit to themselves.
Beer, Whiskey, and good weed get me through the day just fine.
In hindsight these characters probably realize they should've spent the extra money and got real Heroin.

Extra money? What extra money?

Because you want it doesn't mean you have a way to get it.


The Second-Hottest Man in my Mother's Basement
Extra money? What extra money?

Because you want it doesn't mean you have a way to get it.

In America, you put "God We Trust" on your money. In Russia, we have no money!
Pass out the maggots, they'll clean those wounds right up.

It almost looks like they have been injecting themselves with Hemotoxins. Anyone for a Rattlesnake bite?
I ate not too long ago. I watched this and I feel nothing. No disgust, no nausea, no apprehension, no fear, no reaction at all. Nothing.

Some people will do absolutely anything for a high. There is nothing new in that. I might go so far as to say that most people will do absolutely anything for a high when things go far enough. That is one of the central, fatal weaknesses in human psyche (and metabolism).
This girl has a death wish period. Its one thing to be addicted to a drug and not see yourself slip into a bad state of health but to do that to your body after doing it a few times is insane.


what the fuck you lookin at?
Now see, here is something that truly is fucked up!
That was honestly tough to get through. I had heard about krokidil on the radio and the ingredients sounded insane (I remember lighter fluid and iodine being on the list). The DJ said it was gruesome stuff, but I never would have imagined it was that bad.

Say what you want, but I legitimately feel sorry for that woman at the end. To see her crying as the doctors shoved stuff into the holes on her skin was cringe-worthy. It seemed as if she was not only crying in physical pain, but also to where her life has turned to.
That was honestly tough to get through. I had heard about krokidil on the radio and the ingredients sounded insane (I remember lighter fluid and iodine being on the list). The DJ said it was gruesome stuff, but I never would have imagined it was that bad.

Say what you want, but I legitimately feel sorry for that woman at the end. To see her crying as the doctors shoved stuff into the holes on her skin was cringe-worthy. It seemed as if she was not only crying in physical pain, but also to where her life has turned to.

The bad thing is yeah she was suffering but I can guarantee after treatment she went straight back to it because that shit has gotta have a pretty damn good grip on you that you would let your body get to that state for that high
^How much can the treatments do, though? I mean for Chrissake, her bones were showing. Her foot was almost non-existant and looked like a slab of meat.

I just don't see how all of that skin could grow back, but maybe I just didn't understand what they were doing to her.


FreeOnes Lifetime Member

Video is graphic!!!!!!!

This is a new drug that's struck Russia in the past few years. It's cheap alternative to heroin called Krokodil "crocodile". The drug uses desomorphine which basically rots the body.

This is like a zombie drug.

Thanks Trident for this information.

^^ Ever see what car battery acid does to a heroin junkie after he injects it? Three letters D-O-A.

It's nothing new. Shit like this - selling battery acid - happens all the time, in the shooting galleries of Huntspoint, the Bronx, NYC or in the crackhouse of East New York, Brooklyn, NYC. That's why you have to know your dealer. Is he honest and reputable?
fuck, mix that shit with PCP and we'd have a legit zombie apocalypse on our hands...