New "Heroin" called Krokodil **GRAPHIC WARNING**

You mean there is a drug that makes people look like zombies?


I'm gonna totally win this year's Halloween contest. Someone hook me up with some.

NOW! I'll go to Betty Ford after October and get fixed up and shit. I have insurance.
Ah, the: "my work here is done" line. Quite...

But you know Brian, you know. That warm buzzing you're currently finding yourself experiencing at the base of your neck is not pride, nor is it the brain tumour you're so worried about going to see the doctor about. No. It is your own subconscious rebelling against the very moral ineptitude you've decided to put on display here today. I know, I've experienced it myself on a number of occasions. But it is to be overcome with the power of will and one must do so soon, before there is no going back. Thoughts of having sex with the space in between the bone and that loose bit of flesh aren't something one should be proud of having, Brian.

So I would advise you to re-think your own existence and save yourself. For this is not the existence we were meant to experience.


AFK..being taken to the vet to get neutered.
Ah, the: "my work here is done" line. Quite...

But you know Brian, you know. That warm buzzing you're currently finding yourself experiencing at the base of your neck is not pride, nor is it the brain tumour you're so worried about going to see the doctor about. No. It is your own subconscious rebelling against the very moral ineptitude you've decided to put on display here today. I know, I've experienced it myself on a number of occasions. But it is to be overcome with the power of will and one must do so soon, before there is no going back. Thoughts of having sex with the space in between the bone and that loose bit of flesh aren't something one should be proud of having, Brian.

So I would advise you to re-think your own existence and save yourself. For this is not the existence we were meant to experience.

Here's the thing: the closer to the bone, the sweeter the meat. This applies metaphorically, and literally, either by the use of a Number 5 scalpel, and an Inge Lamina spreader (less tearing), or by letting the flesh simply rot away (Top Tip: a tight tourniquet accelerates the necrosis).

Metaphorically, feeding upon the suffering and misery of others is a classical method of sustenance, employed by Gods and Demons alike.

The feeling in my neck. No, that is a tumor.


This is like a zombie drug.

I think that I'm going to try the oxy first.... then, later, I'll indulge in the krok.

Details below (highlight)

Oxi: New Drug Terrifies Brazil
April 26, 2011 | Filed underFront Page,Politics | Posted by Patricia Maresch
By Patricia Maresch, Senior Contributing Reporter

RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL – It looks like crack, but it is much cheaper, four times more lethal and called “oxi” or “oxidado” (rust). It’s a cocaine derivative, just like crack, but it contains kerosene or gasoline, acetone, battery fluid and other chemicals. The highly addictive drug is smoked, but there are also cases of oxi being grounded up in cigarettes or snorted as powder, and has been showing up in Brazil in alarming rates.

Oxi is known as ‘the drug of death’ because it’s extremely harmful to the body and addictive right after the first try. “You use oxi once, and you want to use it two, five, ten, twenty times,” a 25-year-old oxi-addict told Brazilian TV.
fucking crazy. i agree, its gotta be amazing shit or at least fucking addicting as hell for people to do that shit.

oh well, its their choice.

I don't care if is 500 times ,1,000 times 1,000,000 times or 1,000,000,000 times more amazing than shooting up heroin I'm not even going to go and look at the drug than even touch it.

I'm sure when drug came out people did not know the side effects.

Yes a big high or not that is no way to live with your flesh rotting away.

I sure hope the doctors can do some thing or she will have depression and not leave the house do to her body looking like that.


Here Zombie, Zombie, Zombie...
I'm amazed that her bone was showing. Horrifying that people would willingly do that to themselves, knowing the potential outcome. Eating a bullet would be quicker.


I am a failure to the Korean side of my family
Meh I'd rather just have a bowl packed with some Northern Lights kind bud, Pibb Xtra, and a box of hostess cupcakes.
I'm amazed that her bone was showing. Horrifying that people would willingly do that to themselves, knowing the potential outcome. Eating a bullet would be quicker.

It not like she is going to say oh ya I love that fucken high even if it rotts by skin away .

It not her fault.