New Government logo: Team Obama + Islamic Crescent ?


New Gov't Logo: Team Obama / Islamic Crescent Hybrid?!

The Missile Defense Agency, which is part of the DOD, has a new logo... And it's sending a chill up the spine of those other than the curious conspiracy theorists who think that President Obama is secretly a Muslim and/or member of al Qaeda...

Take a good, critical look at the new logo. (see link below) What do you see? It's a fusion between the Islamic Crescent and the Obama '08 Campaign logo!!

Of course everyone behind it is denying that notion... But you'd have to be deaf, dumb and blind not to realize that this isn't mere coincidence.

Not surprisingly, the same people who came up with this are also in charge of the notoriously flawed/Obama-tacular site,

French President Sarkozy had it right: Obama is "incredibly naive and grossly egotistical." Never have we had a President so self-involved and hell-bent on promoting himself... All while trying to convince the world that we really aren't at war with any one particular group...

Replacing a logo having to do with national security and the defense of this nation with a hybrid of the Islamic Crescent and the Obama '08 Campaign logo is a narcissistic, anti-American slap in the face to all right-minded U.S. citizens. What are the people behind this trying to prove?

All things considered - sketchy background, Mideast apology tour, etc. - what kind of message is OBAMA trying to send with the Islamification of this emblem?

Uh, yeah, you paranoid - goofy - extremist - conspiracy theorist conservatives and your hate for our leader almighty, how dare you !

...with your god, your guns and your HATE radio, this is the most ethical, most well intentioned administration in history ! :yahoo:
I would have never noticed it as a crescent if I hadn't read the article.

I am not an Obama fan, but I just don't see it.
Well then that proves it, I guess he really is a -- a, er .... what was he again? :confused:

A Democrat
A Socialist
A Communist
A Fascist
A Republican
A terrorist
The Grand Wizard of the Klu Klux Klan
A Texan
A Scientologist
A fish
The Messiah
Leeroy Jenkins
A Black Panther
That one guy who works at subway?
Fidel Castro's son.
A woman.

EDIT: Oh and Ann Coulter

Er .... yeah I think that's all of them and I guess this proves it.

The biggest conspiracy in US history SOLVED!!!
Yeah, people mocked Gandhi too. They made fun of him because he didn't eat - it made him weak, and the lack of food in his stomach gave him very bad breath. People made fun of him when he didn't wear shoes - he feet got hard and dusty. They also made fun of the fact that he was content to believe in things he couldn't prove.

Come on people, that just made him a
super-calloused, fragile mystic, cursed with halitoses.

:D :D

Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol
Even by my standards that is a bit of a stretch in logic. Now if a hammer and sickle were incorporated into the logo I'd be willing to trust their veracity.
Noticed this a week ago, sure there's a little similarity (vague really). Hardly a conspiracy. With this, we have passed Bush Era levels of stupidity and paranoia.
Allah Akbar!!!!!
Well then that proves it, I guess he really is a -- a, er .... what was he again? :confused:

A Democrat
A Socialist
A Communist
A Fascist
A Republican
A terrorist
The Grand Wizard of the Klu Klux Klan
A Texan
A Scientologist
A fish
The Messiah
Leeroy Jenkins
A Black Panther
That one guy who works at subway?
Fidel Castro's son.
A woman.

EDIT: Oh and Ann Coulter

Er .... yeah I think that's all of them and I guess this proves it.

The biggest conspiracy in US history SOLVED!!!

You forgot NeoCon.

Yeah, people mocked Gandhi too. They made fun of him because he didn't eat - it made him weak, and the lack of food in his stomach gave him very bad breath. People made fun of him when he didn't wear shoes - he feet got hard and dusty. They also made fun of the fact that he was content to believe in things he couldn't prove.

Come on people, that just made him a
super-calloused, fragile mystic, cursed with halitoses.

:D :D

Why do I have a song from Mary Poppins running through my head right now?
Well then that proves it, I guess he really is a -- a, er .... what was he again? :confused:

A Democrat
A Socialist
A Communist
A Fascist
A Republican
A terrorist
The Grand Wizard of the Klu Klux Klan
A Texan
A Scientologist
A fish
The Messiah
Leeroy Jenkins
A Black Panther
That one guy who works at subway?
Fidel Castro's son.
A woman.

EDIT: Oh and Ann Coulter

Er .... yeah I think that's all of them and I guess this proves it.

The biggest conspiracy in US history SOLVED!!!

That is just plain insulting.
I'm sure Obama designed the artwork personally.:tongue:
Here's another one for you Facetious...I'm sure you can make out the cryptography hidden here...:o