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Neesa - Redhead Milf

Good video. Now all that you need to do is record your story about that wanna be from the last page in video diary format like that video and put it on YouTube. In fact, record all of your commentary posts on here like that.
U kno "GCD1"..That's a good idea.I will try to do at least 1 video blog a week.I found this on Shelley Lubbens webpage.It touched my heart.Can any of u help this women in need of medical attention?

More on Shelley’s Blog www.thepinkcross.org

In my opinion...there are some cases where girls are suffering after leaving porn,bcaue they have a drug problem,and they need a fix.And we feel sorry for them(Well I dont)

This lovely women is having a problem bcause she is deaf and needs medical attn:
www.thepinkcross.org is soo amazing.Even if u love porn,u should love to kno that, if a girl is trying to change ger life,get out the biz,and is happier..Than that is good.Shelley recently sent me a care package.It brought tears to my eyes.The only other gift I got was..An Asian gang movie(I have Asian fever),and an ice tray in the shape of teeth(Hence my dental assisting career).hahah

If u cannot help financially,please go on her boards,tell them I sent u,and just throw them some good energy to make these girls feel good.Thanks,Neesa
i dont remember ur posts.Sorry u feel that way.I dont answer everyones posts.That would b very time consuming.If I get compliments,I usually send a big,"Thanks for all ur compliments."if I feel it is a quest. worth answering,I do.If I don't feel comfy answering,I dont.But repost it,and I promise to reply,even if I dont anser the quest.U r not being ignored here.I am thankful for all of u.But keep in mind.I am 1 person.Thx


Closed Account
I would not give a penny to that site, that woman like many other religious zealots is like some hellfire & brimstone preacher.

So why do these girls have to find God & dress like nuns to get out of the porn industry? Why can't they just say this is not for me & walk away? Why do they constantly feel the need to badmouth the industry that paid their bills not too long ago?

I find many of Lubenn's claims to be farcical, sadly if you try to post on her YouTube channel & your comment is pro porn or challenging any of her claims, then she doesn't allow it. Like many others on a crusade she only approves posts that agree with her.

Here are some of her claims-

The largest group viewing online pornography is ages 12 to 17- Well I can remember as I am sure most kids can, finding discarded porn mags on the way to school at 12-14, or somebody bringing them in & everybody having a look, it is human nature- just now it is online.

27 porn performers have committed suicide since 1990- Does she have any proof how many of these are connected to being in the porn industry? Maybe some of them had to do with stuff outside of porn. How many pro wrestlers have taken their lives since 1990? Probably just as many if not more.

47 porn performers have died from drug overdose since 1990- Again how many pro wrestlers have died from them since 1990? a lot more than 27 I can assure you. How many musicians or hollywood stars have died in this way since 1990? Why is she singling out porn?

65 percent of high school students admit to unsafe, inappropriate, or illegal activities online- Well how much of that is them downloadng hollywood films or albums illegally? Yet the insinuaton is that it is all to do with porn.

More than 11 million teens regularly view porn online- My word, considering eighteen & nineteen year olds are legally allowed to view porn is that such a shock? What constitues porn exactly? I was seeing topless page 3 girls in the newspaper from the age of 5.
Thanks for replying (no sarcasm intended). But I've been searching for one of ur vids online for a few months. It's the one where u are giving an oil massage on the balcony. P.s why did u change ur hair?
Hi Dev."Milfsoup".CHanged my hair for 3 reasons..My band broke up so I was finally able to change my look,Blondes make wayy more $ at the strip clubs,I was tired of being a goth girl/attracting young broke ass non committin,goth boys.

Jambum,I see your point very much.She knows how I feel.She knows I am still in the industry as a stripper,She also knows I am not religious and I dont go to church.I believe in GOD,but I also cast spells everyday.Good ones,Even,"Dear Universe,if you believe____ should be punished for the sin they committed to me,or others.I leave that into your hands." See,than it doesn't come back to me.

She has been very sweet to me,and the package was very endearing.I can see your point though.But she is not going to mention the statistics of other sources on her site,ya know.As far as the positive replies only,I do have a hard time w that.I have had a post deleted bcause it was negative.I think she just wants to put positive energy out there.I appreciate that.But for me,most the time..The glass is half empty.

I bad mouth the industry all the time.WHy didnt I get out? Bcause I would go on 1 shoot,have a positive experience..work w good people.ANd then get sent out to another shoot and be treated like shit.You never know what you are going to get.I only bad mouth the ppl in the biz that pissed me off.ALso,Getting paid $800 a vid mostly,and doin 26 porn films over 7 yrs,taking 2 years off..Lets just say,I make way more $ as a stripper.It was spending $ for me.It def. didnt pay my bills.Not after $120-$150 blood tests every 30 days,sometimes travel,etc.

I am not AGAINST the industry.I am fine w ppl buying/watching porn,I am fine w other ppl acting in porn.I just don't want to do it anymore.Been 2 yrs and 2 months.As far as,"Why dont they get out"? Drug problems,Pimps that threaten their lives if they leave,girls shipped in from other countries and having their passport taken away/being threatened to authorities that they r in USA illegally,low self esteem,many of the girls have been raped/abused as children/adults and feel worthless.ANd I have met 1 girl who said,"My boyfriend makes me do this to pay his bills and I want out".

I know this bcause I was a victim of physical abuse until I was 18. I work w these girls at the strip clubs/porn industry.I am not asking for pitty.ANd yes,I had other choices.I took them.Went to college,got my dental assisting degree,and am still dancing.The only reason I got into porn was for vengeance.To piss guys off that I was dating.If they broke up w me,I got back into porn.I know it killed them.I am immature and vengeful as hell.But I am self destructive and usually use my pussy to get back at ment that piss me off.

I do feel like..If I wasnt abused as a child/teen..I probably wouldnt be in this industry at all.I felt so low about myself.ANd the way my 1st relationship treated me,angered me so much,I wanted so bad for him to see me fuck other guys on film.Lucky for me,his friends found out and told them.I didnt say a word.That had to hurt/ruin his ego.

SO once again,I agree w u on many levels.Just know that Shelley is not out to hurt anyones feelings.She does alot of good.U may not agree.She saves women that had bad experiences in the biz.Have a good weekend.And I want to remind all of you..

SUPERBOWL SUNDAY is the #1 day of the most domestic violence against women cases.Thats just 1 of the resons why I hate it.Why,"Im trying to watch the game,if u dont leave me alone,Im gonna get angry".SO fuck SUper bowl sunday.The only good I get out of it is..More $ at the club.


Closed Account
Good post, my main problem with her is I doubt her motives for helping these women. I think she is exploiting them for her own personal agenda, every bit as much- if not worse than the porn industry.

I guess that is my main problem with religion- my view is if you want it you will go & find it, rather than having them knock on your door or stop you on the street, or in her case turning up to industry functions uninvited- shouting the odds & trying to 'save' pornstars from 'burning in hell'.

I find her comment that no woman enjoys making porn, to be the most ridiculous one of her many farcical statements- many obviously do enjoy having sex & getting paid for it, but I guess she would rather tell them what they are thinking or should be thinking, as is the way with these religious/cult leaders, or as she describes it her mission .

I do have to wonder at some of these girls too, one of the names seemed to do porn for about five minutes- did a few films & then decided she did not like it, Lubben also wants people to supply these pornstars with baby clothes & pay their rent for them- is it any wonder porn stars with kids who do not want to do porn again, or at least for a couple of years until the kids are in school, are joining her cause, when they get their bills paid for them in return for wearing a pink shirt & slagging off the porn industry every so often?

She also it seems wants free lawyers, video equipment, computers, computer equipment, free printing for her propaganda etc. I don't see any difference between her & the faith healer preachers on tv- except perhpas she is not doing it solely for the money, but for her own personal issues she has never worked out, as unlike yourself she refuses to take any persoanl responsibility & instead blames everything & every disorder she has on porn. Or who knows perhaps she is also making a decent wedge out of all this.


Closed Account
I would be supporting her cause if it was doing things like- trying to get better rights for porn workers, keeping drugs away from porn sets, stopping the blackmailing of women without green cards etc.

However if she had her way this site would not exist, children would have no exposure to any kind of sexual material- including things like pictures of topless women- or even women in bikinis, as these types also targer magazines like FHM & Maxim as being porn & unsuitable for children, your stripping would not be allowed.

I guess then everybody would be forced to only have sex when they are married as God/Jesus decreed, I loved that quote about Jesus saying we were made for greater things that porn, I have never heard that one before. Perhaps anybody breaking these rules would then be stoned to death for blasphemy as they still do in heavily 'religious' lands, I am thinking as she follows the good book so closely, she would want all homosexuals or heterosecuals who have anal sex to be exiled or worse.

Just like I would be supporting feminists as well, if they campaigned for equal pay & rights etc, rather than campaigning to have FHM removed from shops & complaining about the use of women's sexuality to sell products. Of course they manage to ignore all the men used to sell products to women or gay men, in exactly the same manner.
Neesa, ur probably the only porn performer I've seen or chatted with who has a personality. Everyone else is mindless sex dolls. Good luck wit ur career and u still look hot. ;)
Greetings from Paris to you Guys and Hello to you Neesa :)

So I've just seen you in MILF Soup and I must say you were the only one who pays my attention (Great body and wonderful eyes :rolleyes:) !!

I had to know who you were and what a suprise for me to see you chatting with fans on this forum (Never seen this before and you're not the only one !).

Keep up this good work (as long as you enjoy it) and make us dream just by seeing you :lovecoupl

One question : what is your height ? cause in your site it says : 4'10" which turns into 1 meters 24 cm !! So I guess something's wrong (or a wrong calculation from me) :confused:

Updated my website.Feel free to leave comments.I am not sure all stories will let u leave comments.I don't know how to fix it.But u can leave them here.
Someone contact Sarah Underwood(Playboy playmate) on my opinion on her(Negative).She is on Myspace. tell her to check out my website where I talk shit about her.U wanna b in the spotlight? Expect criticism.I am not a sweet girl from oregon.I am a street smart bitch from Miami,just 5 minutes drive from the ghetto called,"Carol City".I am not nieve.And I don't mind being hated.I love the attn"Good or bad.She needs to know that daddy looking at her Playboy layout is not normal.WHo am I to judge? I did everything in the adult industry.Including whore houses..But I am o.k. w ppl judging me.I wouldn't date a girl like me either.Unless I was willing to completely get out of the biz.

I was a gothic punk in high school(91) till 2 yrs ago.We hated you sorority types.And u looked down upon us weirdos.


Closed Account
Just read your comments on her & playboy models & I agree with them all, except the bit about her daddy jerking off later- I honestly don't think anybody can jerk off over that sanitised bland shit, but yes showing your parents pics of you nude & them looking at them is pretty messed up.

To me every time I think of Playboy I think of a ridiculous old man in a smoking jacket, who surrounds himself with vacant money grabbing bimbos & professes one of them to be the love of his life, while shagging all the others at the same time.

I have a lot more respect for pornstars than I do for Playboy models, as you say most men really are not interested in all that glossy crap if there is nothing but tease- I got fed up with the porn Private were making because as nice as the girls look, I don't want to see bland fucking on yachts & on white sheets in mansions.

Heffner & these bimbos look down their noses at porn stars, yet they are happy to shag him just to get in his crappy magazine & get something when he dies, Also porn at least advertises to adults, he advertises to kids.

Personally I feel disgusted to see little girls aged 7 or 8 walking around wearing a playboy t shirt- now that is something this Lubben woman should be railing against, she bitches about kids looking at hard porn sites, well how about a soft pornographer selling t shirts & lunchboxes to them with the full cooperation of the shops & the government & everybody just accepting this as normal & seeing him as somehow mainstream, just because he has a crappy show on tv?
Love your post Jam".DOnt have time 2 answer at the moment.But wanna let u all kno.I dont kno how 2 figure out some of the settings on my website..SO u r not able to comment on some of my blogs.SO,i recommend u leave ur comments on some of the other topics that allow u 2.Later,Ill reply 2 the comment on my site,and on "Jams".Have fun guys!
excerpt from my site..
Things i Really HATE
March 25th, 2008
Things I really hate..That MySpace has ruined my last few relationships.I hated when girls provoked me by leaving slutty comments on MY mans page.The only reason a girl would leave a comment instead of a private message, is so everyone else can read it.To cock block.To be a drama starting cunt!

That the only man I want to be in a relationship with, is just not that into me…arrogence,smelly people,homophobics,LIARS,junkies(Esp. meth heads and heroin addicts),the smell of cigar/cigarettes,rapists,men who do not act like gentlemen,(I may be a manhater alot of the time,but I treat all people w respect until they disrespect me),

People who brag about their money,freeloaders,cheap people,those who serve in the military and expect me to thank them and act like they are doing me a favor..My opinion on that…U decided to join the military.Thanks for protecting the country, but when I see u at my club all dressed up in gear..I don’t kiss your ass or even mention your career bcause we will just fight.Its my right to believe you are not a hero.

I may not want to date a man from the middle east..But the fact is..the government has trained u to kill them,and countless others.In my opinion,u r murderers.BTW:U wanna talk about saving my life? I hate life,Glass half empty.I attempted suicide many times,I am open about that.I believe in karma,and when u blow a families house up,children,etc..And you die in the end..Your family shouldn’t wonder why.

Many people join the military bcause they cant/dont wanna work in the real world.U r AMericas puppet,u get amazing benefits,u don’t need to b intelligent,and a free college education.The U.S> Army also has their recruiters aim towards weak minded people that would be easy to manipulate,and minorities.There are way more black people in the military than there used to be.

I also noticed that alot of men that are snipers,murderers,rapists,etc..Were in the military.It fucks u up when u get out.They(The military men themselves) admit that.They are ridiculed in training.Called faggots and pussies.That’s how they toughen them up.DO they make racial remarks?Just curious.I see men holding signs saying,”Help,Vietnam vet”.I feel terrible fo rthem.The Gov’t lied to them.They were promised that they would b taken care of when they got out.The Gov’t lied.That was also at a time when some of them had no choice but to join.Times are different..U don’t have to serve.SO if u come out broke,or fucked up..Don’t be surprised.Many of u will disagree.Maybe some of u Neesa fans are in the military.If so,please give me info on what goes on.DO u feel u r being treated well? And many women marry these men for benefits and cry that their man is always away.They have babies w them so they can be taken care of forever(Like goldiggers w rich men).They also marry military men knowing they never have to see them.And if u dont think they have a man on the side,u r dumb.
In a techincal way, they are saving it life. I'm no fan of our military. I just like tanks. Lol but while I agree with u that at a club, just because they are in uniform doesn't give them the right to demand respect because they are trained to kill people we are taught to hate. It's just wrong. And while I'm a month underage to be here, I have the mind of a college student and one hell of a gamer. Keep on postin here neesa and keep ur pride.
excerpt from my site..
Things i Really HATE
March 25th, 2008
Things I really hate..That MySpace has ruined my last few relationships.I hated when girls provoked me by leaving slutty comments on MY mans page.The only reason a girl would leave a comment instead of a private message, is so everyone else can read it.To cock block.To be a drama starting cunt!

That the only man I want to be in a relationship with, is just not that into me…arrogence,smelly people,homophobics,LIARS,junkies(Esp. meth heads and heroin addicts),the smell of cigar/cigarettes,rapists,men who do not act like gentlemen,(I may be a manhater alot of the time,but I treat all people w respect until they disrespect me),

People who brag about their money,freeloaders,cheap people,those who serve in the military and expect me to thank them and act like they are doing me a favor..My opinion on that…U decided to join the military.Thanks for protecting the country, but when I see u at my club all dressed up in gear..I don’t kiss your ass or even mention your career bcause we will just fight.Its my right to believe you are not a hero.

I may not want to date a man from the middle east..But the fact is..the government has trained u to kill them,and countless others.In my opinion,u r murderers.BTW:U wanna talk about saving my life? I hate life,Glass half empty.I attempted suicide many times,I am open about that.I believe in karma,and when u blow a families house up,children,etc..And you die in the end..Your family shouldn’t wonder why.

Many people join the military bcause they cant/dont wanna work in the real world.U r AMericas puppet,u get amazing benefits,u don’t need to b intelligent,and a free college education.The U.S> Army also has their recruiters aim towards weak minded people that would be easy to manipulate,and minorities.There are way more black people in the military than there used to be.

I also noticed that alot of men that are snipers,murderers,rapists,etc..Were in the military.It fucks u up when u get out.They(The military men themselves) admit that.They are ridiculed in training.Called faggots and pussies.That’s how they toughen them up.DO they make racial remarks?Just curious.I see men holding signs saying,”Help,Vietnam vet”.I feel terrible fo rthem.The Gov’t lied to them.They were promised that they would b taken care of when they got out.The Gov’t lied.That was also at a time when some of them had no choice but to join.Times are different..U don’t have to serve.SO if u come out broke,or fucked up..Don’t be surprised.Many of u will disagree.Maybe some of u Neesa fans are in the military.If so,please give me info on what goes on.DO u feel u r being treated well? And many women marry these men for benefits and cry that their man is always away.They have babies w them so they can be taken care of forever(Like goldiggers w rich men).They also marry military men knowing they never have to see them.And if u dont think they have a man on the side,u r dumb.

To respond to part of this, as a former member of the armed forces, it really pissed me off when the guys would hoot and hollar at women like they were dogs barking at a cat.
But, out of say... 100 people of the company that were there, me and maybe 3-5 others were the only ones not being dicks. It really enfuriates me when someone disrespects women, especially at a club, and even more so if wearing the uniform.

We were taught, and taught well to have some dignity when you wear the uniform. Wearing that makes you represent the entire military, our government, and the US as a nation.

In regards to some of your questions:
Racial Remarks, and minorities: I honestly don't see more blacks, or even minority groups as a majority in the service. Out of 150, there was only a few. In my platoon(40-50), there was only 1 who was black. Since he was the only one, we made jokes about him being the token black guy, but we all made fun of each other equally. He was never outcast because of his race.

Finances: I got paid really well. With little to no expenses, most of my income was profit. If I was married, I think I would get about double what I was being paid. And there were only a couple people in the company (I think), who got married, or were married prior to enlisting. One had married for the money, and we all joked with him about how he's being used, but he didn't seem to mind.

And yeah, you're kinda fucked up after you get out. No matter how long you were in. It really depends on the kind of person.

If you have anymore questions, feel free to ask.
Neesa, is there any way that I can contact u more privately. There's some stuff that I don't feel comfy sharing on this public forum. I don't need any sympathy from people who's true feelings I can sense.