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Neesa - Redhead Milf

I like redheads and pale skin, but I must say you really do pull off your new look. You will look stunning which ever look you choose though I suppose :hatsoff:
Well Neesa,

You've gained some wisdom with your travels, and I hope your career jumps. I'm a newbie and really wanted to know more about you... Why did you choose this life and do you have any regrets. I have recently changed my life going back to school to finish my degree, and juggling that with being a parent is a chore. How do you balance your life. Also the tan and the hair look great and being under a 100 (tiny...) I know how much commitment it takes to stay fit, and I applaud you.

Why don't you start your own site, I mean there's got to be someone that would start it up for nothing (I would if I had more time...seriously). It would be a great way to keep your following strong and network your skills. On that issue it took me about 2 hours to find you, and having a site would remedy that.
Or, you could type your thoughts into a free blog at least :glugglug:
Most of those allow some pics to be posted as well :angels:
Strip club ediquette..
So I have been thinking about this lately while I am at wk..I would like to share my thoughts with you..
1. Please don't grab our hair/rub fingers underneath.CHances are you may fuck up our hair extensions.
2.DO not shake our hands so tight that u almost break a nail.CHances are we have acrylic nails on.
3. Yes the boobs are fake.ANd so is my tan,my nails,my hair color,my hair,and my lashes..But my attitude is fucking REAL!
4.Keep in mind..We do this for YOU,the customer.I want to look my best.If I took all the fake off,I still look nice.But I look adorable and cute,girl next door look.I fake it up to look glamerous and like a stripper.
5.Here's where I don't win..U ask me if I have a boyfriend.I tell u ,"No" and u don't blieve me bcause u say I am too pretty not to.So what u mean is all pretty girls have boyfriends all the time? It's abnormal that we r single? I usually reply with,"DId it ever occur to u that I am crazy and noone wants to date me that I am into? ANd if I say I have a boyfriend,then u don't want to sit and talk w me.So guys,don't ask bcause u will blieve what u want to blieve.ANd besides,some girls will fuck u at a strip club/outside of one even if they do have a boyfriend so u may be turning away that.

6.Every night I wk. u ask me how old I am.I tell u 31 and u never blieve me..I always reply with,"What would b my motive to tell u I am THAT age? I understand if I told u I was 21.But 31? ANd then u say,"No,I don't blieve u".It's getting old.Just accept it my fucking age.yes I look young.It's probably bcause I am 5'0,I have taken great care of my skin,I never smoked cigarettes,I don't smoke anything,I don't drink very often and when I did it was only a few times a month..

7. Please don't smack our asses when we dance for u.What gives u the right? It fucking hurts bcause ur so godamn coked up,u don't realise how fucking hard u do that! A little pat on my ass is good enough.
8.Please make sure u put gum in your mouth,or have fresh breath bfore talking to me.

9. U will ask me why I will not go home with u.I tell u why and u r pissed w my answer.If a guy in a strip club asked your sister to go home w her,would u feel comfortable w that? Here's what I say," I don't kNow u.Ted Bundy was a nice guy and he was handsome as well,U can possibly rape or kill me.I make enough $ as a stripper and I don't need to risk my life for an extra a few hundred." Stop wasting ur time trying to convince me,just move on to the next stripper and hope she is a dumb one.

10. If u sit at the stage,it is common sense to tip! ANd $1 a song? What about inflation? I was getting $1 when I started dancing in 96! And don't put the $ in your mouth! That's disgusting! Think about all the germs.ANd no,I will not take ur dollar with my mouth.And stop waiving your DOllar bill at me while expecting a 1 min. special dance just for u.Start tipping several dollars a 5,10,or 20 if u want a more special dance then all the other guys watching.And I can't spend my whole 3 min. song giving U all the attn. when there are other guys..Unless u give me a decent tip.And if u tell me how to move around(Oh I hate it when they take their pointer finger and circle it as to say,"Let me see ur ass") I will tell u to fuck off.I am a puppet at wk for sure.But not that much of a puppet.I will look hot for u,I will spend $ on the finest outfits,pay to get my hair and makeup done sometimes by the artist that wks there.I will smile even when I am depressed or angry.I will act fun.But,I will not go home w u or back to ur hotel.I will not bend over when u tell me to,kiss ur ass,or show u my tits when u haven't shown me any money.

11. For all the really unattractive guys who sometimes smell bad,Esp. the ones who never show me the $.Why r u surprised when a girl that looks like me tells u I won't date u for free????? U promise a free dinner and fun? I'd rather pay for my own meal and hang out w a cute guy,or my friends.Where the hell does an ugly fuck like u get all that self esteem? Please tell me it's the coke talking.

12. Now,there r girls that will go home w the customer so I can see why u ask.But not me.Yes,I have fucked guys at strip clubs b 4.Thats when I work the naughty clubs.I don't do that shit when I wk for the clean clubs.Esp. bcause what u don't know is there r hidden cameras everywhere.And yes,we the dancer know where they r so the clubs arent just telling us that.But when a girl says no and u try to get her drunk so she says yes..That will b held up in court later so dont b stupid.

13. Most strippers hate when u ball up the $ and trow it at us.We are not animals at the zoo.And even then,u shouldn't treat animals like that either.They only like that at the ghetto clubs.

14. If I am wking at a club that doesn't allow bottoms off."No,I cannot flash u my pussy.I will get fired,and look like a slut".There may not be any floor guys looking,but there are video cameras.

15. Most clubs charge $20 a lap dance(Where I wk).An extra 5 is always nice.And if one of the floor guys brought me over(Or sent me there w/o u seeing that) I have to tip him for that.Not to mention some clubs(I cannot blieve it's legal) take $5 + out of each dance.U can always ask a dancer,"R u going to b able to keep all this money or do u have to share it"?

16. Please don't ask to kiss us.We hate that! That's gross.Do u want to kiss strippers that kiss other guys all night if they r kissing u? Kissing is so passionate and beautiful.ANd to me,should only be done w someone I am really sexually atttracted to.ANd not at wk.Did u see "Pretty WOmen"? Even when I wked at the Bunny Ranch I didnt kiss.And the middle eastern men ask for kisses the most.Why? Their women have to do everything they tell them to.So cant they ask their women for kisses? ANd do not kiss me all over my neck and body.The slobber is gross.ANd I will tell u that and make u go home and cry.So dont umbarrass urself.And if u tell me,"SOme of the strippers like that".They r lying to u.They like ur $,not ur slobber.

17.When u say,"Let me touch ur pussy,that other girl let me".Chances r the girl isnt going to say,"Oh,o.k well if she let u than I will too:.We know that trick.U say that bcause u think we want to compete and b the sluttier stripper.U dumbass.

18. When u say,"I know the business,the whole deal here.I used to date a stripper/fuck one,I'm friends w one,I know the owner,etc.."I know what u r trying to say to me.U want to let me kno that ur ex wife pulled a fast one on u and u arent going to let any dumb stripper scam u out of $." Wa-wa-wa..Whats the scam? U enter a strip club.At that point u should know that u don't have to give anyone of us $ unless u want.There is no scam. U ask how much a dance is.We dance for u,u hand over the $.we walk away.Did I just take advantage of u? The min. u walk in a club u r saying,"I am going to pay extra $ for my booze bcause I am getting the entertainment of women who arent going to nag me,ask me to thake the garbage out,and walk around in curlers and slippers like my wife.

Here's an end note..Let me tell u what it costs to Be a stripper.Bcause u guys seem to think we make TONS of $ and are rich..
DO u have any idea how much a year I spend on Psychiatrist appts. for being in this industry? My psychologist,meds(I am off/on all the time),My makeup which is MAC(A very expensive brand that most strippers use),my outfits(I cant blieve some guys think they supply us w that),the makeup/hair ppl that do us up at wk on the wknds),tipping the floorhosts/DJ/house fee(The clubs charge us to wk.I usually pay $60 a night),the house mom,doorguy,my hair extensions which are very expensive,my acrylic nail appts.my pedicures so my feet are pretty for u.ALso,the business is now oversaturated.There are new strip clubs opening all the time,Girls in high school waiting to be old enough to b a stripper.There r too many girls willing to be the slut I have been for 13 years! I was ridiculed for being a stripper back in 96.Now everyone wants to do it.The $ is not as good anymore.ANd our economy sux now so we dont make as much as u think.

My fucking feet hurt for standing on those clear super high heels all night.
BTW:When u r married(And u either tell me or have a ring) and ask why I wont date u.R u fucking silly? Cause ur ass will cheat on me too! Anyways.I am finally done.I feel like this was very necessary.If 20 ppl read this,and post and copy and tell their friends..I may see more $ on stage,not have guys try to kiss me,get a bigger tip after a dance,not get my ass slapped hard,I may just enjoy my job a little more.I don't mind being the "model" or giving a lap dance.But I just want u to see what we do for u.Chances are,your wife doesnt go out of her way to look her best/spend so much $ ont he way she looks.We do all that for u and we expect to be treated well.
Thank u,Neesa.The crazy fucking former porn film actress who's feet hurt from dancing for 13 years!
wait former porn film actress? Neesa you quit the biz? That's weird...

you are so beautiful though. You are partially why i have a fascination with red heads
Hi Neesa, I just joined on here a couple of days ago and I noticed that you often post on here. It's cool that you like to keep in touch with everyone on here, I'm glad you're not a fake girl. Hope all is well
Hi Neesa, you have been one of my faverite since last year and was surprised to find you posting here. I Join the bulletin just to talk to you. You are so beatiful but i guess it's not the first time you've heard it ^^. I've spend to last 4 hours read this whole thread becuz i find your view, opinions and rant on the porn industry intresting(I never heard of MaxH before but he & his fan disgust me now). like many other i think it's cool that you interact with our fans. You seem a bit sad on your recent posts and i hope it gets better for you.

BTW: Your new look is hot but there was nothing wrong with your old one. but i'm not complaining ;)
#19 (Above all else) Enjoy the show, because home is never that nice.

Ouch I knew some of what your saying N, but man you are raw.... and yes respect is a two way street, thanks again.. and keep em coming.... so to speak...:wave::jump:
I've gotta say you put the most excellent effort in your videos and because of that and your lovely ass, no other girl excited me as much as you do. Thank you.
Thoes are some words of wisdom we all can benifit from! Take notes boys, its doesnt get any easier than a woman laying out exactly what she want like this. Thanks for setting all of us straight on strip club edict. You are an amazing woman and should always be treated so!
Thanks for all of ur comments! I posted that on Craigslist and they either deleted it or put it under a different topic.SO feel free to repost on that site in ur town.To answer u..
I kno I seem a bit sad these days.I am lonely,angry all the time,w/o meds right now,hurt,and bitter.I have been for many months now.I went to the mental hospital and saw psychiatrists/ologists..But after months of still feeling this way I gave up and decided to ride it out on my own.When I look at all the bad things that have gone wrong in my life,most of the time men are the problem.My car accident in 94 was caused by a male drive, recent broken heart caused by a man,etc..I am doing better than I was in the Fall.But still not happy with life.

Tale of a women scorned..

I lost the man I loved so much and I am very angry and sad for that.I cry all the time.I have become anti social over the past few months,I refuse to make friendships w men,I won't date anyone,I don't want to be intimate w anyone.I am a very loyal women.When I am in a relationship with someone ,I treat them like they r my Prince Charming/Knight and shining armour.I will give them the world,I don't flirt w other men(Unless we invite them in the bedroom.I am a swinger).I will make him feel special.And I often wonder,does the next girl make them feel that important? I take losing someone I love harder than ur average person.How do I know? Because I become self destructive.I wan tto make a list of,"If guys understood these things more,maybe relationships would work out better"..See guys,I am very complex.I am always single bcause I am picky and I don't play games.I am not a challenge if I like a guy.I let him kno,and it turns guys off.I will always have a heart and love the man I lost.Noone can take that away.

I love chatting w u guys.As much as I hate men,I don't hate u,the guys that comment on this site to me.Hell,u guys appreciate me more than some of the men I have dated,and family members.U actually look forward to hearing from me,u compliment me,u make me feel good about myself.Sad,but true.I am really tired of being a stripper.
Hiya Neesa,

Big fan of yours here, you're a lovely lady with a killer personality. Always liked watching you and after reading this thread, glad to see we share favorites when it comes to those videos. :) I'm part of another site where someone just made a big fan thread dedicated to you, and someone linked to this topic. Great to see the story behind the star.

Sorry to hear men haven't been very good to you - keep your chin up, people as rad as you always get what they want in the end. ;) Also, a bit off-topic, but I was curious - what kind of music do you listen to, and do you play any video games?
Alot of u r asking me what music I like..Muse,Afghan Whigs,Wham,George Michael solo,Peter Gabriel,Peter Murphy(Bauhaus),Motley Crue,Great White,Sixx A.M(Nikki Sixx's new band),DOwn Tempo music,80's new wave,Psychadelic Furs,Queensryche,U2,COldplay,Cyndi Lauper,SKid Row,Tom Petty,Stevie Nicks,Pat Benatar,Morrisey,SHiny Toy Guns,Assemblege 23,Radiohead,Scorpions,The Police,NIN,Nick Black,(I used to love Poison till Bret went on Rock of love and made me lose interest),New Model Army,Madonna,Linkin Park,Legendary Pink DOts,The Killers,Journey,DJ John B(Which I recorded 2 songs w that r on his cds),Faith No More,GNR,Evanescence,Mr.Bungle,Peeping Tom,Jon Zorn,Electr. Light Orch,Tears For Fears,Def Leppard,The Cure,Cranberries,Cinderella,The Church,Bang Tango,Air.

If u are friends w anyone in th follow. bands and u want to introduce me,please do.
you'll find a man, we know it. And the band, wow i've heard of like 50% of the bands you said, i just kinda like the new stuff. what about movies?
I just got to say that i love your new look. You look amazing. You take such good care of yourself it's inspiring.

I also read the post about strip clubs and you couldn't be more right. I have been to a couple of strip clubs every now and then and all the things you say happen constantly. You have helped me appreciate more the work strippers do.
Welcome "Yorrick","El Gabster","Zebrahead".And anyone else I missed.I am really glad that my news can be insiteful! I hate when people say to me,"I bet you make alot of $".Would you say that to your doctor just before surgery?Then why say it to me just b 4 a dance? It's uncomfortable.It all ready intimidates some of the men I have dated.I am usually the bread winner.I don't mind,but they do.It demasculates them,and it shouldn't.

If I had the patience,I would subtract all my expenses and then figure out my total.Besides.I barely show up to wk.I hate being there.It's not who I am anymore.I like to feel smart.I don't want to be around cheating men anymore.I appreciate their $ which helps me survive.But I have lost trust in all men now.If I worked at a lesbian strip club,I am sure I would lose trust in women.
DO any of u kno how 2 bulid a website? I need one damn it! But Im not gonna pay for it bcause i cannot make $ off it.I cannot sell my vids and pics cause i dont own them.

SUper Bowl SUnday..DO u know that this is the biggest day of reported domestic Violence on women every year? Thats only 1 of the reasons why I hate SBS.I do volunteer wk in that area so tis really hits home.Men get so rawlled up on this day over a fuckin game? A bunch of guys who roll around w guys,pat eachothers butts.And these r the same guys that beat up my gay friends in high school for being gay.ANd me being the fag hag I am,I gotta tell ya.Iv heard this on more than 1 occasion..SOmetimes those homophobes call my male gay escort friends for a blow job on www.erosguide.com.

I was at the gym today and I'm telling u,the testosterone was so ripe in their I could smell it.Mr muscle man wanted to use the "Hip ABductor" and instead of waiting patiently,he paced in front of me.And just wauted for me to give him the machine cause its,"HIS" weekend.I dont kno who he was.But I got up after I was done and laughed.Cause if I didn't,I probably would have said something like,"Its ur wknd bro,SUper fuckin bowl SUnday Woot Woot".
Let me explain something to u..I hate jocks.Guys who look the type.Big muscles,ego,small dick with a big truck to make up for it,attitude,womenizer.I like skinny or average build men.No body hair,facial hair is fine if its trimmed well.No normal look.I like the freaks.I would pick a hot rocker boy who lived in a studio apt. and only made $1000 a week,over a normal looking guy who was a doctor and bored me.I met a really beautiful women recently and I will keep u updated on that. ;)
Hi Neesa. Ive just spent a enjoyable hour reading through the 17 pages in this topic. I love the communication you have with your fans, most models would never share the amount of time and information you just have in this post. I run the site MilfBattle.com, i just got it back up and running after a long vacation. You continue to be the #1 rated Milf on my site, and this topic shows us why! Be Sweet, Stay Strong, & CONGRATULATIONS!