sorry i'm an artist, i can only make simple webpages. i have actually drawn a picture of you. man that sounded creepy but it was like a year ago and i thought you where pretty. but i can't be help for your website
I have an email addy.But not sure if he wants me to give it out.I will wait for his reply.Yes I will get naked.Whts the sybian?
Welcome "Yorrick","El Gabster","Zebrahead".And anyone else I missed.I am really glad that my news can be insiteful! I hate when people say to me,"I bet you make alot of $".Would you say that to your doctor just before surgery?Then why say it to me just b 4 a dance? It's uncomfortable.It all ready intimidates some of the men I have dated.I am usually the bread winner.I don't mind,but they do.It demasculates them,and it shouldn't.
If I had the patience,I would subtract all my expenses and then figure out my total.Besides.I barely show up to wk.I hate being there.It's not who I am anymore.I like to feel smart.I don't want to be around cheating men anymore.I appreciate their $ which helps me survive.But I have lost trust in all men now.If I worked at a lesbian strip club,I am sure I would lose trust in women.
DO any of u kno how 2 bulid a website? I need one damn it! But Im not gonna pay for it bcause i cannot make $ off it.I cannot sell my vids and pics cause i dont own them.
SUper Bowl SUnday..DO u know that this is the biggest day of reported domestic Violence on women every year? Thats only 1 of the reasons why I hate SBS.I do volunteer wk in that area so tis really hits home.Men get so rawlled up on this day over a fuckin game? A bunch of guys who roll around w guys,pat eachothers butts.And these r the same guys that beat up my gay friends in high school for being gay.ANd me being the fag hag I am,I gotta tell ya.Iv heard this on more than 1 occasion..SOmetimes those homophobes call my male gay escort friends for a blow job on
I was at the gym today and I'm telling u,the testosterone was so ripe in their I could smell it.Mr muscle man wanted to use the "Hip ABductor" and instead of waiting patiently,he paced in front of me.And just wauted for me to give him the machine cause its,"HIS" weekend.I dont kno who he was.But I got up after I was done and laughed.Cause if I didn't,I probably would have said something like,"Its ur wknd bro,SUper fuckin bowl SUnday Woot Woot".
Let me explain something to u..I hate jocks.Guys who look the type.Big muscles,ego,small dick with a big truck to make up for it,attitude,womenizer.I like skinny or average build men.No body hair,facial hair is fine if its trimmed well.No normal look.I like the freaks.I would pick a hot rocker boy who lived in a studio apt. and only made $1000 a week,over a normal looking guy who was a doctor and bored me.I met a really beautiful women recently and I will keep u updated on that.![]()
SUper Bowl SUnday..DO u know that this is the biggest day of reported domestic Violence on women every year? Thats only 1 of the reasons why I hate SBS.I do volunteer wk in that area so tis really hits home.Men get so rawlled up on this day over a fuckin game? A bunch of guys who roll around w guys,pat eachothers butts.And these r the same guys that beat up my gay friends in high school for being gay.ANd me being the fag hag I am,I gotta tell ya.Iv heard this on more than 1 occasion..SOmetimes those homophobes call my male gay escort friends for a blow job on
I was at the gym today and I'm telling u,the testosterone was so ripe in their I could smell it.Mr muscle man wanted to use the "Hip ABductor" and instead of waiting patiently,he paced in front of me.And just wauted for me to give him the machine cause its,"HIS" weekend.I dont kno who he was.But I got up after I was done and laughed.Cause if I didn't,I probably would have said something like,"Its ur wknd bro,SUper fuckin bowl SUnday Woot Woot".
Let me explain something to u..I hate jocks.Guys who look the type.Big muscles,ego,small dick with a big truck to make up for it,attitude,womenizer.I like skinny or average build men.No body hair,facial hair is fine if its trimmed well.No normal look.I like the freaks.I would pick a hot rocker boy who lived in a studio apt. and only made $1000 a week,over a normal looking guy who was a doctor and bored me.I met a really beautiful women recently and I will keep u updated on that.![]()
I hate MySPace.I was on their for about 2 years and deleted my acct. over this past summer.It was a personal/friends only page.It ruined several of my relationships.And I don't want to make a Neesa page bcause I do the same thing here.I wouldn't want to reply to personal messages or add comments so I may as well b on here.And I don't want any of my ex's/family/old friends to find me.Everone searches on Myspace..
I have no tattoos and only my ears pierced.I don't see myself getting any.I dont go looking for tattoos and piercing on men,but I don't care if they have them or not.Unfortunately tho there are alot of guys that get tattoos and piercing to pretend they are cool and their dorky personality doesn't go w their bad boy image.Thanks for liking the red hair.I dont expect everyone to like the blonde.The fact is I make ALOT more $ as a stripper w blonde hair.So I made the right choice.
Circa..I have no idea what type of site.I cant resell my vids and pics cause i dont own them.But I am not going to pay for a site when I am not making $ off it.
I spoke with the guy over at the Howard Stern show.Its all set up for me to go on,but they said I have to pay for my airfare,hotel,etc..I don't have that $ right now.I am what they call,"A broke ass stripper".The money isnt there anymore .ANyone wanna make a contribution? If so,just send it to the Howard show,not me of course.
Probably like $250 tops.I am good at getting deals.But then I need 1 night in a hotel.I cant blieve they dont fly us out.ANyways,they wanna make the episode w me mostly about the max story.ABout 1 month ago I guess they had the old hairlip on.Now its my turn to tell the truth.They said they will call him while I am there.Hmmm.Confronting my rapist 6 years later...I told them I would.Thx for the "Milfbattle ad w me hun!"