Need help plz regarding work issue

At my workplace, there is a woman who doesn't actually work there like full time or part time or anthing but comes in once a month for drop in sessions for about 4 hours. We have spoken and have got on very well. Basically to cut the story, I like her so much and but not sure about anything else. Basically, she is leaving and tomorrow is the last day she will be here at my work.

I feel disgusted that I after tomorrow will never see her again. In the past whenever she leaves (knowing that I wont see her for a month) hurt me, hurt me so much I even didn't eat for a few days. I DO NOT know why this is the case. I am 99% certain she is in a relationship anyway but leaving that, I would like to continue knowing her more. Again, i repeat I am not asking for anything at this stage but it will hurt me to see her go tomorrow.

Any ideas on what I could do?
Wow, such a sad tale. I dont mean emotionally sad, I mean pathetically sad. You see her once a month, exchange pleasantries, you give no indication over what lenght of time this has gone on, but long enough for you to observe her timetable so I can only guess its a while.

I appreciate the nervousness involved when it comes to meeting women or making any sort of a move, but good god man, grow a pair! Even if nots a date (which if she is involved that would be totally pointless), it doesnt take much effort to say "wanna grab a coffe?", course given your working relationship (a near non existent one) any move you will make would easily be seen through.

I refuse to believe in the 4 weeks and change between her visits, another girl, an available girl has not crossed your path. why pin your hopes on this one that you cant have? Is it an unhealthy obsession, you cant eat (I almost laughed at the absurdity of that part of your post), that alone suggests this infatuation is an unhealthy one.

Either grow a spine or move on to another victim...I mean girl. Dont sit around pining over one.
Wow, such a sad tale. I dont mean emotionally sad, I mean pathetically sad. You see her once a month, exchange pleasantries, you give no indication over what lenght of time this has gone on, but long enough for you to observe her timetable so I can only guess its a while.

I appreciate the nervousness involved when it comes to meeting women or making any sort of a move, but good god man, grow a pair! Even if nots a date (which if she is involved that would be totally pointless), it doesnt take much effort to say "wanna grab a coffe?", course given your working relationship (a near non existent one) any move you will make would easily be seen through.

I refuse to believe in the 4 weeks and change between her visits, another girl, an available girl has not crossed your path. why pin your hopes on this one that you cant have? Is it an unhealthy obsession, you cant eat (I almost laughed at the absurdity of that part of your post), that alone suggests this infatuation is an unhealthy one.

Either grow a spine or move on to another victim...I mean girl. Dont sit around pining over one.


Yes very funny Zoso, Im happy to play with you in your thread. But dragging it into other threads, and with such poetry as "Troll" is gonna get you banned a lot faster than its gonna get me.
Wow, such a sad tale. I dont mean emotionally sad, I mean pathetically sad. You see her once a month, exchange pleasantries, you give no indication over what lenght of time this has gone on, but long enough for you to observe her timetable so I can only guess its a while.

I appreciate the nervousness involved when it comes to meeting women or making any sort of a move, but good god man, grow a pair! Even if nots a date (which if she is involved that would be totally pointless), it doesnt take much effort to say "wanna grab a coffe?", course given your working relationship (a near non existent one) any move you will make would easily be seen through.

I refuse to believe in the 4 weeks and change between her visits, another girl, an available girl has not crossed your path. why pin your hopes on this one that you cant have? Is it an unhealthy obsession, you cant eat (I almost laughed at the absurdity of that part of your post), that alone suggests this infatuation is an unhealthy one.

Either grow a spine or move on to another victim...I mean girl. Dont sit around pining over one.

thats basically what i am saying, I dont know why this is happening. I have only known her for about 4 months (i.e. seen her 4 times in total at work). And no no other girl at work has crossed my path, well not yet anyway.
I dont wanna seem like Im being harsh on ya fella', but you cant put a woman, an unattainable one at that, on a pedestal. Its already doing you harm and will continue to do more.

You wanna spend time with her outside of work? Invite her out with some friends from work for a drink, nothing to heavy, you wanna keep your senses and not do anything stupid. Keep it light and friendly, dont even make a move until you gauage her reaction, find out if shes involve, ask her about.....her! Then if shes single and youve enjoyed her company in a social encounter (Work and play are two different places to talk) ask her out alone, declare your intentions. Least then you tried or youll know enough to lay the fantasy to rest!
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what the fuck you lookin at?
fuck her
you have an obsession pure and simple. it's not unnatural but not always healthy. the odds are that she is not as "terrific" as you think but you'll never know unless you can get to know her better. if it's possible to find her, i would ask her if she would like to go out for lunch (something/anything safe). if she says, no, then that's it and time to junk the obsession and find someone else. at least you tried. if she says yes, then great and you can get to know her and see what happens.

this i know: i have had several obsessions over the years and never did i get into a serious relationship with one for different reasons. the serious relationship i did get was with someone who i was not attracted to in the beginning... but she worked at it! and that turned out to be the best.
At my workplace, there is a woman who doesn't actually work there like full time or part time or anthing but comes in once a month for drop in sessions for about 4 hours. We have spoken and have got on very well. Basically to cut the story, I like her so much and but not sure about anything else. Basically, she is leaving and tomorrow is the last day she will be here at my work.

I feel disgusted that I after tomorrow will never see her again. In the past whenever she leaves (knowing that I wont see her for a month) hurt me, hurt me so much I even didn't eat for a few days. I DO NOT know why this is the case. I am 99% certain she is in a relationship anyway but leaving that, I would like to continue knowing her more. Again, i repeat I am not asking for anything at this stage but it will hurt me to see her go tomorrow.

Any ideas on what I could do?
I like some of the suggestions you've gotten from other readers. I'm not sure what to tell you. I'm married now, and happily, but I didn't start having much "luck" with women until I was in my mid- to late 20s. Personally, I think dealing with women is kind of a crapshoot. There are MANY factors that go into whether or not one will have any success with any of them so it's hard to pin any one thing down. The best advice I can give you is to do what one of the other posters suggested and ask her if she'd like to go somewhere but while fully recognizing that she might say "No." I think one of the key things is to be mentally strong even though I know that can be VERY difficult. By that I mean - understand that your attempt to further the relationship might not be successful and if it isn't you just regroup and move on. Easier said than done, I know. At least for some people. I've been there, trust me. Good luck!!


The One and Only Big Daddy
The worst thing you can do is not tell her how you feel. The worst thing she can say is I don't feel the same way'but not acting on how you feel is the WORST thing you can do to yourself at least you will know how both of you feel. DON'T LET THIS CHANCE GET BUY YOU FRIEND.I know I have been there and not telling her how you feel will make you feel rotten. I hoped this helped:thumbsup:
this happened to me one time. she was leaving, i was never gonna see her again.

the last time we would see each other, i talked to her. telling her i knew she was in a relationship, and i am not meaning to cause problems between her and her boyfriend, but i told her my feelings for her, and that i was aware that we probably wouldn't have a future with each other, but i just wanted to let her know how i was feeling before we part ways.

best thing i ever did. it was like closure or something. very nice.
this happened to me one time. she was leaving, i was never gonna see her again.

the last time we would see each other, i talked to her. telling her i knew she was in a relationship, and i am not meaning to cause problems between her and her boyfriend, but i told her my feelings for her, and that i was aware that we probably wouldn't have a future with each other, but i just wanted to let her know how i was feeling before we part ways.

best thing i ever did. it was like closure or something. very nice.
I like this one a lot! If you can feel that you can pull it off, I think this is a VERY good suggestion! It may not get you anything more than "peace of mind" but sometimes that's all you really need (or want) from a situation.


The secret ingredient? MY BALLS
At my workplace, there is a woman who doesn't actually work there like full time or part time or anthing but comes in once a month for drop in sessions for about 4 hours. We have spoken and have got on very well. Basically to cut the story, I like her so much and but not sure about anything else. Basically, she is leaving and tomorrow is the last day she will be here at my work.

I feel disgusted that I after tomorrow will never see her again. In the past whenever she leaves (knowing that I wont see her for a month) hurt me, hurt me so much I even didn't eat for a few days. I DO NOT know why this is the case. I am 99% certain she is in a relationship anyway but leaving that, I would like to continue knowing her more. Again, i repeat I am not asking for anything at this stage but it will hurt me to see her go tomorrow.

Any ideas on what I could do?

You talk to her (only at work, mind you) for no more than 4 hours a month (assuming you talk to her for the whole time that she's there, which probably isn't even the case)...umm, let her go? You don't know anything about her, she doesn't know anything about you, so, forget about it.

:2 cents:


Closed Account
As I have always told my friends: When in doubt, whip it out! It can't hurt to show her what you're working with. Plus who doesn't appreciate a good fuck on the job?
At my workplace, there is a woman who doesn't actually work there like full time or part time or anything but comes in once a month for drop in sessions for about 4 hours. We have spoken and have got on very well. Basically to cut the story, I like her so much and but not sure about anything else. Basically, she is leaving and tomorrow is the last day she will be here at my work.

I feel disgusted that I after tomorrow will never see her again. In the past whenever she leaves (knowing that I wont see her for a month) hurt me, hurt me so much I even didn't eat for a few days. I DO NOT know why this is the case. I am 99% certain she is in a relationship anyway but leaving that, I would like to continue knowing her more. Again, i repeat I am not asking for anything at this stage but it will hurt me to see her go tomorrow.

Any ideas on what I could do?

So now you decided to share your dilemma here on FreeOnes with us. Well OK. If I were you, I would stalk her and follow her everywhere. I would find out where she works, where she lives, and where she buys her groceries. I also would try to find out what car she drives, who are her friends and follow her routine down to a T. If you were clever, you can even obtain her cell phone number and email accounts. Considering the fact that you probably don't have a life, I would go on FreeOnes everyday and give updates on your [searching for] love saga. :D

Just an idea. :thefinger



Ask her to do go out and do somthing with you as a friend till you know more about the situation and become more comfortable. There will be a point though when you need to realize that girls see you to much of a friend and won't date you though. This isn't always the case, but i've seen it happen before.